Monthly Wrap-Ups

April 2019 Wrap-Up

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! I hope you’re having a great day, and that your April has been fantastic. Now it’s that time of the month to recap what went down, let’s get into it!

If you missed March’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
‘Salem’s Lot
The Throne of Fire
The Star-Touched Queen









Still reading ‘Salem’s Lot. I’m way into the depths of part 3 and King’s got this back and forth way of writing where you’re really invested and you’re about to figure out what’s going to happen next, but then he switches to talking about a very minor character for a few pages and that takes the reader out of the story. I’m at page 570 out of 653 so I’m very close. I have 4 more weeks until I’m finished. I’m very curious how it’s going to end (I have been for a while), next month’s update I will be finished!

I’m also reading book 2 in the Kane Chronicles, The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan. I’m really liking the sibling dynamic in this trilogy and the plots are fun.

Lastly, I’m currently reading The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. So far I’m enjoying it, but I’m only about 100 pages in, but I’m probably going to continue on with it.

What I read this month:

I read a solid books this month. I can’t complain, my reading mojo is back and I’m getting through at least 2 books a week. I’ve also picked up my Instagram game… although if I’m being completely honest, social media is really tiring sometimes and just trying to keep up, me oh my!

Watcher in the Woods (Rockton #4) by: Kelley Armstrong
The Unwanteds (Unwanteds #1) by: Lisa McMann
Lily and the Octopus by: Steven Rowley
The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles #1) by: Rick Riordan
How to Disappear by: Ann Redisch Stampler
Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by: Rachel Caine
Island of Silence (Unwanteds #2) by: Lisa McMann
Paper and Fire (The Great Library #2) by: Rachel Caine

And a bonus, I Instagram-storied my unboxing of The Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Claire

Book Reviews this month:

These Vicious Masks (These Vicious Masks #1-3) by: Tarun Shanker & Kelly Zekas
The Mirror Thief by: Martin Seay
Wayward Children (Wayward Children #1-4) by: Seanan McGuire
Bloodwitch (The Witchlands #3) by: Susan Dennard
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants #1-5) by: Ann Brashares
The Girls by: Emma Cline

Currently Watching:


Season 15
Season 6
Season 9









Season 2
Season 3
Season 1










Season 35

I’m down to two of my go-to shows: Grey’s Anatomy is still kicking around, and Station 19 is still going strong.

I’m still into Brooklyn Nine Nine and I’m not disappointed; there is at least one thing each episode that makes me laugh so I count that as a win.

I’m finally all up to date with Bob’s Burgers. Now I just have to wait for the last new epiosdes of season 9 to air… boo! I loved binge-watching this show.

I’m still watching The Office and continuing to fall in love.

I just started watching YOU on Netflix, holy crap! I’m addicted! I just can’t help but watch, this show is so creepy, yet it hooks you in!

Jeopardy is still going strong, they just recently wrapped up taping season 35 and Alex says he’s ready for 36, so that’s a good sign. Plus watching that gambler James win over a million in two weeks has been something to see!

And lastly, the NHL playoffs started… and, yes, they are still in full swing, but my good ol’ Maple Leafs didn’t make it past the first round again… damn Boston… I am not a Boston fan.

What I Watched this month:
Season 3
Season 3
Season 5









Captain Marvel
Season 2
A Monster Calls









The Dirt
Dumb and Dumber To









Season 5
That Awkward Moment
Pet Sematary









Kim’s Convenience came to an end at the beginning of the month, I’m really hoping for a season 4! The same goes for This is Us, this also came to a close, but with so many unanswered questions, that I hope get answered in season 4.

Gotham aired its final episode last week and it was very bittersweet. I’m going to miss that show. It ended well, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some sort of reboot happened in the coming years.

I made it out to the movies this month and I caught (finally) Captain Marvel, this was such a great film, and you can read more of my thoughts.

I’m continuing my journey with The Office. There was this rumour that was going around that it was going to be taken off Netflix, and I freaked out because it would be Bob’s Burger all over again, but I found out that Netflix has a contract until 2021 so I should be well done with the show by then!

Technically, I watched A Monster Calls last month, but I posted my thoughts this month, since I was late to writing my review 🙄

I’m a fan of Mötley Crüe and when Netflix just randomly started playing the trailer for The Dirt I couldn’t help but add it to my list to watch. I have to say though, I’m fine with liking their music and just not knowing all the shit and antics they pulled.

I watched Brooklyn one Sunday night, and it was such a beautiful film about an Irish young woman immigrating to Brooklyn, New York. This was so moving, I was going to write a review but I don’t know what more to say than it was beautiful, it made me cry and I know what it’s like to be part Irish part Italian.

I also watched Dumb and Dumber To I really enjoyed Dumb and Dumber so I thought this would be fun to watch, and it was, but I’m thinking maybe my sense of humour isn’t the same as it was when I was a teenager.

