TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Good Place Season Two

Hi friends! It’s TV Tuesday, today I’m talking about everything The Good Place, season two!

Season two opens where we left off, where everyone’s memory has been wiped. So here we are ready for round two, only well round two does not go so well. All our main characters get new soulmates and are supposed to be as separated as possible, only Eleanor finds the note she left for herself, to find Chidi… even when she has no idea what that is.

Michael is waiting for her to mess up, but all Eleanor does is succeed this time around… it’s all her friends who mess up, like Tahani gets drunk and starts a fire, plus her new soulmate is quite short, and she really hates her new life. Even Eleanor’s new soulmate, who I can’t remember his name because he feels so irrelevant because he keeps ripping his shirt off and going to the gym. Okay I have to admit, it was funny, when that pissed Michael off, but otherwise it was annoying.

Jianyu gets himself a new best friend who follows him everywhere he goes, and that is his only job, and he fails because Jianyu finds Janet… his old love, who then finds Eleanor, and Tahani finds them all, and Michael is pissed that they’ve all found each other so quick.

We learn, like last season, everyone in these four character’s lives are actors who are pretending to be everyone’s soulmate. So when he has a meeting with short guy, gym guy, and Jianyu’s follower, plus a handful of other people, he is pissed that they have all failed, so they have to start the process all over again… here we go round three.

I have to say for the season opener, I felt so frustrated during the episode because you want all the characters to find each other and be with each other. I’m sure there is going to be a lot in store for us this season, but to know that they have to lose their memory again, that just felt so old and overused. BUT I have faith things will look up!

I’m not going to lie, watching Michael fail and reboot the four main characters over and over and over again got real tired. He went through 800+ attempts and they all failed. But what saved this was 1) Vicky getting tired of everything failing and wanting to take over his project and 2) Chidi and Eleanor going to the middle place where we find out they’ve been 15 times. We also find out that the two of them have known each other a long time, and are really in love with one another. When we get to see a recording of them saying ‘I love you’ to one another, that was soul-crushingly adorable.

So now that Michael is faced with this dilemma, he wants to join Eleanor and her friends… how is this going to play out… here is the hope that I was looking for in this show; I knew things were going to look up, and I think they are beginning too!

Oh my gosh do we get a dialogue heavy episode, where it was all exposition and what their next move is going to be. I have to say it was a dreadful episode because it felt like nothing happened. What we did find out is that Vicky wants to overthrow Michael and that’s why he wants to join the four of them in ‘Team Cockroach’. What he plans to do is to pretend to erase their memories so that they’re fooling everyone, but mostly Vicky, and help Michael succeed, plus Michael’s bargaining chip is he’ll make sure they make it to the real good place if they all succeed. Interesting.

I have to say Ted Danson’s performance when he has his existential crisis is phenomenal. They need to get Michael to understand consequences and ethics, and by doing so Chidi talks about death in a way Michael understands. Boy, was it emotional rollercoaster of an episode. Michael goes from evil, to sad, and depressed to carefree back to his normal self, all while Vicky tries to take down our main four by throwing an elaborate party. Vicky and her gang know that is what’s going to get Tahani down, and well it does… until Jianyu talks her out of it, and I have to say it’s a very beautiful, if not confusing speech. In the end the two sleep together. This is going to complicate things.

Tahani doesn’t know why she’s with Jason, Jianyu, and she’s embarrassed by him. So Jason tells her that he thinks she should talk to someone about it. So she talks to Janet, and Janet becomes her therapist. First of all, it gets both of them to see each other’s point of view, which is sweet. Then second, because Janet wasn’t meant to be a therapist weird things are starting to happen to her; first her thumb falls off, then she spits a frog out of her mouth. Talk about weird.

When it starts an earthquake well now Michael is involved and this can only mean bad news.

