TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Awkward Season 4

Hi everyone! Welcome back to TV Tuesday! This week I’ll be talking all about Awkward season 4!

From left to right: Desi Lydic as Valerie Marks, Nikki DeLoach as Lacey Hamilton, Beau Mirchoff as Matty McKibben, Ashley Rickards as Jenna Hamilton, Brett Davern as Jake Rosati, Jillian Rose Reed as Tamara Kaplan, and Molly Tarlov as Sadie Saxton.

It’s senior year! With this comes a lot of crazy stress. Jenna wants to get into a good school, but she’s struggling to figure out what she’s good at, and how to make herself look like the perfect student. She’s now single and really focusing on school, but she still can’t seem to stop thinking about Matty. Now that he’s single (as he and Bailey didn’t last long at all). So now Jenna still thinks she has a chance. Ugh, when will this Matty Jenna will they won’t they be over?

Jenna also opens a big question with Tamara, the big O. Tamara admits to not always having an orgasm or having one at all. So now Jake wants to please her but it just doesn’t work out. Now Tamara is thinking about masturbation, a dirty word in her head. Tamara has become a raging bitch with all her responsibilities that letting off some steam on her own helps. It’s an interesting plot to explore.

We have a new girl, Eva and she befriends both Jenna and Tamara after the orgasm conversation and she tells Tamara how is a guy supposed know her body if she doesn’t know her own. Good advice.

Jake has this whole new look this season. He’s playing guitar with the floppy hair. It’s a little strange but let’s see where this will go.

And Sadie is also a raging bitch, but when is she not? She’s bitchier than normal, and we find out that she has a part time job at a German food truck, and when Jenna finds out she gets even more bitchier.

Also during cheer squad Sadie looses it when she  doesn’t win cheer captain but Lissa does. Now they’re not friends anymore, uhhh.

Also Ming is gone. Not that she made the show much, but she’s been written off to some other country? State? I don’t want to say she’s forgettable, but she’s kinda forgettable.

So Jenna ends up sleeping with Matty and now we’re back in the whole awkward stage yet again. During Jake’s music video Jenna trips and breaks her tooth. Matty comes to her rescue and I like how they go into some detail about how Jenna pictured a guy coming to her recuse. I like how this show puts into perspective how girls think, and what actually happens because they are always so far off. So while he’s searching for the first aid kit he finds a whole lot more.

Now that he’s found out this big secret, he’s treating Jenna like shit and she thinks it’s because of their one night stand. When he finally does tell her what’s going on, it’s like bam! Apparently he’s adopted, and his parents never told him and no matter how many times he tries to bring it up with them they don’t get it.

When Jenna goes to get her tooth fixed her mom tells the dentist to take out her wisdom teeth so that it’s done and over with. This means Jenna can’t talk, which leaves her becoming a very good role model.


Her search for extra curricular activities is still on and so she becomes a peer councilor. Because she can’t talk she just nods and that seems to be the best advice. So when she can talk she gets paired with a thug wanna be sophomore named Prudence, but she goes by Angel. It’s Jenna’s job to set a goal for her and help her to try and figure out who wants to be. Turns out, she wants to be 16 and pregnant, yikes. Jenna feels like she’s failed at that task.

Man, so it’s spirit week and it’s seniors vs. the sophomores. Or the sophomore sluts. They continue to win every competition and when it comes to the girls football game, it turns into this whole cat fight with hair pulling and all. And they loose.

And talk about drama. So Matty and Jenna aren’t talking, Jenna is mad at Eva for being with Matty (even though they never slept together) and Tamara and Jake are fighting, even though they are broken up. She’s so obsessed with him and wants to know what he’s doing, so what does she do, oh she creates a fake profile Autumn. The funny thing is Jake hates Tamara but thinks Autumn is so cool. Ha! I bet this will be some weird plot to get them back together. It’s also funny how much Jake missed texting Autumn because she’s technically away.

Jenna, her parents and Tamara go on a school tour of Southern California university where Jenna’s dad went. It’s funny, her mom gets asked to a party, and in the end Tamara is at a party. Turns out it’s the same party that Jenna’s mom got invited to.

While away Jenna meets Luke her guide, and he’s a mysterious reader/writer who she can’t help but like. She ends up at some writers party where she hooks up with Luke.

