Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk

Hello wonderful people! Today I’m going to be posting my review of The Incredible Hulk.

I’m thinking of expanding my Movie Mondays until September because I still have some reviews to get out, and some other bonus movie blogs planned for August, so stay tuned! For now, please enjoy my review of The Incredible Hulk.

The Incredible Hulk: Bruce Banner is a scientist who is desperately searching for a cure for this radiation that has turned him into the Hulk. Forced to live a life away from everyone for fear of becoming a giant green monster it isn’t until an even larger monster The Abomination comes and Banner must now use his powers to destroy it. This film was alright. The plot was good and it cohesively made sense, but the acting was so wooden and boring that it made this film drag on and on, it made two hours feel like two days. The characters were well thought out and had depth to them, it was just really hard to get past the acting to enjoy any of it. What was fun to watch was some of the fighting scenes, they were entertaining, and finding out how the Hulk became the Hulk was also interesting. It wasn’t all bad, but it could have been a little better.

4 thoughts on “Movie Review: The Incredible Hulk

  1. Great review for this film Meghan. I am a massive fan of all things Marvel but The Incredible Hulk is the one exception because even though I thought it was a good film there really was nothing incredible about it, like you said the film was just all right.
    Honestly I can’t even remember much about what happened, but I can pretty much play back the whole of the Captain America trilogy in my mind! 😀

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