Chidi is desperately trying to teach ethics to Michael and make him a good person, but it’s not working at all. Instead Michael is torturing them, and in the end trying to teach ethics to Chidi and we revisit Chidi’s inability to make a decision. Eleanor convinces Michael that he needs to apologize to Chidi for what he’s done. At first it turns into a bribe of stuff, but Chidi is smarter than that, until Michael gets real with him… or so we’re led to believe, he isn’t human so we never know.

So now that Janet is glitching out Michael is trying desperately to figure out why. He’s reading her manual and everything; he thinks it’s because he’s lied to her so many times, but when he realizes that Janet can’t lie, and she just lied to Vicky that, that might be the issue.

We dive into how every time Janet has lied has been about Jason. So now Janet has deep down feelings for Jason because long, long ago before she was rebooted half a million times, she was married to him. So now Michael wants to shut her down for good, but he can’t. Oh Michael is really growing a heart it’s actually cute to see. He can’t do that to her because they’ve been through so much… and because they’re friends. So he gets Eleanor to talk to Janet because he needs to figure out how to get them out of the mess they are in because if he doesn’t shut her down that could ruin their plan of taking Vicky down.

So Eleanor talks to Janet and is super surprised by everything she finds out, but she tells her that she needs to get drunk, find another man and move on. Only for a robot to find another man is hard, so what does Janet do… she makes a person: Derek. Played by Jason Mantzoukas I am in love, Jason is hilarious and even though he was only in the episode for like a minute he fit right in, and I hope they keep him around.

Well Derek is short lived but damn he was awesome. So Michael wants to murder Derek because he’s ruining everything and if Vicky were to find out about him that would leave a lot of unanswered questions, and questions they couldn’t answer. Chidi tells him he can’t kill him, so they (they meaning Michael and Eleanor since we all know Chidi is not a part of this) come up with these plans to get rid of Derek and to pretty much make it the way it was before Tahani and Jason got together.

Meanwhile Tahani and Jason have gone on this romantic trip that Michael has sent them on. That is where Jason asks Tahani to marry him, oh boy!

When Janet gives out the invitations Michael knows he needs to stop this wedding. Only when he actually goes to do it he can’t because all of Chidi’s ethical lessons are in his head. It’s Eleanor who has to break the news that Jason and Janet were married once and that is why Janet made Derek, to get over her heartbreak. But Eleanor has a heart to heart with Janet and Janet knows she has a friend in Eleanor; it’s kinda sweet, even if Janet isn’t a real person. Now Janet feels okay with letting Derek go… by making out with him so she can let some of her feelings out so she won’t glitch out again.

Then Eleanor has a secret of her own. She is so in love with Chidi and she can’t stop watching the tape that was made of them professing their love for each other. When she finally shows Chidi, he tells her that he doesn’t like her that way (which I think is a total lie) so of course Eleanor pretends to not like him that way either. Ugh these guys!

Michael has a really good talk with Eleanor, only to get back to his office to find the leader of the bad place waiting for him… ahhhhh! Nooooo!

So, it turns out the leader, Shawn, really likes Michael’s “second” attempt at the bad place that he gives him a raise. Michael is super happy and it looks like he turns the five. Eleanor really wants to believe in Michael so she tries to convince the others he is. But when he roasts all of them, she begins to doubt herself. I can’t even tell what is up or down in this crazy place.

So they decide they need to escape.

And Vicky keeps getting in the way; she wants the promotion and for Michael to tell Shawn how it was all her idea. But when the five escape, she wants no part in any of it, and when Vicky tries to tell what Michael has really been up to, Shawn doesn’t care about any of it.

They are shipping all of the bad place to another destination by train; then BOOM! When the train leaves the bad place, guess who’s under the train, the five of them; they didn’t escape.

So they replay how everything went down, and that Michael left them clues during his roast that he was still on their side. Michael cries when he sees them because he hated that he had to speak badly of them. Aw this new Michael is so cute!

Derek makes an appearance and he doesn’t do anything but say ‘Derek’ but I still like his addition. They end up sending him to the middle place to give Mindy a sex robot, perfect, ha!

