Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Lost in the Moment and Found

Hi friends, happy Friday I hope you’ve had a good week! Today I’m posting my review of the eighth novel in Seanan McGuire’s Wayward Children series, Lost in the Moment and Found.

Read more: Review: Lost in the Moment and Found

You can read my review of books one – five: The Wayward Children Series
You can read my review of book six: Across the Green Grass Fields
You can read my review of book seven: Where the Drowned Girls Go

Lost in the Moment and Found

Lost in the Moment and Found by: Seanan McGuire: After running away from home, Antsy finds herself in the shop where lost things go. Too bad she won’t find her lost father there, he’s passed on never to be seen again. Now, she is lost and the shop opens its Doors to her, but with every Door she steps through, there’s a price to pay and leaving the shop for good might be harder than she expected. This novel was very hard hitting; dealing with child abuse, the innocence of youth and the loss of childhood, once it’s gone it can never be found again. McGuire did a phenomenal job of creating a world so intricate and not shying away from tough subject matters. The way she was able to blend the bad with the magical was really well done; it felt seamless and left the reader with hope. This was for the most part fast-paced, there were moments in the middle where the plot dragged a little but otherwise this had the reader on the edge of their seat trying to figure out how it was going to end. The way this ended felt promising of good things to come after everything the main character endured; like she was going to be okay, which left this feeling heartwarming in that sense. Plus, seeing a glimpse of the Wayward’s school was a nice touch to bring us back to the world. Our main character was so well-developed who was so strong, and a force to be reckoned with. Everything she had to learn along the way were such important life lessons and it was sad to see her realize some of those things because she was way too young to be learning them. When she comes to the realization her childhood is gone, it was so heartbreaking because she never really got to have one. This really tackled grief in different ways as well as being unheard and misunderstood. In the end, this was another good installment to this series that brought up important topics, yet took the reader through the magic of good and evil.

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