Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: A Blade so Black

Hello my friends, happy Wednesday! I’m back to posting reviews on Wednesdays now as I have my weekly wrap ups coming out on Fridays. Today I’ll be reviewing A Blade so Black by: L.L. McKinney.

A Blade so Black

A Blade So Black by: L.L. McKinney: Alice has a double life. By day she’s a regular teen who goes to school with her friends and lives with her over-protective mom; by night she’s a warrior who fights Nightmares in Wonderland. When her mentor, Hatta, gets poisoned she must do everything in her power to try and find the antidote, even if that means going to a part of Wonderland she’s never been before. This was such a fast-paced and fun read. The plot was non-stop, which left the reader constantly flipping pages wanting to read faster to find out what was going to happen next. The pacing was great, even though it was really fast, the reader enjoyed the ride. The story was fun and the reader enjoyed getting to know the world and its characters. For the first novel, there was a lot to introduce and McKinney did a good job of ensuring everything flowed and made sense. Even though the reader is familiar with the classic story of Alice in Wonderland, McKinney put a twist on the traditional story and made it her own with her own set of characters. These characters were spunky, bad ass warriors and the reader loved getting to know them. The reader wished they’d been a little more developed but hopefully in the second novel we’ll get to see more character development. That ending, the reader couldn’t believe how it all went down, but the epilogue has the reader so ready for the next novel and what is going to come. This was filled with so much action and suspense with a little bit of drama thrown into the mix that it was hard not to be swallowed up in this story.

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