The day after the party, the girls have their interviews and Tamara totally botches hers because she’s hungover, but Jenna totally ruled hers.

So while the girls are away at SCU the boys, plus Sadie plan to hang out, then Eva invites herself. Everyone just hates Eva, and I thought she was cool to start, but now she just annoys me. She thinks she’s all that, and can get whatever she wants, so Sadie and Eva battle it out all night.

Hahaha, Val thinks the reason that Matty is acting out is because he’s gay. Oh boy. The only one who knows the truth is Jenna but after the drunk night he tells Sadie. I like how nice she is to Matty.

They have this boy pageant where things go down. We all know things are going to explode. So finally the cat-fishing is over, Tamara lets slip very loudly that Autumn is Tamara and Jake is pissed. I hate how jealous and angry those two get, even Jenna is getting annoying.

So Jenna is officially dating her college boyfriend Luke. Her parents decide to ask him to come to this thing and well that doesn’t start off so well. Matty decides to do stand up and uses his hidden adoption as the target for his anger. Jenna tries to stop him, and that leads to her abuse by Matty. She sees Luke leave and thinks he can’t handle her, turns out he just went out to get things that will make her feel better. What a sweet boyfriend.

There’s this concert they bought tickets for when Jenna and Tamara had boyfriends. So they don’t know what to do. Luke tells Jenna to go with Matty but Tamara and Jake can’t even talk to each other, so Tamara is going and Jenna sets up Matty with Eva. That’s when Jenna starts to feel jealous, ugh.

Austin and Sadie are also there and so Sadie makes a comment they need booze.

Well let’s just say they do not make it to the concert. They stop for fake IDs and they don’t really make it past then. They get the IDs, so they start to go to the store, when Tamara gets her phone stolen, and two seconds later her car gets towed.

So they have to call Jake. He shows up but he’s been drinking, and so has Matty, so Eva goes to call an uber. That’s when the cop shows and arrest Jake and Matty.

Eva is nowhere to be seen. She’s the one who knows the place to get the IDs, the one who says it’s okay to park there and of course she has a criminal record and can’t be caught again. Wow.

The two make it through prison somehow. Jake has to go to the bathroom the entire time, which is weird. And Matty has a long conversation with a lawyer who he thinks is a thug who killed someone. Yikes.

It’s Sadie who breaks them out of jail. Speaking of Sadie, Eva is blackmailing her with a picture of her and Matty. So Sadie tells Austin about the picture and that they kissed once. Austin freaks and breaks up with her. I actually feel bad or her because Austin was good for her.

And once the boys get released, Jake freaks at Eva, but Matty does, and he wants to be with her. Whhhhhyyyyyy.

So while the boys get arrested (as they have no idea happens until later) Jenna and Tamara go to visit Luke because she misses him. She runs into him kissing a girl, who turns out to be his gay best friend Brenda.

Woah, is Tamara going to end up being gay? Because she ends up sleeping with her. I can kinda see Tamara being into girls.

So after the crazy night, we’re back on the college hunt. That’s when Jenna and Tamara realize that they may not be going to the same college.

Wow Eva is a bitch. She deletes the email that Jenna sends to Matty for his college application. He gets really mad at Jenna and tries to ruin her date with Luke and Tamara, but Jenna knows that Matty isn’t her problem anymore. She tells him he knows where the key is so that he can get the file himself, so he does. Then the bitch decided she’s going to leave her underwear in Jenna’s bed to make it look like they did it in her bed.

So at school Jenna gives her underwear back, and tells her she knows that Matty would never do that so she doesn’t know what Eva’s problem is.

Ugh she makes me so mad!

It’s the senior ski trip, and boy do we have a crazy time, but what else would you expect?

So before they even leave, Sadie gets kicked off the bus for hitting Eva. Eva just opened her big mouth about the kiss they shared again.

So I just want to add that I kinda like Sadie now. I know I’m doing a flop from earlier seasons but she’s grown on me, and Eva is an even bigger bitch. She makes me so angry.

