Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: La Belle Sauvage

Hi everyone, happy Monday! Today I’m going to be reviewing the first book in Philip Pullman’s new trilogy La Belle Sauvage.

La Belle Sauvage

La Belle Sauvage by: Philip Pullman: Ten years before everything that happened in His Dark Materials comes a story about a boy named Malcolm who sees and hears everything. When he overhears a spy talking about Dust he soon becomes involved in this chase, a chase that is all wrapped up in a baby named Lyra. This novel was absolutely gorgeous. The writing was perfect; descriptive enough without giving too much away. The storytelling was phenomenal; the reader got completely lost in the world and that made it an exciting read. The pacing was done really well; it started off slow but really picked up. Things lulled by the end but the reader knows there is more to come. It was fun being in this world, seeing new and old characters. The characters really drove the story and their interactions and relationships with one another was heartwarming at times and cold and calculated at others. This first novel really set up what is to come, and the reader can’t wait to see where this trilogy takes off to.

8 thoughts on “Review: La Belle Sauvage

  1. Great review for this book Meghan, and oh I am so glad to see you enjoyed this one as well. 🙂 I still have The Book of Dust on my to-read list because my sister’s brought my a copy for Christmas, so I’m going to need to wait until after Dec 25th to read it for myself. This was one of my most anticipated releases of the year so I’m thrilled to see your positive review for it. I really hope I enjoy it as much as you did, I can’t wait to jump back into the world of His Dark Materials and read more of Lyra’s story. 🙂
    Again great review! 😀

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