Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Autopsy of a Boring Wife

Hi friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a great week so far! Today I’m going to be reviewing Marie-Renée Lavoie’s novel Autopsy of a Boring Wife.

I read this for my Canada Reads project (reading all the nominated books for #CanadaReads).

This novel was originally published in French and was translated by: Arielle Aaronson

Autopsy of a Boring Wife

Autopsy of a Boring Wife by: Marie-Renée Lavoie: When Diane’s husband tells her he’s leaving her for another (younger) woman because she bores him, she takes it to heart. So furious at the situation she ruthlessly breaks furniture, gains a new crush and acts a little reckless on her entertaining and not boring journey of recovery. This was a very fast-paced novel that really brought focus and thought into marriage and how mundane it can get and what can happen when love just isn’t enough. This was such a short novel, but it sure packed a punch and left the reader with so many visuals. The different situations that the main character, Diane finds herself in throughout the novel spanned so many emotions. The writing was really well done; Lavoie really captured a character who is going through a marriage ending, from the point of view of the woman, and encapsulated all of the emotions that go along with it. Each chapter was a new journey in the Diane’s new life as she started over. Some were truly hilarious and some more heartbreaking but overall it was engaging and captivating to read. The way this was written, like a woman giving advice, really let it sink in to the reader that this could be you and that’s what made Diane as a character so relatable, real and raw. We hear about men leaving their wives for younger woman constantly so the story isn’t new, but the way Lavoie shaped this story brought in a fresh perspective. As much as there was a lot of sorrow, there was a lot of light and happiness too and Lavoie balanced the two very well. This was a well worth, short read.