TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Dexter Season Five

Hi all, and welcome back to TV Tuesday! This week I’m coming at you with season five of Dexter.

The season starts with Rita’s death. I still can’t believe they killed her off.

First off I like how we get to see how Rita and Dexter first met, but I also hate it because we find out that he was on the hunt while on a date. Pretty much the only reason he chose the place was to stalk this other guy out. Ugh typical Dexter. As much as I love him, I hate how involved he feels the need to be with all these people he kills.

So there is a lot of things that are going on, all of Rita’s funeral preparations that Dexter doesn’t want to deal with. So Deb is helping out a ton. Dexter asks Deb to pretty much take in Harrison. I think Dexter doesn’t think he can take proper care of him so he wants Deb to. But Deb being the person she is makes sure that Dexter sees how good a person he is and that he can raise Harrison.

When Dexter has to tell the kids, it’s hard. They just come back from Disney world and they give him a hat with Mickey ears and he tells them while wearing them; I could not take him seriously.

So Deb and Quinn sleep together, I did not see that coming, it was so strange. So are they going to try and make them a thing now?

After this Quinn strikes up a conversation with the neighbour Elliot and finds out about the kiss, and that Dexter hit him. That leads Quinn to think Dexter did it.

And then there’s Dexter, he’s running away from it all. He deletes all the files on his computer and burns all his tools and blood slides and takes off on his boat. Talk about looking guilty. He stops and completely loses it on this guy killing him. And Harry returns as his mentor; I thought he was gone, but I guess not.

Everyone doesn’t think he’s going to show for the funeral and he even tells Rita that he won’t be attending, but he does. I think it’s odd that he finally tells Rita what he is now that she’s dead. I guess he feels at peace now.

They’re all staying in Deb’s little apartment, although Dexter wants to find a new place. He’s having a hard time with Astor, as she’s not taking her mother’s death easy. Cody on the other hand is sad yes, but he doesn’t hate Dexter like Astor does. The two go back to the house to see the scene of the crime, but nothing makes them feel better. Astor can’t stand to look at Dexter so they’re on their way to live with their grandparents (Paul’s parents).

The cops have gotten a lead; Kyle Butler, the pseudonym Dexter was using with Arthur and his family. I am very curious where this will go. Already the sketches that were drawn up look like Dexter. Well the cops drop everything and are leaving it for the FBI. But Quinn can’t let it go. So he follows the FBI to the safe house where the Matthews family (Arthur’s family) are in hiding. He corners the son, Jonah, but Quinn gets no answer because he doesn’t get the chance before he’s arrested.

LaGuerta is very upset about him thinking it’s Dexter. She wants him fired, but she doesn’t want everyone to know and there to be a permanent record of it. So Quinn is the new James. Quinn is so gunna find out what Dexter does.

So Dexter has hired a nanny, and well it starts out really well, then takes a giant turn because both he and Deb stayed out all night, leaving Harrison with the babysitter all night. She quits, but Dexter tries his hardest to get her back, and so we’ve gotten a second chance.

Dexter just can’t stay away from the blood and the killing. He finds a blood drop on a moving van he’s rented and he can’t help but try and figure out why it’s there.It leads him to Boyd, a guy who picks up dead animals. So he thinks that it could be animal blood, but he tests it and it’s human. After that he stalks him and finds he kills girls and preserves them in  formaldehyde. That’s when Dexter knows he’s going to kill him.

That’s when he becomes his “buddy” to get to know him, so he can kill him. Only that doesn’t go down so easy, while trying to drug him, Boyd shoots Dexter with a tranquilizer and they both end up in the hospital. But they both escape and Dexter finally gets his revenge. But still this kill couldn’t be easy, a girl, Lumen, witnessed the whole thing.


Now he wants to save her, and he has no idea why. His father is in his ear telling him that saving her could get him caught. But he still saves her and as much as she thinks he’s going to kill her, when he shows her the dead girls and tells her about his wife, she believes him. I don’t blame her since she’s been through so much, but then she tells him that there are others outside of Boyd. Holy damn!