So now they’re off to the Good Place, and here comes a golden hot air balloon. The only thing they need to do is measure their soul… by stepping on the scale and the light will light up green or red. Well of course only some of them get through, and then it changes on them. This leads to Michael admitting he actually doesn’t know how to get to the bad place. They are all disappointed in him so Eleanor tells them they need to do like how her family does, drink their sorrows away.

They have this little party, and the entire time both Eleanor and Chidi are conflicted with the feelings they feel, or don’t feel. It’s so cute to watch the two of them, can they please just get together already.

Michael just wants to feel human, so the gang give him a box of useless human things like car keys and a stress ball, I don’t think he’s ever been happier.

After this they devise a plan to go to the bad place as there is a place there in which they need to make a stop which will help them in getting to the Good Place. Can we get to the Good Place like 10 seasons from now because I don’t want this show to end!?

They dress up real nice to prepare to lie… and Eleanor can swear again, which is weird.

AHHHH DEX SHERPARD!!!!!! I love him! Plus, he’s Kristen Bell’s irl husband! He’s playing this bad place gangster guy. They are at this museum for torturing humans; this is where they try to blend in with everyone, but the robots I guess we can call them, bring out robots of each of the main characters to poke fun of them.

Michael meets with Shawn to make it seem like he’s still working for them and when Shawn finds out the humans aren’t with Mindy, well Michael has escaped.

He escapes to go and get the rest of the team, to be stopped by Shawn but they somehow manage to get away and to a portal where they all have a pin that will take them through the portal. All of them but Eleanor have a pin so they jump through and Michael gives his pin to save Eleanor… omg talk about sweet! She doesn’t want him to, but it’s too late he pushes her!

Shawn catches Michael and he confesses to everything; he tries to tell him that the four humans are good, but of course Shawn doesn’t believe him. Shawn sends him to a room all to himself with nothing but the New Yorker to keep him company. Michael is not happy about that, but what’s this… Janet just up and throws Shawn against a wall because bad Janet is really good Janet and he’s up to help Michael and the team!

The four of them end up in this judge’s place where Eleanor and Chidi find out they made it to the good place, but Jason and Tahani didn’t. At first Eleanor doesn’t believe it, she thinks it’s a test, but the judge tells them it’s not.

Damn! It turns out that Chidi wasn’t even real and that was Eleanor’s test, she chose not to go to the good place, and she passed. Chidi had to make a decision, he passed, but failed because it took him too long, Tahani has to walk past a whole bunch of rooms that are meant to entice her, which she stopped to talk to her parents, so she doesn’t really pass, and Jason plays video games, which is a fail. Now they’re all going to the bad place, although Eleanor technically is supposed to go to the good place, but she refuses to let the rest of them know so she lies. Just as they are about to go, guess who shows up… Michael and Janet!

WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?! Holy that season finale aaaahhhhh! Okay now that that’s out of my system let’s get into it.

So just as Janet tells Jason she loves him, and Chidi KISSES Eleanor Michael and the judge show up to separate them, and ruin that beautiful moment. Eleanor refuses to be separated so the judge and Michael contemplate a different root… BRING THEM BACK TO LIFE!? WHAT!?!?!

Eleanor wakes up just as just was about to die, and someone magically saves her life… I believe it was Michael, and so this begins her journey to being good… for all of six months. She gets tired of doing it and not getting anything in return for it so she goes back to her life. Well in the background we can see Michael and Janet are monitoring each of our main characters and when he sees she has fallen off the beaten path he decides to intervene. He shows up as a bartender to get her on the right path… the path that leads her to Chidi… they find each other again; my heart is melting… I love those two SO much!

She flies all the way to Australia to see him and talk to him and that’s where they leave it for the season, gah I want more!! So now everyone is alive… are they going to have to live their whole lives to get to the good place? NO is Michael going to kill them to get them there? He wouldn’t, after all that, ugh. I guess I have to wait until next season.

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