Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Kat and Meg Conquer the World

Hi friends, happy Friday! I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m posting my review of Anna Priemaza’s novel Kat and Meg Conquer the World.

Read more: Review: Kat and Meg Conquer the World
Kat and Meg Conquer the World

Kat and Meg Conquer the World by: Anna Priemaza: Kat is very shy and struggles with anxiety making it hard to talk to new people, which she must do at her new school, three provinces away from where she grew up. Meg is very outgoing who has AHDH and finds it hard to keep people in her life. When the two meet in order to do a science project together, they soon realize they have one thing in common, the game Legends of the Stone. Soon their bond of the game and the more time they spend together, they realize that their differences aren’t a bad thing, but actually complement each other. This was such a beautiful story of friendship and the power of love within your friends. At first our main characters were a lot to read, but as the reader eased into the story, they got easier to understand and even relate to. They were dynamic in the best ways possible, we got to see rather than be told about their quirks and personalities and it worked so well because it helped establish them quickly. They were memorable for their actions towards each other and for their big personas. The secondary characters were a little one dimensional and were there mostly to move the plot; although granddad was fun to read because he had some spunk to him. The plot moved so quickly that this was easy to breeze through, but the reader didn’t want to do that because they wanted to savour as much time as they could with these characters because they had so much heart. Even when they did the wrong thing, their hearts were in the right place. The reader really enjoyed that this focused on the friendship; sure there were romantic relationships, but they never took the forefront; the plot that stayed on top was the friendship and it’s so rare to see in a young adult book so this felt so special. This even had familial plotlines too that stayed in the background, but still felt flushed out without ruining the importance of the main plot; if anything the secondary plots made the main one stronger. A lot happens within this novel, but it was just enough to really show how much the two cared about each other. In the end, this was a delight to read and is a highly recommended novel.     

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