Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: A Map of Days + Tales of the Peculiar

Hi friends! Happy Thursday, I hope you’re all having a good week. Today I’m going to be posting my review of A Map of Days by: Ransom Riggs. I’m also going to be posting my review of Tales of the Peculiar.

Once upon a time I thought this series was a trilogy and so I’ve posted my review of the first three novels and you can read them here: Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children #1-3

This year I’ve finally gone back to the world and read the next two instalments to this series, today I’ll be posting my review of book #4 plus a bonus review of the novella, Tales of the Peculiar which I read back in November and, well, never posted my review 😬

A Map of Days

A Map of Days by: Ransom Riggs: After destroying the monsters in the peculiar world, Jacob finds himself back in Florida with his peculiar friends. When they discover a bunker that Jacob’s grandfather used, this opens up so many mysteries as to who his grandfather really was and what he was doing. This quickly leads he and his friends on a mission to help an American peculiar, which sounds easier said than done. This novel took the series to a new high. This started off slow and at first the reader didn’t think, after the well-rounded ending we got in Library of Souls, that this novel was needed, but as the story started to progress and the reader dived a little further, it was clear that Riggs’ has plans for this series. The plots were so good and some were really poignant. The reader wasn’t sure where any of the story was going; it felt like there were so many directions this novel went in, which sounds like it was hard and confusing to follow, but it wasn’t and adventure after adventure it was interesting to see what would happen next. This novel really taught that every action has a consequence. The characters have really grown since we first met them in the first novel; they are starting to act more for themselves and they just want to do good. The main character, Jacob, felt a tad annoying in this novel because he kept going against what everyone was telling him because it seemed to be doing more harm than good, but the ending really saw Jacob, hopefully, making a comeback. The reader will just have to find out in the next novel. As for this instalment, this one really pulled no punches; it let the reader explore a lot more of this world; to find out more of the rules and laws and to see new and old characters all play their roles. It was entertaining and super engrossing.


Tales of the Peculiar

Tales of the Peculiar by: Ransom Riggs: A novella that dives deeper into the world of the peculiars. Told in the format of fairy tales, this takes readers on adventure after adventure through different types of peculiars and to learn about some of their origin stories. All of the stories were fun and well written. Each story took a complete and different look at peculiars and it really added to the overall world that Riggs has created. Some stories were more engrossing than others, some were more gruesome and some were more heartfelt, but all of them had a lesson to be learnt and that was really enjoyable. The illustrations were also a nice added touch and it really illuminated and brought the stories to life. This is definitely a fun and fascinating read for those who are fans of Riggs’ work and the world he’s created because it lets the reader fall in love with it all over again.

13 thoughts on “Review: A Map of Days + Tales of the Peculiar

  1. Can tales of the peculiars be read as a stand-alone? It sounds interesting to me…plus I like the cover… yes I’m shallow 😅😅😅😂😂😂

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    1. I think it can be, it’s fun and gives you fairy tale like stories of peculiars, but you don’t have to know who the peculiars are because it’s more like a guide to them… if that makes sense 😅
      But I agree with you, the cover and the whole book is just really pretty! 😃

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    1. Right!? I read it last November and I loved it… that was obviously before I decided to re-read the series from the beginning but it’s still so good on its own! 😊

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    1. Oooh I’m glad to hear it! I hope you decide to try this book, I thought it was really good… I’m really happy with where this series is going!


  2. I loved the original trilogy and was super nervous when I found our Ransom Riggs was coming out with more books. It just felt like the story wrapped up really nicely and like…why? I am tempted to pick up these books though, or maybe do a reread of the original three and then dive into these!! I’m happy to see that you enjoyed them, I might just have to do it!! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel you, I was the same way too. I decided to re-read the original trilogy and that really helped me get into this book, so I’d highly suggest it! 😊
      Thanks! I hope you decide to read it! I think it’s worth it! ☺️

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