Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: The Harry Potter Studios (London)

Hi everyone! First off happy Friday! Who’s excited for the weekend? I know I am! Welcome back to another Flashback Friday, today I’m going to be taking you guys inside the Harry Potter Studios in London! 🙂

This was definitely a very big highlight on my trip. I hope you enjoy the photos. There are quite a few, you will see:

  • sets from the movies
  • costumes worn by the actors
  • props
  • miniature sets
  • architectural drawings and sets


Thanks for viewing! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Photo Blog: The Harry Potter Studios (London)

  1. Oh gosh now my own memories of my visit came back! ❤
    Really need to go back, since they didnt have the Hogwarts Express or the Forbidden Forest then! Nice pictures 😀

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