
The Pokémon Go Tag

Happy Thursday friends! Today I’m bringing back an old tag, I was tagged by Beth @Reading Every Night to do the Pokémon Go tag, remember that was a thing? Let’s get started!


  • Other than mentioning the creator of the tag, Aentee at Read at Midnight, there are none. Just have fun and feel free to use Aentee’s images.

Possibly a Series of Unfortunate Events, the Ramona series by Beverly Clearly or it could have been Judy Blume’s Fudge series, I read a lot back then too.


The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde… it’s almost re-reading time again! 😁

That Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas. I may still read it one day, just not now.


There are quite a few but the one that sticks out to me is The Magisterium Series by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. It’s very Harry Potter, but I still enjoyed them.

Outlander. I want to read those books, but they look huge.

Life of Pi was one of the first books I stayed up reading.

This is a hard question. I may have to go Sydney and Adrain from the Bloodlines series. To me they were just perfect, I know people don’t agree, but that’s my stand! 😝

Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo was super fast paced. I have yet to read the last two, but I do plan on doing that in the near future!


I’m going to have to go with the Mortal Instruments here. I love the Shadowhunter world.

I want to say Percy Jackson because I didn’t think I’d like them as much as I do. I’ve only read the first two, but so far I want more!


The Bone Season I keep hearing a lot about, and no matter how much I hear about it I still can’t wait to start reading it!

The new Harry Potter Illustrated editions. They look so beautiful.

I barely keep up with new releases, and I know it’s already been released but I an’t wait to read The Hate U Give. That sounds like it will be a powerful read.

Probably Stephen King.


Lord of Shadows. Ever since I heard there was going to be another trilogy, I’ve been excited to read it!


I’m not going to be tagging anyone because I’m sure this has gone around a few times. Feel free to do this tag if you haven’t already!

5 thoughts on “The Pokémon Go Tag

  1. Great picks for this tag Meghan, and yeah I definitely remember when Pokemon Go was still a thing, for a couple of my friends it is still a thing!
    I am currently reading The Son of Neptune in the Percy Jackson world and it’s amazing, I hope you get a chance to continue with that series soon because every book I’ve read so far has been beyond amazing. And oh I really really hope you love The Bone Season as well, that’s a all-time favourite series of mine and I hope you enjoy it! I’ll be looking forwards to seeing your review once you have read it that’s for sure! 😀
    Also plenty of people are waiting for Lord of Shadows at the moment, not much longer to go until the release date. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Beth! Really? I thought the game was dead. I don’t know anyone still playing it.
      I’m on to the third Percy Jackson book now; Titan’s Curse, and it’s just as good as the first two! I don’t want them to end!
      Haha, it may be a while before I have a review for the Bone Season, I’m hoping before the month is over to get to it, but we’ll see.
      I know! Less than two weeks, I won’t be home when it comes out so I’ll have to wait, but I’ve waited this long, a little longer won’t kill me! 😛 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s all right, and yeah I’m kind of surprised they’re still playing it but they’re competitive people and don’t really wanna stop.
        I know that feeling, there are still a lot of books in the same world though so the series likely won’t end for a while! 😀
        Well, I’ll be looking forwards to it no matter how long it takes. 🙂
        It’ll be worth the wait I reckon.


  2. Fun fact: I still play Pokémon Go XD But not as much as I used to, mainly because I get very little free time now…
    Totally agree with you on Outlander and Shadow and Bone! I hope you get to read the sequels soon ^^ Oh, and this reminded me I need to get back to Percy Jackson now that there are more than five books out (yes, it’s been a while since I last picked it up hahaha)
    Great tag, Meghan! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Really? There are still people out there who play, I’m surprised! Haha there are so many books in the Percy Jackson world & I’m happy about that because I really like Riordan’s writing! Thanks Sophie! 🙂


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