TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Podcasts

Hi guys! Welcome to TV Tuesday. Today is a little different, since I don’t have any TV shows to gab about I thought this would be the perfect time to talk about all the podcasts I listen to. I’ve wanted to post this for a while, so I’m glad it’s finally happening. Let’s get listening shall we? 🙂

I’m going to start with the podcasts that are active and posting regularly, and then move into the ones that have either ended, or on hiatus at the moment, all while being in alphabetical order.

Best of Friends

This is a TV podcast that hosts, Jamie Woodham, and Erin Mallory Long (and in the beginning Krista Doyle was also a host) take listeners through every episode of friends. It is a big challenge, but we are up to season eight now and I believe they are going to accomplish what they started! I love how funny these guys can be; they are seriously entertaining for anyone who loves the show Friends.
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Big Gross Movies

A Canadian podcast, but don’t let that steer you away! This podcast picks a year and watches that year’s grossing movie, (using American ratings). Hosted by comedians Dave Atkinson, and Meg MacKay; not only do they watch and talk about the movie of that year, they talk about significant moments, and firsts of the year, but also my favourite: Canada Corner, a segment where they talk about Canada pertaining to the year, Timbits, I’m sorry!
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Dear Sally

I just recently started listening to this, I’m literally three episodes in, but I love the two girls who host this show. Hosted by Jamie and Maria, these two really dig in deep about the plots and issues of the show. This is another TV show podcast going through every episode of Felicity.

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Gilmore Guys

I feel like if you don’t know about this podcast, you are out of the loop. Two guys from L.A talking a show called Gilmore Girls. They have successfully broken bounds and are talked about everywhere. I even went to see them live. (Yes I saw a podcast live, and I have no regrets.) Anywho’s hosted by Kevin T. Porter (a long time Gilly) and Demi Adejuyigbe (a first time Gilly) the two go through every episode of the show. They are very close to the end, and I don’t know what I am going to do when it ends. They also have exclusive “Gilmore Gabs” with the cast and crew, it’s one of the best podcasts I listen to. Be warned, they go on tangents about nothing related to Gilmore Girls, which leads to an almost 3 hour podcast, you have been warned.
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Gossip Guys

Like Gilmore Guys, Gossip Guys is hosted by two guys, Andrew Greene and Aaron Davitian, who go through every episode of Gossip Girl. Not as quirky as the Gilmores, but this podcast has it’s deeming qualities. The two have a lot of fun retelling, and trying to relate to the characters on the show. They also have created a Never Have I Ever game using the Gossip Girl board game. This podcast is fun and simple.

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The Gotham Podcast

From the DVMP Empire comes a podcast about the TV show Gotham. Hosted by Mike and Dave, these two talk in so many words about the show. Yes this is a TV show podcast, but I don’t listen to it for a recapping of the episodes or to hear what they think of the show, but to find out information on the show. These two don’t take the time to go through the whole episode, but speed through it, so if you’re looking for something in depth you’re best to look elsewhere. But if you want to find out cool things it’s worth a listen. Raging from anywhere between 5 minutes to an hour.

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This is another new podcast for me. I recently started listening to this and completely fell in love. These two ladies Deanna Cheng and Emily Foster try to figure out todays culture, what’s “hip” and “cool”. Still being a youth myself, there are still things that I don’t even know, like this whole new Twitter slang “shook”. I’m still not quite sure about that one, but I’m sure these ladies will be talking about it. Grabbing a youth for every episode so they can learn just a little bit more.

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The Once Upon a Time Podcast

Another podcast brought to you by the DVMP Empire. This one has gone through a lot of host changes, but it’s final line up is Lisa, Cheryl and Megan. These ladies have really taken in and dived deep into the episodes and it’s very entertaining what their thoughts are on the episode and what’s to come.

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Reply All

This is a podcast about the Internet, that is what they claim. True to their word these two, PJ Vogt and Alex Goldman find the most absurd stories from the Internet and dissect them. Like did you know there was a place where you can buy and sell breast milk, or that there is such thing as email debt forgiveness day? These two find some of the best stuff, and it’s always so good.

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Stuff You Should Know

I’ve been listening to this podcast for almost two years and I’m still not caught up! Hosted by Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant, the two take on any topic ever known to man and try to educate the public on it. A little witty, and little serious and it makes for a good time. The title of the podcast says it all!

