Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: One of Us is Lying

Hello friends, happy Wednesday, I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m posting my review of Karen M. McManus’ novel One of Us is Lying.

Read more: Review: One of Us is Lying
One of Us is Lying

One of Us is Lying by: Karen M. McManus: When Bronwyn, Cooper, Addy, Nate and Simon all suspiciously have detention together, things take a drastic turn. Simon ends up dying after having a severe allergic reaction; what looks like an innocent accident, turns out to be a set up for murder. Now the four of them are the prime suspects in the case. All characters have something to hide and soon one by one the truth comes out, whether they like it or not. This wasn’t exactly what the reader was expecting. This started off strong and the plot had grip, but slowly it started to lose that hold and became something that wasn’t as thrilling as it once proclaimed to be. The plot was supposed to be focused on this murder mystery, but it felt like we spent most of the novel focused on the mysteries of these characters than anything else. The romance between the characters took up way too much time and the reader could have cared less about any of it. We wanted to see more of the murder plot. The way it was concluded just felt so underwhelming; when we find out who’s behind it all, it was disappointing and kind of sad. The reader really had hoped that there would have been juicier conflicts around who was behind it all, but alas. The characters were alright; they were developed in the sense that they had traits, but they were all so cookie cutter and boring. Nothing stood out about them because they were caricatures of stereotypes. Again, if the plot had been more scandalous, these characters might have been more noteworthy and interesting. In the end, this wasn’t a bad novel because it was really easy to fly through, but go in knowing it’s not going to have a lot of substance.