
Outstanding Blogger Award

Hello friends, happy Thursday, I hope everyone is doing well. Today I’m coming at you with a tag. I was tagged by Chocoviv @Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog to do the Outstanding Blogger Award; thank you so much for thinking of me! 😊

The Rules:

  • Provide a link to the creator’s original award post. (Started here by Colton Beckwith)
  • Answer the questions provided.
  • Create 7 unique questions.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers. Ensure that they are aware of their nomination. Neither the award’s creator, nor the blogger that nominated you, can be nominated.
  • At the end of 2020, every blog that ping-backs the creator’s original post will be entered to winΒ theΒ 2020 Outstanding Blogger Award!


Do you hand out treats for Halloween?

We do at our house, I’m just not the one who actually gives it out.

What was your favourite costume?

I dressed up as Tinker Bell in high school that I think worked really well. Otherwise, I was always pretty much a witch.

Favourite Halloween novel?

I don’t think I have one… I don’t think I’ve read a book that focuses around Halloween. Spooky read that I read this year that I really enjoyed, Girl From the Well and the sequel The Suffering.

Favourite Halloween movie?

Casper maybe, I love that move, it’s so cute! Growing up I wanted Christina Ricci to be my older sister πŸ˜‚

Candy or chips?

Oh most definitely candy!

Favourite scary monster?

Definitely vampires! Hello, have you seen Eric Northman?

Have you been to a haunted house before?

I actually had to think about this because I don’t remember! I don’t think I have… I would like to though!


As always, if tags aren’t your thing, feel free to ignore this!

Jas | Nikita | Karla | Sofii | Laurie | Deanna |


I really liked these questions so I want to know your answers to the questions above:

1) Do you hand out treats for Halloween?

2) What was your favourite costume?

3) Favourite Halloween novel?

4) Favourite Halloween movie?

5) Candy or chips?

6) Favourite scary monster?

7) Have you been to a haunted house before?

23 thoughts on “Outstanding Blogger Award

  1. Thank you for tagging me! We don’t really celebrate Halloween where I live, but I’m going to try my best to have interesting answers anyway. πŸ™‚

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