Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Desolations of Devil’s Acre

Hello friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all having a great week so far. Today I’m posting my review of Ransom Riggs’ final novel in the Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children series, The Desolation of Devil’s Acre.

You can read my review of the first three novels: Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children
You can read my review of book four: A Map of Days + Tales of the Peculiar
You can read my review of book five: The Conference of the Birds

The Desolation of Devil’s Acre

The Desolations of Devil’s Acre by: Ransom Riggs: One final battle looms in the distance as Caul has returned and he’s stronger than ever. Jacob and Noor find themselves alive and have to make it back to Devil’s Acre to reunite with Miss Peregrine and the Peculiar children to band together and get help from every possible source from every possible time period to help take down Caul once and for all. The final novel in the Miss Peregrine’s series and it did not disappoint. This was so action-packed and full of unpredictable scenarios, although some moves were somewhat predictable, but they had unpredictable outcomes. This novel started off great, it had a recap of the previous novel, without making it sound like a recap; it flowed right into the story and what was going to happen. The reader really appreciated that because it didn’t feel like it wasted time jumping into this novel by summarizing the previous one. The plot was so good and at times so intense; this novel never had a dull moment and even though it was just over 500 pages long, it never felt that way because it was so fast-paced and had so much going on. The addition, like all previous novels, of the photos really gave great visuals and an even more creepy vibe to the story. This novel really took the characters to new highs for one last time. This really showed how far they’ve come from the start of this series to now. Riggs had his characters, mostly Jacob, reflect on their past and how they’ve grown, each individually and as a family. That’s what they’ve come to feel like to the reader, a family and it was sad to see them go. We also got to see how far they were willing to go for one another; the growth was just so well done. Overall, this did a great job of giving these characters a nice send off, while having one last great battle; it was a fun, engaging and captivating read.  

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