Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Gail Honeyman’s novel Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine.

Read more: Review: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by: Gail Honeyman: Eleanor has been completely fine living her life alone; she has her routine and she’s very happy to stick to it, that is, until she meets Raymond. Once he’s entered her life she starts to break away from her routines and going out more, which she’s learning, she’s come to like. This novel had so many emotions. At first the reader had to get used to Eleanor as a character, she was very hard to read at first because she saw the world as so black and white and she’s rigid in her thought process and logic, but over the course of the novel she opened up more and became more enjoyable to read. The plot definitely did take the reader by surprise a bit by the end. There were moments that were more predictable than others, but the ending truly shocked the reader. Reading all of the adventures that Eleanor found herself going on had the reader flipping pages and wanting to read more. This wasn’t fast-paced, but still had enough going to keep the reader’s attention. The plots with her mother were the most emotional and slowly learning of Eleanor’s past, little by little, was well done because it didn’t feel like information overload, but like putting pieces of a puzzle together. Aside from Eleanor being a bit of a hard character to read, she was also a very developed character with a lot of depth to her. Her growth was beautiful to read; it wasn’t always easy but it felt real and raw and left her in what felt like a better and healthier person. With the addition of Raymond in her life, Eleanor really learned the importance of having people in her life and it was so heartwarming to read; their friendship was truly something special. Raymond was also a very rounded character and the reader enjoyed that he wasn’t portrayed as the perfect man come to save Eleanor, but he was flawed and average man who just liked her company. Overall, this was a moving novel of finding yourself, working through traumas and most importantly the significance of friendship.

3 thoughts on “Review: Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine

  1. I LOVE YOUR REVIEW!! I read this three years ago and I vividly remember how I felt throughout the book, especially the last chapters. This is such a special and unique book and I’m happy you enjoyed it too! 🥰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw thank you so much, Karla! 😊
      Right?! The end was such a shocker for me, I was SO not prepared for it. I’ll definitely remember this story!


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