
The Liebster Award II

Hi guys! Happy Thursday, and Happy Valentine’s Day 💞 I hope you are all having a good week. Today I’m going to be doing the Liebster Award. I was tagged by the lovely Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts, be sure to check her blog out! 🙂

The Rules

  1. Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award.
  2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger gives you.
  3. Nominate 11 blogs.
  4. Notify those blogs of the nomination.
  5. Give them 11 questions to answer.

  1. What is the longest slump you’ve ever been in?

This is hard to answer because when I slump… I still read. I just read a lot less in the hopes that my reading mojo comes back.

       2. Do you prefer ARCs or finished copies of books?

I’ve never read an ARC so therefore I can’t answer this question accurately.

3. What is your favourite review you’ve ever written (not based on views/likes, but your feelings)?

I have written hundreds of reviews, this is hard. I do surprise myself though every once in a while and I’ll go, damn where did that comes from? My recent review of the second book in the Traveling Pants series, The Second Summer of the Sisterhood was like that… review will be on my blog later on once I’m done the whole series.

4. What was the last song you fell in love with?

Numb Without You by The Maine. ❤️💞

5. What type of YouTube videos do you most commonly watch?

This is going to be such a sad answer, but I don’t watch YouTube videos. I’ll watch some booktube videos but I’m subscribed to anything.

6.  Do you have a favourite holiday? If so, why did you pick it?

This seems to change every year. Some years I go crazy for Christmas and I do everything possible for it, some years I go really crazy for Halloween; it really depends on my mood.

7. Be honest: have you ever bought a book mostly just for its cover?

Yes I have… and I still haven’t read it. Sorry, The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon.

8. Do you like to keep your books pristine, or “live in” them with highlighters, tabs, annotations, etc.?

This is hard because I like both. I love keeping my books in the best condition ever, but at the same time when there is a little love in the crack of the spine I’m okay with that too.

9. What is the most money you’ve ever spent on one book, and would you do it again?

Like Jenna mentioned, university textbooks were a hefty sum, would I do it again, if I had to. Otherwise I really couldn’t tell you what my most expensive book is.

10.  Do you use any method to keep track of your TBR, like a TBR jar, spreadsheet, notebook, etc.?

I have a dedicated notebook for all the books on my TBR that I’m close to reading… otherwise I have a folder in my email filled with Goodreads recommendations.

11. Roughly estimate this one: how many more books can you fit on your current shelves before needing a new bookcase?

Oh, I just cleaned my shelves last month and I want to say that I have room for a whole lot more. I’m not going to throw a number out there, but a whole lot, armfuls and armfuls full!

Questions for you:

1. What is the longest slump you’ve ever been in?
2. Do you prefer ARCs or finished copies of books?
3. What is your favourite review you’ve ever written (not based on views/likes, but your feelings)?
4. What was the last song you fell in love with?
5. What type of YouTube videos do you most commonly watch?
6. Do you have a favourite holiday? If so, why did you pick it?
7. Be honest: have you ever bought a book mostly just for its cover?
8. Do you like to keep your books pristine, or “live in” them with highlighters, tabs, annotations, etc.?
9. What is the most money you’ve ever spent on one book, and would you do it again?
10. Do you use any method to keep track of your TBR, like a TBR jar, spreadsheet, notebook, etc.?
11. Roughly estimate this one: how many more books can you fit on your current shelves before needing a new bookcase?

Jenna has the right idea with sticking with these questions, for the most part I found them easy to answer!

I tag:

Richa | Alicia | Ashley | Alex | Jill | Stephanie | Elsie | Tiana |  Elaine | Heather

As always, don’t feel pressured to do this tag! 🙂

10 thoughts on “The Liebster Award II

  1. Man … I wish I still read during reading slumps … …that’s a gift, my friend! No shame with YouTube … I waste SO many hours on it, so don’t start … it’s a TRAP!! I also like having some books pristine and others more worn; it depends on the book. Ooooo … I always flip between Christmas and Halloween as well lol!! Halloween won in 2018.

    Thanks for the shout out! Lovely post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, that’s a positive way to look at it. Sometimes it makes it worse, and can drag the slump on, but sometimes it really helps!
      Ha! I watch enough stuff so I don’t need any more! 😛
      You’re welcome! Thank you for tagging me! 🙂 I enjoyed answering these questions 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on the aware Meghan, I really loved reading your answers for this tag. 🙂
    Every year I go crazy for Christmas, it’s my favourite holiday and will probably always be my favourite holiday (we don’t really celebrate Halloween over here in the UK). Also The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon is one of my favourite books, I love it and hopefully when you get around to it you’ll love it too.
    Great post. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Beth! 🙂
      Ah, I’ve heard that y’all don’t celebrate Halloween, but Christmas is fun! 🙂
      Thanks! I really don’t know when I’m going to get it to, but someday soon! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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