Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: This Is Where it Ends

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Today I’ll be posting my review of Marieke Nijkamp’s novel This is Where is Ends.

This is Where it Ends

This is Where It Ends by: Marieke Nijkamp: It’s the start of a new semester at Opportunity High when things start to shift real fast. As the students realize there is no way out of the auditorium a shooter shows up casting his revenge at people at the school. This novel really brings to the forefront how important life is and how fragile it is; it focuses on the bigger things in life and not to focus so much on the smaller things you can’t change. The plot was so fast paced. This story takes place in the span of less than an hour and Nijkamp really puts it into perspective how long an hour can feel when in situations like this. The writing was engrossing and sucked the reader right in; it was filled with these eloquently put lines that made reading this subject matter much easier. Her characters were really well thought out and the fact that this whole story was told from four different characters really drew in the story and the gave the reader a background. At first keeping track of the main characters was a jumble but once the reader got to know them a little better it became worthwhile. This was a hard read, but a powerful one.

7 thoughts on “Review: This Is Where it Ends

  1. It does sound like a hard book to stomach but I think it’s important that these types of plot become more and more available – which is only fitting considering the amount of school shootings happening every week, unfortunately.
    I’m glad you enjoyed it so much despite the difficult subject matter, Meghan. We need more books like this to show the reality of this terrifying world – maybe things will start to change!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great review for this book Meghan, I remember seeing a lot about This is Where it Ends when it was released but since then not a lot. I can imagine that it was a tough read but it sounds like it was well written and a well handled story by the author. It’s definitely good that the different POVs worked in this book too, sometimes they just don’t work when there are too many of them. 🙂
    Again great review.

    Liked by 1 person

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