
Bookish Book Lover Tag II

Hey guys it’s Friday! I always want to burst out into that Rebecca Black song from like 5 years ago when I say that. Anyways, I’m ending this week like I did last week with a book tag! I want to thank Sam @ onebookishgirl for tagging me! Let’s get started!

Before I begin, yes I did this tag a few weeks ago, or maybe it was a month ago now I can’t remember so I thought I’d do this one a little differently. I’m going to (try) and answer all these with a gif- sound fun?

The Rules:

  • Use the banner!
  • Answer the questions with LOTS of book covers! (in my case gifs ha!)
  • Tag your bookish friends!


Books are you currently reading?
Gossip Girl. One day I’ll finish this series.


The last book you finished?
Undertow by: Michael Buckley


Favourite book you’ve read this year?
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera.


Genre you’ve read most this year?


Genre you’ve read least this year?


Genre you’d like to read more of?
Thriller, or horror.


How many books have you read this year – and what’s your goal?
I’m at 92 out of 105 currently at the time of writing this.


Last book you bought?
I haven’t bought a book since August.


Book you’re saving up to buy next?
Which ever, not really sure.


How many books you last checked out of the library?
I just got back from the library today and only checked out one book.


Book you can’t wait to read?
The Cursed Child.

Series you recommend to everyone?
Does it have to be a series? I would say Stephen King’s Bill Hodges trilogy I have been telling people about, so good! 

Author you’re hoping writes more?
I’m going to cop out here and say what I did in the other tag, and that would be Chris Colfer.

A few books your heart adores?
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
It wouldn’t be a book tag without me mentioning this one ha!

Series’ conclusion that makes you sad?
Any series really.

Books on your wish list?
All the books. 


Guess what, if you feel like doing this tag, I say go for it!


13 thoughts on “Bookish Book Lover Tag II

  1. Great answers for this tag Meghan. I still have More Happy Than Not on my to-read list but I hope I enjoy it just as much as you have. Also I can’t believe the last time you brought a book was August. How do you do it? I’m on a book buying ban but still the last book I brought was like three hours ago when I ordered something on Amazon. I need help!
    I hope you really enjoy The Cursed Child, I really loved that book, mainly because of the nostalgia but it’s a good story as well. And good luck with your reading challenge as well! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Beth! 🙂 Ha! I’m not really sure, when it comes to books, most of the time I know I will only read it once so it makes me want to buy less. I don’t really know how else to describe it. I have that issue with tea, I’m always buying tea- I need control there haha!
      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s all right! I feel like the opposite, I want to literally buy every book I can get my hands on and nothing will stand in my way, not even my rapidly declining bank account funds! 😀
        Oh I buy a lot of tea a lot, I am completely addicted to green tea especially.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Gosh it’s definitely a guilty pleasure! I didn’t get into it until university and by then it was way over, but one of my best friends was obsessed so I checked it out! The books are WAY different than the TV show. I think I like the TV show better.
      I agree, not all books have that raw truly heart wrenching feel like More Happy Than Not.


      1. I actually didn’t get into the TV show as much! I watched a few episodes, but as soon as the story deviated it just felt weird to me, haha. But I love looking at screencaps and recaps and stuff – they wear such great clothes. 😂

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