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You Must Remember This

Hosted by Karina Longworth, she dives into Hollywood’s untold stories and exposes them. Her attention to history and research is astounding. Her retellings on what happened are so full of life and entertaining. This podcast is for anyone who loves a little history, and a little Hollywood gossip… even if it may be old gossip.

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Now on to the podcasts that are on hiatus.

AP Podcast

This podcast is hosted by Mike Shea, the creator and founder of the magazine Alternative Press. This is an extension of the mag, where he goes into in depth interviews with some of the most popular artists in the alternative scene.
This podcast has been off-line for close to three years now, but I have no doubts that one day they’ll re-awaken it. Mike Shea got into journalism for a reason and this podcast truly showcases that.

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Back To Degrassi

Hosted by Tim McDonald, this is a Canadian podcast that takes on the most well-known Canadian teen drama Degrassi. Tim sits down and goes through every episode of Degrassi Junior High and soon (I’m hoping) Degrassi High. Listening to the comedian talk about relics of the past is truly a fun experience.  Beware, his theme song for the podcast is catchy as old hell, and you’ll find yourself singing it… like me right now.
This podcast has been on hiatus since this past August, but he tends to take long breaks so I’m positive it will come back.

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Ear Biscuits

Hosted by Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning on Youtube. These two welcome a YouTuber every episode to open up about their life and to tell listeners who may not already know who they are, their story, and how they became a YouTuber. Funny and insightful the two are inquisitive, and most of all entertaining.
This podcast has been on hiatus for just over a year; they said they would come back, but want to take time for GMM for now. I’ll be here when they return.

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Do You See The OC That I See

Hosted by Allie Russell and Jillian Gomez, the two take on watching the TV show The O.C.. On top of their take on the show, and reliving early 2000’s fashion, the two find the best breakfast burritos in L.A. They also sing a lot, so beware of that.
This podcast got through the first season and has yet to come back; it’s been a year, and who knows if they will return.

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Full Frontal Radio Show

Hosted by half of the band All Time Low, Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat, these two goofballs talk about sex, and more sex. It’s crude comedy at its finest. They have a few segments that are all equally funny; my favourite has to be Are You Smarter Than Jack, where they either call a listener or ask someone who is on tour with them to participate.
This podcast is like a TV show where it comes back for a season every once in a while. Last season was a year ago, hoping for a new one any time.

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The River Court

Hosted by Lex Lutz and Ryan Guy, the two go through every episode of the TV show One Tree Hill. Entertaining and full of life, this podcast is worth the listen. Diving into my favourite show, it was like re-watching, without watching.
The podcast got to half way through season three before ending, as stated on their Facebook. I’m sad to hear this news, but I will solider on.

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One of the most popular podcasts around, hosted by Sarah Koenig, and created from the people from This American Life, comes a case a season. Every episode is a little bit closer to the truth, and an answer… or a possible solution. It’s highly addictive, even if it can get a little repetitive.
This podcast currently has two seasons (two different cases) and who knows if there will be more seasons, as I’m sure it takes a long time to compile everything for a season.

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Voice and Verse Podcast

Hosted by Evan Lucy, a writer for Alternative Press, Billboard and Rhapsody. Every episode he has a musical artist as a guest where they dive into songs they have created and find out about where the words came from and what inspired the artist to create the piece. It’s a fantastic podcast that really gets in deep and leaves the listener satisfied with the answer. It’s really awesome when it’s a favourite artist that is being interviewed.
This podcast went on hiatus the beginning of this year. It’s always a bit of a surprise when a new episode will show up.

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For more podcast recommendations check out:

This fantastic goldmine brought to you by the CBC: 7 90s TV podcasts to talk about in 2016

Or listen to any of these podcasts and they will be sure to talk about their favoutites… that’s how I found some of these!

What podcasts do you listen to? 

6 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Podcasts

  1. I loved the first season of Serial, especially because I am from Maryland, have been to many of the places they mention like the Best Buy, my dad knew lawyer Christina Gutierrez, and even though I am not from anywhere near Woodlawn, my uncle owned/operated a pharmacy there for decades.

    Don’t really have too much time for podcasts with all the work I’m always doing, but there was a BuzzFeed recently about True Crime Podcasts, and I listened to a few eps of Thin Air, and I want to start Lore, Someone Knows Something, Generation Why, The Trail that Went Cold, and The Vanished.


    1. That’s pretty interesting to have been to the places talked about. It’s definitely not my favourite podcast but it is entertaining to listen to.
      Oh that’s too bad, I swear by podcasts, they really pass the time. Those all sound pretty interesting. I think I’ve heard of The Vanished.


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