Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Love & You

Hi guys, happy hump day! Today I’m going to be reviewing a book by one of our own, Gretchen @chicnerdreads, her debut poetry book, Love & You.

I enjoyed every minute of reading this.

Love & You

Love, & You by: Gretchen Gomez: This is a collection of poems that lets the author break free of what she has had to deal with. The poems start off angry and bitter, and although Gomez realizes it’s all for the better, the reader can feel the anguish and pain. Moving through the book, the reader can feel that pain slip away and become something truly positive and captivating. It’s a book that can be read in one sitting, where the reader can take that journey because there is a true story there. The story is relatable and the words that are used to encompass the emotions feel hand-picked, and purposefully chosen. It’s almost easy to get lost in Gomez’s words, to feel alongside her. This book was definitely a whirlwind of emotions and that is what made it such a powerful read.

8 thoughts on “Review: Love & You

  1. Great review for this book Meghan. I have Gretchen’s poetry book on my to-read list and one day, hopefully soon, I’ll be in the mood to read some of the many poetry books I want to try and get around to. This one will be at the top of the list when that day arrives. I’m glad to see you enjoyed this book! 🙂

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