Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Paperweight

Hi everyone, and happy Monday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Meg Haston’s novel Paperweight.


Paperweight by: Meg Haston: Stevie is stuck in a life she hates. Dealing with the death of her brother, which she blames herself for, and her issues with her weight, her father has sent her to a centre to help her overcome everything. Signed up for a sixty-day program, Stevie plans to escape before then, as there are only twenty-eight days until the anniversary of her brother’s death. This novel was hard hitting and really took on mental illness. This novel did a good job of portraying what people who are bulimic go through. The plot was good, it did get to a point where the reader wasn’t sure where the story was going, as the middle of the novel got muddled down with prose, but as the reader moved through the gripping tale it became clear what could happen. The characters were very well created; Haston gave her characters a story, and gave them more than just their illness. She gave them a way to help themselves, and it showed readers that it your illness doesn’t always have to be who you are. This is a worthy read to dive into.

3 thoughts on “Review: Paperweight

  1. Great review for this book Meghan, it sounds like an amazing read as well despite the muddled middle. Did you find that changed your overall opinion of Paperweight or was the ending enough to pull it back together for you? Either way it sounds like the character development was wonderfully done, which is always nice to see in books that deal with hard-hitting subjects like mental illness can be.

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