And Deb is also busy. They have a new killer, the Santa Killer who cuts off the head with a machete, cuts the eyes and tongue out and places it around candles. They get so close, yet it’s so far.

And Angel and LaGuerta are having issues. More so Angel because while at the bar one night he drunkenly punches and kicks another officer for talking trash about his wife. He could now loose his job, which completely sucks.

Their relationship is really off the rails. So LaGuerta does the internal affairs a favour for Angel’s actions because she feels she needs to to protect her name. While she’s helping out she’s sneaking around and Angel looses it and follows her. Thinking she’s having an affair with the internal affairs agent so he barges in on a drug bust. He’s lucky everything’s went well with the bust, but with those two I don’t know.

Dexter and Lumen are starting to get along. Why do I have the weirdest feeling that he’s catching the feelings for her. She wants to find the others and kill them, Dexter wants her to go home so she doesn’t unleash the monster in her. She doesn’t listen and it’s Dexter who saves her yet again. He actually tells her his real name, that’s another reason I think he cares about her.

He gives her plane tickets to go back home, she gets to the airport and when she has to get hand searched that really throws her off. Now we think she got on the plane, but she actually didn’t. I didn’t think she would.

So now that Quinn is on leave he’s now talking with this guy. I’m not sure who it is, but what we do know is that he’s going to help Quinn take down Dexter. Oh man. So are him and Deb dating? They make it seem like it. Yep they are dating, she has caught the feelings and he wants to date her. Things are going to get interesting and obviously end badly. 

All Dexter wants is to live his normal life, but he can’t because Lumen is back. She calls him because she has tracked down another one of the men who abused her and killed him… or well she thinks she does. As Dexter arrives (carrying a drugged out man in his car) the body has gone missing. We’re led to believe that this guy is a normal average joe who is a dentist. It’s when they leave him alone and find him talking on the phone that he is in fact the guy who abused her, so Dexter kills him.

Add to this the cops have got word that there was a homicide and are now making their way to their location. On top of that the guy in Dexter’s car has escaped. Now tell me how Dexter managed to pull it off? Of course it’s for TV but still, he manages to capture the runaway, kill him, and make it look like the two guys killed each other. Only Dexter.

Speaking of Dexter, first his son is now talking, super cute. Second I think something is going to happen between him and Lumen, she knows him like Rita never did. Now he’s agreed to help find and kill the others. Talk about a duo.

And then there is Angel and LaGuerta. To be honest I’m getting tired of these two. But they’re fighting and we’re led to believe that Angel is about to take a girl home, when really he notices a necklace she’s wearing can lead them to the Fuentes brothers, who the cops think are the ones behind all the beheadings.

They use the girl that Angel found as bait for the Fuentes brothers, only one of their undercover cops is the one that attracts them. Deb thinks it’s a bad idea for her to engage but LaGuerta has other plans, plans that go south within seconds. One of the brothers finds out she’s wearing a wire and the whole place goes into a shoot out. In the end the girl, Jasmine and one of the brothers is killed, and yet the other is still on the loose. I think they may be in an even worse position.

Dexter is really hitting it off with Lumen. They map out who they think could be “the others”. But so it happens, the guys get delivered to them. There’s an accident where one of the guys was moving the bodies in the barrels when he was hit by a car and the bodies are displayed all over the road.

They find that the car belongs to this famous motivational speaker, Jordan Chase. Lumen identifies the assistant Cole, and so Dexter has to make it look like someone else did it so they can have Cole to themselves because Lumen is becoming just like Dexter! The more he notices it, the more he seems to like her. Like he even brings Harrison over to meet her. Things are getting serious.

So Dexter puts the blame on Boyd so that Cole will be left alone, only when they go over to search his house, 1 he finds a picture where the dentist, Boyd and Cole with some others have known each other since they were kids, which makes it a weird cult thing. And 2 they run into Cole. Well Dexter does, Lumen goes crashing through a window to save him.