Now that Sadie has gotten herself kicked off the trip she enlists her new “friend” from her food truck job, who she has this weird flirty relationship with, to help her find information on Eva. She goes to her house only to find out that it’s not her house and Eva isn’t her real name. Her real name is Amber and she lives in this small shack with her grandmother who has memory issues. Her bedroom is covered in maps and how to get Matty and how to get all the girls out of his life, she’s a complete psycho with a lying disorder.

Sadie tries to warn Matty but she starts talking into the phone before she finds out who’s on the other side of the phone, why would you do that?!?! So now she knows Sadie’s on to her. Instead Sadie trecks  up to the mountain to enlist Jenna to help her.

Well Jenna does want to help Sadie but in doing so, she risks her relationship with Luke. He’s getting tired of how obsessed she’s getting with Eva and he thinks she needs to get all of her high school issues out of the way, and so he breaks up with her, sadface.

When Jenna actually tells Sadie, Sadie is actually sorry because she knows what it’s like to have a boyfriend taken by Eva.

So the two girls try to confront Matty about her, and well things don’t go well as Matty still doesn’t believe them and Eva is still playing the victim. She tells Matty she has something to tell him and of course she tells him she’s pregnant. Now I don’t believe her and neither do the girls, but she has a positive pregnancy test, although those are easy to fake so I’m still not convinced.

Also on this trip, Jake and Tamara finally make up and are no longer enemies. Finally.

Finals are upon us and everyone is worrying anything but finals.

Lissa is now hooking up with her new brother who they just adopted. He claims because they aren’t blood related it’s okay, but she feels like it’s sin.

Now Sadie knows Lissa is seeing someone, but she doesn’t know who. Lissa pretends it’s Jake, but it doesn’t last long. I wonder how long it’ll take for everyone to find out about her brother.

Jenna is worried about Matty and Luke. She goes to give Luke a care package, and he’s with another girl.

Wow Jenna’s mom is actually right about Jenna studying during her finals instead of wallowing. This is a first. Omg if Eva does something to Jenna’s test, gaaawwwwwd! I have no words.

So Eva wants to tell Matty’s mom, he doesn’t want to, but he tells her they should get married. While shopping for rings Matty puts all the clues together to find out that she’s lying about everyyyyything.

HA! I knew she faked that pregnancy test, turns out a girl named Gloria is pregnant and Eva bribed her to make it seem like she was pregnant.

YES MATTY! He tells her off, and it almost looks like he’s going take her back but then he lets her go. Thank you!

New Year’s Eve is here and Matty tells Jenna he wants a quiet night. She thinks it’s the two of them turns out he invites Jake. So she invites Tamara and it’s kinda lame.

Sadie is at her mom/aunt’s party and it is lame, so she invites the whole school district and it becomes a rager.

Matty and Jenna plan to cockblock each other all night. They plan to spend midnight together, but they can’t find each other so Matty spends it with his mom, and Jenna with a new man named Owen… a sophomore.

Omg Lissa’s family is so weird. First her dad is gay, and I think her mom wants to fuck her adopted son, talk about nuts. OH does her dad like their adopted son too? OH

Matty’s mom is at the party and she gets drunk, but they do end up forgiving each other.

Everyone is finding out if they got into the schools they applied for, and Jenna finds out that she didn’t get into SCU, and that was her dream school. She kinda freaks out and takes it out on Owen. He so desperately wants to be with Jenna, but she doesn’t want to date anyone, especially someone younger than her.

Well she goes to apologize to him and they end up sleeping together and turns out he’s a virgin.

Okay plot twist, turns out Tamara hooked up with Owen too. Yikes. So now Tamara is angry at Jenna, ugh.

So there is this whole phone book that rates girls and it’s super mean, so during the bonfire Matty burns the book, but what does Tamara do, she creates this database which gives guys hashtags. It’s just as mean and quite frankly annoying.

So Matty is obsessed with this girl Gabby, a complete athlete and has no time or patience for him. It takes him forever but he finally she agrees to go on a double date with Sadie and Sergio.

It’s a flop of a date but in the end he gets through to her by telling her it’s not him not taking a challenge, its her. She should get to know him before she judges so hard.

I also want to say that I love, love, love Sadie and Sergio. They are super cute!

When Jenna and Tamara work out their issues, Jenna wants to delete the database and finds out that she can, so she does. Well Tamara is not happy about that because as soon as she does it tells you who created the database… and it’s Jenna.

