Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #32 πŸ–

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 907
On page 349
On page 61

The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde; 74% of the way; I finished the poems this week and I’ve started on the letters and essays section. The first letter, wow it’s basically a tell all to the guy who had him imprisoned; their relationship, before and while in prison and it just talks about so much – I’m still not finished it as it’s a good 80 pages, but I would like to hug Oscar Wilde now.

The Bachman Books; 37% of the way; I’m continuing with The Long Walk and it has been slow going, but it seems with every chapter we get a glimpse of how the main character got to be on the Long Walk and how it works… I wish we would get longer passages with more information than these short bursts of info.

Alanna The First Adventure by: Tamora Pierce. I started my first audiobook ever last week and this was what I chose. I like it because it’s middle grade and very easy to follow along, plus this series has been on my TBR for a loooong time. The narrator for this does different voices and I’m not a huge fan of it, but I’ve come to accept it. As for the story, I love a good twin tale and this one has Alanna pretending to be a boy so she can do what she wants, and her brother can do what he wants. Obviously this story follows Alanna but I’d like to know how her brother us doing.

Lastly, I’m reading The Midnight Bargain by: C.L. Polk. I started this today and I’m not very far but the writing is really charming and the story sounds so magical so I can’t wait to continue.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Our Dark Duet by: Victoria Schwab. What I loved was how the ending felt final – I really like final endings when it comes to any type of series (duology, trilogy, series). I also really loved the friendship between the two main characters. As for the plot it fell a little flat for me.

I also finished Dear Miss Kopp by: Amy Stewart. This is the 6th book in the Kopp Sisters series and I enjoyed being back in this world. This was all told through letter writing, which I love, but some of the letters felt too dialogue heavy to be in a letter. I can’t wait to read the next novel though; these women are so great!

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #31 🎑

Review: A Song of Wraiths and Ruin

Let’s Talk About… The Stand (2020)

Review: Autposy of a Boring Wife

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Nyx @Drizzle and Hurricane Books gave a great list of books to transition from summer to back to school – this was an awesome list and fun idea! and Marie had a great list post about 10 friendships in YA books – I LOVE when books have a good friend plot (see my above comment on Our Dark Duet 😊)

This week started off with a birthday dinner for a friend. Another indoor dining session with a larger party. It was a good time, with good people and food.

This week was also library week, I’m telling you these weeks keep slipping by. I’m very happy to have some new reading material!

Again, I’m posting this a little early because I’m off to go eat sushi with friends! 😊

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 7. Lane has her babies! Little boys, watching Zack freak out about being a father was cute and having Luke have to talk him down, that was great. The baby shower they threw for her was awesome too. I’ve always thought the Lane/Mrs. Kim relationship was interesting and watching the baby shower episode again was eye opening where Lane just knows her children won’t want to read the Bible or go to church and so she gets into a fight with her mom… and it’s Lorelei who has to talk Lane down to say, you don’t know what your kids will be into. Just because you’re into/not into something, doesn’t mean they won’t be. I thought that was a really great lesson, and it also teaches not to force and expect your kids to be you because they’re their own person.

What I’ve watched:

Just Like Heaven; I didn’t expect to like this movie as much as I did. I saw Mark Ruffalo was in it and was like let’s see how this goes… it was actually really good. Yes, it had such cheesy moments that I rolled my eyes, but it was such a warm and happy movie. I would definitely watch it again.

Pride and Prejudice; I admit it, I’ve never seen this movie before. I read the book years ago and enjoyed it, but I never truly got the hype… but I get it now! I loved this movie. I honestly didn’t think it would be for me and I don’t know why because it was SO good. I love the back and forth with Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, I didn’t realize they never kiss the entire movie, what a tease! I also love the way the movie ended on Mr. Bennett giggling like a school girl.

The Duff; this was a love/hate kinda movie for me. There were moments I really did like and thought were funny – I loved Alison Janney (come on, who doesn’t?!) and I loved her character and the way she and Bianca’s relationship was portrayed, such a good mother/daughter relationship. I admit I did like the whole plot with Bianca and her neighbour Wesley, I like that they could be 100% real with each other (even though I knew where it was going from the start). I did hate the whole meaning of ‘Duff’ but I do like that they try to deconstruct it… even if it wasn’t always great.

Orange is the New Black; season 7. Man, this season – in the end I really loved it. This season was all about making change, well the whole point of the show was to make change in the prison system, but this season really pushed it. I think the final episode really showed it in fast succession. As for the characters, I liked where most of the characters ended up. Some I was sad to see had heartbreaking endings but some of my favourite characters got really good, and honest endings. I’m happy I stuck through to the end of this show because it was a good ending.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

7 thoughts on “Weekly Update #32 πŸ–

  1. Thank you so much for sharing my post! ❀ I agree with you about the Duff, some moments weren't just that great and I feel like the movie as a whole could have been a lot better

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome! πŸ’•
      I agree, there were so many moments that could have been done better, but overall I did enjoy watching it!


  2. Lovely Wrap up!! and YAY so Happy you watched the Pride and Prejudice movie! Welcome to the hype haha πŸ˜‚The Duff is one of my comfort movies and I watch it every year! I like the chemistry between the actors but I agree that the concept is not so great! πŸ₯°

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! Aha yes, I feel happy to be on the hype train! 😊
      Right?! I was like, uhh really? I knew that they were going to end up together I just didn’t know when or how, but I knew from the beginning it was going to happen. πŸ˜‚

      Liked by 1 person

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