The police are now dealing with the aftermath of the shooting in the club. LaGuerta needs someone to blame because lord forbid she be at fault for anything, and tarnish her perfect name. So she puts the blame on Deb. Deb is pissed, and she finds out the cop they were working with was the one who went along with LaGuerta’s story. Angel doesn’t know whose side to take when writing his report: the truth which is Deb’s side, or his wife’s side. In the end he chooses Deb’s and I’m very happy about that. LaGuerta is being a real tool.

Now Deb and Quinn are getting serious, this is starting to put doubt in Quinn’s mind about searching Dexter. And his IA is aware of this, but he’s found too much to go back now.  He’s found out about Lumen and he purposely ran into her car so he could get her information. I don’t know how he finds them, but he catches her and Dexter disposing of a body, and he has pictures. Oh god things are not going to be good.

So Dexter has gone to one of Jordan Chase’s seminars so he can gather more information, and possibly kill someone. And someone definitely dies; Cole the body guard, one of the men who hurt Lumen is now dead (and that’s whose body they were disposing).

They make a plan to kill him, but Cole notices her there and attacks her, it’s Dexter who saves her again and together they kill him. Dexter has let Lumen in completely, telling her about his past and letting her be apart of his future. How can I root for such a crazy couple? What is this show doing to me!?

Lumen is dealing with things too. Her ex-fiancé has come to Miami to ask her to travel the world with him. She left her small town on her wedding day because she couldn’t get married and now Owen (ex-fiancé) is there. I believe we’re led to believe she chose Dexter and killing over Owen, and I’m happy about this?! Uh this show.

Astor is back! She sneaks into the house with her new friend Olivia, drunk scaring Lumen out of her mind. Astor is only 12 but she looks 13/14. In the morning they leave to go and steal some stuff, Astor has become a surly teenager. When Lumen notices that they’re gone she thinks they’ve been kidnapped since their phones are still there. Dexter freaks and calls the cops. Turns out Olivia’s father came looking for them, they ran because we find out that her father beats her. That’s when Dexter beats the shit out of him and tells him to leave and never come back. Astor starts to see Dexter as more of a father. She tells him that she thought he never really cared because he was hardly there when her mom was alive. And I couldn’t agree more, I can see why Astor hates him so, but after all this I like seeing the two of them get along and I love seeing Dexter care for his children.

Because of this everyone now knows about Lumen, but they all think she’s his girlfriend. He keeps telling them she’s his tenant, but no one believes him.

Deb has been demoted to filing and while there she sees the barrel girl case and that it shouldn’t have been closed. On the report there is DNA for close to 3 or 4 men not just Boyd. This could be bad news for Dexter and Lumen as Dexter has been getting close to Jordan so he can be sure Jordan is one of the men.While having a session with him, Dexter notices a vile of blood that Jordan wears around his neck. Dexter thinks it’s another victim, but when he steals some and runs the DNA it turns out to be someone completely different and alive. An Emily Birch.

How the heck does Jordan know that he stole the smallest amount of blood, but he does. That’s when he leaves a message with Lumen for Dexter to call him, only Jordan knows it’s Lumen, talk about creepy.

Deb is also finding out the truth about Quinn. When she bitches at LaGuerta for not opening the barrel girl case, she tells Deb that maybe she should talk to Quinn about his leave since she was protecting her brother. First of all, LaGuerta had all the reasons to suspend Quinn, but the way she’s been acting towards both Angel and Deb has been unacceptable. She’s been rude and it really looks like she’s just been trying to career climb knocking them out of her way. She’s a strange person.

So now Deb knows the truth. Now Quinn wants his investigator to stop looking into Dexter, but I have a feeling his guy is not going to give up. He doesn’t know it’s a body in the bag that they’re disposing but he thinks it is, that or drugs. Man Dexter’s life is going to go through a lot. I was right, Quinn’s investigator is not giving up and he’s using Quinn’s name to sign out surveillance equipment and is now spying on the two of them.

Dexter and Lumen go to talk to Emily Birch, she shuts them out; it’s when Lumen goes by herself that Emily tells her about being a victim, and tells them who the last guy in the picture is, Alex Tildan. Only the police find out too, so their on to the guy too. Now Alex is freaking out.