I almost forgot, how could I forget? I watched season 5 of ER. My comfort show, which sounds weird as it’s very emotional at times, gruesome at others, but the main characters have found a way into my heart so I overlook everything else.

My last Sunday night movie of the month went to That Awkward Moment and it was a very last minute decision, and it was the best. Holy, I love this movie, so much more than I thought I would. It was sweet, it was funny, and I could watch it again.

Closing out the month, literally I saw this yesterday, me and a co-worker went to see Pet Sematary do you know how hard it is it to see now that Endgame is out? If I’m feeling it, I’m going to try and have a review up Friday.

TV Tuesday Posts:

A Series of Unfortunate Events Season Three
The Haunting of Hill House

Posts from the Month

Music Monday: Lover Dearest by: Marianas Trench
Music Monday: One Week by: Barenaked Ladies

The Wonderstruck Book Tag
The Sunshine Blogger Award VI
The Perfect Book Tag

Alright, we are four months into the year and into Spring so I’m looking at all the positives. Although I didn’t do anything the first weekend of the year, I did do some things the first week of the month. My dad and I had a father/daughter date to go see Captain Marvel (such a great movie!), we had the entire theatre to ourselves… until the movie started and 2 people walked in 🙄. Because we were the only ones, we had to go get someone to turn the movie on… 😅 After that we went out to dinner to Shoeless Joe’s where they had 3.99$ mixed drinks, hello vodka cranberry! The food was good too!

The very next night my work team finally, finally, went out for our Christmas party… yes we know we are months late. We went to this steak house called Chop, where I had Haddock instead, because I don’t eat beef. The Haddock was blackened and had maple glaze on top, somehow it was so good!

I’m finally starting to put my trip together. I bought a Britpass, which will allow me to travel throughout the UK by train. That was a whirlwind to process. First it was in US dollar, which hurts when the CAD is not close to par, then I had to pay for expedited shipping… only for my credit card to decline the purchase. 🙄 Luckily my mum was able to put it on hers. The next day I get a call from the credit card company that my card has been frozen until I confirm that it was me making the purchases. My goodness. Then I had to play a game of tag with FedEx as they tried to deliver it twice, but it was always when I wasn’t home so I had to go pick it up before they sent it back to the sender, which would not have been good. All of that to say, I do have it, it just needs to be authorized at a train station.

I’ve also started looking at things to do, and man the list is endless… or that’s how it feels.

I made brownies with nuts for the first time… I’ve never made brownies with nuts before, and man I thought I completely botched it, but apparently I didn’t! I made them for my co-worker for her birthday and she l-o-v-e-d them! Sorry, no photos because I thought it didn’t come out.

Work, has been, I don’t even have a word to describe how crazy, stressful, annoying, frustrating, it has been. All I know is that I just want to go in, do my job, and go home.

Easter came and went. I hope to those that celebrate had a happy Easter. I ended up making a lemon, poppyseed loaf (seen above) to bring as dessert, and it was a smash hit, which I’m really happy about because I was seriously starting to doubt my baking abilities.

My brother moved back home for good. He’s completely done with school, so me and my dad moved him in the rain 🙄 but, we did stop at an antique barn to look around. I almost bought a Stephen King book, but I held back. My brother ended up with 2 glasses, a beer glass and a Montreal Canadiens mug.

Ending out the month, my family celebrated my mum’s birthday by going out to an Italian restaurant. The food was very good, I had a ravioli type pasta filled with spinach and cheese. It was delish, but it just feel like enough so I was there to pick everyone else’s plate 😂. We also ordered dessert, I ordered Tarufo, that is my go-to Italian dessert. The ice-cream in a ball, vanilla on the inside, chocolate on the outside. 😋

Now I’m in the process of getting a spa day prepared for my mum, I’m hoping for it to happen in May sometime… but as I look ahead, next month looks like it’s going to be very, very busy!

Like I mentioned above, I ended the month going to see Pet Sematary in a dime theatre in the basement of a strip mall. It felt very 80s-90s and it felt very fitting to see Pet Sematary there. My co-worker has been there before, but it doesn’t get any better than 12$ for a movie, large popcorn and a drink, like that doesn’t happen anymore. We’ll definitely have to do it again.

Alright, that has been my month… how has your month been? Seen any good movies? Done anything cool? Explored new places? Let me know! 😀

This was the title of a chapter in a book I was reading, and I fully agree!

I will end on this photo, as my brother thought he was being funny by making coffee in this mug for me 😂

17 thoughts on “April 2019 Wrap-Up

  1. It looks like you had a fun month! I need to watch “Brooklyn” and also read “Lily and the Octopus”. I am now reading “The Editor” by the same author and am impressed so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Ah yes Brooklyn 99 is great, I’d definitely recommend it.
      I would also recommend Lily and the Octopus, even though it’s sad, it’s very well written. I’ve heard great things about The Editor. I know it’s completely different from Lily, but I’ve heard it’s great.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. AH! I’m so excited to hear of your update on Salem’s Lot! Since reading my first King novel last summer, I’ve been wanting to read every book of his since. I’m currently about 100 pages into The Stand, and I’m already sucked into it.

