Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: These Vicious Masks Trilogy

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas’s trilogy These Vicious Masks.

These Vicious Masks

These Vicious Masks by: Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas: When Evelyn’s sister Rose goes missing, she takes it upon herself, with the help of a man named Mr. Kent to go looking for her. Once she starts her search, she realizes that she’s not the only one looking for her and that Rose is in a lot more danger than they thought, when it’s found out that both Evelyn and her sister have healing powers. This plot was entertaining and it was well thought out. The world opened up slowly and that helped the reader to understand it. The story had originality but at the same time felt like something that’s been done before, which isn’t saying that it’s bad, but it didn’t feel new or fresh. The characters were written well and stand on their own. The amount of things that happen to them is not only entertaining to the reader, but it sharpens them as characters. The way this ended leaves it open that more is to come and to be back in this world wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

These Ruthless Deeds

These Ruthless Deeds by: Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas: After suffering from a devastating loss, Evelyn has now devoted her life to use her powers to save other gifted people. But when things go horribly wrong with a telekinetic girl, she finds herself involved with a secret society who recruit and protect people who are gifted, but she can’t help feeling there is something else going on. This novel was easy to read; the plots weaved in and out of each other with ease and the reader found it effortless to follow along. The characters were well written and developed nicely throughout the novel; maybe a little slowly, but it matched the pace of the story. Characters are definitely tested and it was exciting and a little thrilling to read. For the most part this novel kept the reader invested and engaged; there were moments throughout that wavered a little, but overall things moved well. The world building is growing, and it’s continuing to take shape, which is leaving the reader more invested in the trilogy. That ending left things on a bit of a cliff hanger; now the reader is left waiting for the next book to find out how the story concludes.

These Vengeful Souls

These Vengeful Souls by: Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas: Evelyn is on the run with a man who has deadly powers, Sebastian Braddock, and they are trying to get away from Captain Goode who wants to take Sebastian’s powers and use them for evil. Now all Evelyn wants is to see her friends again and to take down the evil Captain Goode, but things don’t always go the way they’re supposed to, and she must make hard choices in helping everyone stay alive. The plot was simple and easy to follow; it really picked up near the end and it was quite the journey, but also a very pleasant reading experience. The world building as well done, the whole concept of having these powers was used so well to tell the story and it was also used well to help shape and grow these characters. They definitely grew from beginning to end and it was fun and enjoyable to read. The characters were created just right; they weren’t too over the top for the reader to love or hate them, they were very neutral. The ending was definitely sweet and really tied up loose ends and finalized the trilogy for the reader. The author really took the plot to the end of the novel for the reader to find out how it all would go down, leaving this novel page-turning until the end. Overall, this trilogy as a whole was wildly entertaining with great storytelling and interesting plots to let the reader sink into.

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