We later find out that Jordan is still in touch with Emily and he told her to say everything she did to Lumen. Now it looks like Jordan is throwing Alex under the bus. No he’s setting Dexter up! He calls the police knowing that Dexter is going to Alex’s house to kill him. Gah!

That’s when Deb gets this bright idea. Since they found dvd’s of the girls being attacked, they found 13, but the hair samples they found, there were only 12. They’re thinking the last one got away. (Obviously since it’s Lumen and Dexter is doing his hardest not I let the cops find out, because that would lead to a lot of questions.) She’s thinking that the person who is knocking each of the guys is the last victim who lived. Well she’s half right.

This time Dexter has let Lumen kill, and afterwards they get quite close, by sleeping together. It was only a matter of time really.

But afterwards the only thing the cops find when they go to the house are some shoe prints. This leads back to Deb’s vigilantly theory.

Dexter’s life is really starting to spin out of control. I don’t think he’s ever been so close. He notices a camera in their apartment, at first he thinks it’s Jordan Chase, but once he sees that the camera is from his department he needs to find out who has seen the tapes.

When his quick search brings him to Quinn, and that it’s off the books, he knows he still has some time. The only thing is, he’s dead set on thinking Quinn is out to get him. Liddy, Quinn’s investigator, is running the shots and so when Dexter goes to tranquilize him, he finds Liddy instead. Liddy then tasers Dexter and takes him away, calling Quinn to come make the break. Reluctantly Quinn goes, but only finds the van locked; that’s because Dexter managed to kill Liddy with a switchblade. Now some of Liddy’s blood leaked out of the car and onto Quinn’s shoe… I feel like this is going to come back in a big way!

Now while all of this is going down, Lumen gets a phone call from Emily. Emily is freaking out because Jordan knows she talked to them, and that she wants to go to the police because she’s scared. Lumen tells her that she and Dexter will protect her and that they’ll go to her. Only we obviously know that’s all a rouse because Jordan is there and he wants to kill them. When only Lumen shows up Jordan is extremely angry. So angry that he lets loose, taking a poker and killing Emily. We learn that Jordan never did any of the killings and that Emily is the first kill, he doesn’t like getting dirty.

When Dexter gets to the house, he finds Emily dead and Lumen gone. And at the station Deb and her team is putting together how everyone is connected to Jordan, as they all knew each other as kids. Now Deb is working on keeping Jordan in Miami.

How does Dexter get so lucky? Someone finds Liddy’s body and calls it in. No one knows what happened, execpt Dexter of course. The shoe does come back! LaGuerta finds the blood on Quinn’s shoe, and she asks why Liddy called him five times before he died, so it really looks like Quinn did it. He’s locked up and he won’t say anything, I’m not really sure why. Does he care about that much about Deb?

Once Dexter finishes at the Liddy case he’s off to find Lumen. He uses Jordan’s real name, Eugene Greerer, and finds the place he owns in that name. A camp where everything started, where he met his killer friends and Emily. It’s also the place where he watched his friends torture the girls. Dexter gets into a car accident and of course ends up perfectly fine. Jordan finds him, and brings him to Lumen. With a secret knife Dexter stabs Jordan in the foot and together the two knock him out, and Lumen kills him. They’re cleaning up, when Deb shows up. I totally thought they were screwed, but lucky Dexter. She can see their silhouettes but nothing else. Instead of arresting them, she lets them go! I was so shocked. They take the body with them dropping it in the ocean. But Deb still solves the case.

Now that all the men have been killed Lumen tells Dexter that she has to leave. She doesn’t feel the need to kill anymore. Dexter is furious, but he understands, her “dark passenger” is gone. But Dexter is happy that he got to know her, and he now knows that the darkness isn’t permanent.

Dexter is also the one who gets Quinn out of jail with the blood on the shoe, he tells them it isn’t his.

I think we’re going to get more Astor and Cody next season as they ask Dexter if they can live with him for the summer, I’m excited I’ve missed those two!

Talk about crazy season. We can only imagine where the series is going.

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