The whole school hates her and that ruins Valentine’s Day. So Jenna wants to make it up to everyone by getting a party bus. That fails so hard. They play a game of never have I ever, which as you can guess didn’t turn out well. Jenna’s emotions for Matty sparked up again when she sees him with Gabby. They get to the dance is lame. But Lissa finds some molly and is completely high which ends in her kissing Sadie which kinda breaks the ice and everyone isn’t so mad at her. Plus Tamara comes clean that she helped Jenna create the database.

And Tamara and Jake have another go at sleeping together and it seems Jake has learned a thing or two from his older woman.

It’s Matty’s 18th birthday and his girlfriend wants it to be perfect so she asks Jenna for help. At first Jenna thinks it’s because she’s one upping her, but in the end Gabby wants to truly be friends. So Jenna tells her all the things Matty likes.

Jake takes him to a strip club and it’s Tamara and Sadie who have to put on a bit of a show to get them out of the club to the party.

Matty gets an envelope that tells him who his real parents are. He doesn’t want to know, so he goes to Jenna to drink with him and open it with her. Plus she needs a bit of a drink as she thinks she got into college, but it turns out her mom did. I’m proud of her mom for getting in, but I can see where Jenna’s coming from.

So when they drink and find out Matty’s mom doesn’t want to be found, but his father is Daniel. They end up kissing. Ugh.

So now Jenna feels bad because she’s friends with Gabby. She wants to tell her, but she doesn’t want to at the same time. In the end Matty tells Gabby they talked about Jenna’s mom and Jenna thinks it’s about the kiss, so the truth comes out and now Gabby can’t stand Jenna but forgives Matty. Ugh now Gabby’s being a bitch.

Sadie has to make this video for Colombia so that she can get a scholarship. She has to make them see the real her and so she gets Jake to put it together and he gets her goooooood side, she kinda deserves it.

She’s gotten really nasty lately and Sergio is trying so hard to get to stop putting down others, stop being racist, and just stop being hateful. I wonder how long they’re going to last.

It’s when she meets a guy at a bar who tells her she’s beautiful that she realizes Sergio is her perfect guy. We find out her insane bitching is because she’s afraid of missing Sergio when she goes away to school, as cute as that is, ugh Sadie is such an annoying character, who I can’t help but love to hate, and love again.

Spring break is here and everyone is going to Mexico to Ally’s beach house. This is where Jake and Tamara find out they are big in Japan, and they also get back together. Almost.

Instead when they go out Tamara meets a guy named Adam, who makes her speechless, and he’s shipping out for duty soon and so they get engaged. She thinks he’s leaving like in a few days, turns out it’s 9 months and so Adam wants to get married soon. Yikes!

Lissa comes as this bad bitch who is willing to do anything. She sleeps with Tyler and they find out they aren’t really made for each other.

Matty goes to find his bio-dad which I have my doubts about. He’s kinda a bum. But he’s supposed to go with Jenna, but then Gabby shows up, and they go together. I have a feeling that Matty doesn’t even like this guy and wants to tell Jenna, but he doesn’t want to ruin things with Gabby. 

It’s one hot mess.










And because Matty ditches Jenna she finds a man, Brian.

And I knew it!!! So Jenna’s mom has been feeling weird the whole trip so when her husband finds her, she tells him she’s pregnant.

Now she doesn’t know if she can go to school, but when she tells Jenna, Jenna pretty much tells her she’s going.

Ohhh myyy gossshh. So because Matty doesn’t want to talk to Gabby about anything, she finds comfort elsewhere, with Jake.

Jake tries to tell Matty about sleeping with Gabby, but Matty puts words in his mouth by saying ‘I know what you’re going to say’ and he thinks it’s that he’s not right for Gabby. Jake just rolls with it, I have a feeling that this won’t actually blow up.

And you know why, because Matty still has feelings for Jenna and when her mom tells him to let her go because he’s broken her heart too many times she tells him he’s had his chance. When he sees Jenna with Brian that’s when he really knows he’s had his chance.






I like how we added these two random guys this season who are gay and party boys and just seem to know everything and how to do it. They really add a layer to the show that is more fun and funny without being so utterly racist; like these guys are the opposite of racist. Even though they are kinda douche they are also kinda sweet.


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