    I also tried to read Lily and the Octopus a little while back, but I ended up DNFing it for some reason I’ve long forgotten – I hope you enjoyed it!

    Lovely post!


    1. Oh! That makes me excited to see someone excited about my Stephen King adventures! What novel did you start with? Man, good luck with reading The Stand… I haven’t read it yet, I own it and it’s close to 2000 pages (I have the uncut edition). I’ll be reading it after The Shining, as I’m reading his work in order, and I’m re-reading the books I’ve already read a chapter a week so it’s a huge project I’ve given myself.

      Aw, I adored Lily and the Octopus. I found it so sweet and heartwarming and now I want my own pet!

      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It was actually my first Stephen King novel! I absolutely fell IN LOVE with that book (it’s now one of my all-time favorite), and I’ve since read The Outsider, Elevation, The Body, and now The Stand.

        That’s such a great idea to read his work in order! Have you had a favorite so far? I’ve been told that The Shining is one of his best, but also one of his scariest.

        I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed Lily and the Octopus! I definitely need to pick it up again.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh, IT was such a good book! I loved it and I can’t wait to re-read it! 😀 I haven’t read any of the books you’ve read, but I will at one point!

        I think so, that way it helps keep me in check to what I’ve read. I’ve been trying to keep statuses on my Goodreads and Twitter, I think I may even start Instagram stories for it… I don’t know why I didn’t think about it before I started the project!
        IT is probably my favourite right now, next to the Mr. Mercedes trilogy. OH and how could I forget 11/22/63, that’s a fantastic novel!
        The Shining was actually the first King work I read, and I’m very excited to re-read it after Salem’s Lot!

        I would highly recommend Lily and the Octopus, so I hope you read it! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m excited to hear all your Stephen King thoughts! As far as I’ve heard, he’s definitely an author that has hits and misses, so I’m interested to hear what ones you end up loving!

        Instagram stories sounds so intriguing! I feel like that could give you a really personal and detailed format for all of your updates and statuses. I’ve heard INCREDIBLE things about 11/22/63, and I NEED to get my hands on it!!

        I’ll for sure pick it up again!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. He definitely does have hits and misses so I’m interested to see where his writing goes!
        At the end of this month I’m hoping to have all my thoughts on Salem’s Lot up!

        Yeah, I think I’m going to start my stories once I finish Salem’s Lot, that way I can start the Shining off right from the beginning!

        Yes! You do need to get your hands on 11/22/63! I hope you enjoy it! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I suppose when it comes to Christmas parties better late than never right? 😀 Though it must have been a little weird celebrating in April.
    It seems like you had a great month Meghan, I really hope you continue to enjoy The Star-Touched Queen, I really love Roshani Chokshi’s writing, her duology is a favourite of mine and I can’t wait to get started on The Gilded Wolves which is high on my TBR list for sure. I’m really really glad you enjoyed Captain Marvel, it must have been strange having so few people in the cinema though, personally I find it hard to picture a Marvel screening that has less than a packed cinema. Also I really need to start You, I’ve heard brilliant things about it and it’s on my to-watch list. The problem is I have too much on my to-watch list at the moment! 😀
    Great recap, happy reading and I hope you have a brilliant May. 🙂 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, this is true. It was kinda weird, but our waiter played along so it was hilarious! 😂
      Thanks, I’m hoping to finish it tonight… possibly and I’m liking her writing.
      Haha, right! But it was an early showing in the middle of the week so sharing the theatre with like 2 other people was fun.
      Ah! I feel that, I have lots on my mine too. I didn’t realize at YOU came out in December; I thought it had come out a few months ago 😛 But I”m happy I’m finally getting to it! I can’t wait for you to watch it! SO. FREAKING. GOOD!
      Thank you Beth, I hope you have a lovely May too! 💞🌷

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Did you go all out, have crackers on the table and wear Christmas jumpers? 🙂
        That’s all right, and yeah that probably explains it. I guess most people would have been at school/work maybe. It’s been out for ages but you got around to it sooner than I did so you’re not the last to get into it. I can’t wait. I’ve heard amazing things.
        Thanks Meghan. 🙂 ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We were thinking about dressing up, but then we decided not to 😛

        I really hope you get to it soon, so good! I’m almost done and every episode is just crazier than the next!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Love the kitty mug!

    I watched You last month. I kinda liked it up until halfway. Then i was just huffing and puffing about the differences with the book. Like, i thought in the book they got the timing right and that made things even more tense, but it felt like in the series things happened too fast, without anything really leading up to events and it lost some momentum. My friend who never read the book loves it tho 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you! 🙂

      Ah! I’m sure that with knowledge of the book your experience would be different. I’m sorry that the TV show didn’t go the same way as the book. I don’t think I’ll ever read the book, it doesn’t seem like something I’d want to read now that I’ve seen the show.

      Liked by 1 person

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