
Burn, Rewrite, Reread: Book Tag

Hi guys! Today I’m at it again with another tag! Today I’m going to be doing the Burn, Rewrite, Reread tag, in which I was tagged by Heather @The Sassy Book Geek. Thank you so much for the tag! Now let’s get started! 😀


  • Randomly choose 3 books (Tip: Use the “Sort > Random” option on your Goodreads’ Read shelf.).
  • For each group, decide which book to burn, which one to rewrite, and which to reread (a lot like Kiss, Marry, Kill).
  • Repeat until you completed three rounds (or six).

~Round One~

The Secrets We Keep








Rewrite: So I would probably rewrite The Kill Order by James Dashner because while it wasn’t the bad, some of it was meh.

Burn: I would burn Revealed by P.C. and Kristin Cast. Ugh that series went on for too long, and for no good reason.

Reread: I would reread The Secrets We Keep by Trisha Leaver because it was such a good read!

~Round Two~

Between the Cracks She Fell









Burn: I would burn Gossip Girl Psycho Killer. I have no idea why it was even written. Complete waste of my time.

Rewrite: I would rewrite Fear by Michael Grant because it’s another one of those series that went on for a long unnecessary time.

Reread: I would reread Between the Cracks she Fell by Lisa de Nikolits because it was genuinely a beautiful read.


~Round Three~








Rewrite: I guess I would rewrite Thirst by Christopher Pike even though he is so very good at writing vampires.

Reread: I couldn’t not reread The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater because ugh all the feels that come with reading anything Stiefvater writes.

Burn: The Pledge by Kimberly Derting. The fact that I don’t remember what this series was even about tells you it wasn’t memorable enough for me to either rewrite or reread.

~Round Four~








This round is hard, I rated them all four stars on Goodreads and they are all the last book in a series.

Burn: I guess if I had to choose I would burn Crossed by Ally Condie (I feel bad for this answer). I liked the plot for this trilogy but I liked the others better.

Reread: I would reread Everfound by Neal Shusterman, I would reread that trilogy because I really did enjoy it. Althing about after you die I am always intrigued by.

Rewrite: I guess that falls to Elegy by Amanda Hocking. This one is just kind of a default.

~Round Five~








Reread: Obviously Bag of Bones by Stephen King. I cold never ever rewrite his work, as much as this wasn’t my favourite of his, this was still pretty creepy and a good read.

Burn: Definitely Dangerous Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl. I never liked the Beautiful Creatures series so I have no idea why I continued down the path of this spin off series.

Rewrite: This just by default again falls to Fallen by Lauren Kate, I liked this book in particular (because it was the first) but the ones that come after were just too repetitive.

~Round Six~







Reread: Definitely Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary. I would read the whole Ramona series again it was so good!

Burn: As much as I wanted to love the Gossip Girl novels, I just couldn’t. So I have to burn I Will Always Love You.

Rewrite: I liked Born at Midnight by C.C. Hunter, but there could have been better dialogue between characters.



I’m just going to tag a few people because tags build up I know.

Alex @Whimsy Pages
Beth @Reading Every Night
Ali @Devouring Book and Lattes
Shouni @Through the Book Portal

If anyone else wants to do this tag I totally encourage it because this was a lot of fun, more fun than I actually thought it was going to be 😝😂

21 thoughts on “Burn, Rewrite, Reread: Book Tag

  1. Thank you for the tag Meghan!! This is the first time I’m seeing this one. This looks like so much fun!

    Completely agree on The Raven Boys! I’m not very big on rereading but I think I’ll definitely read that series again some day (once I make at least a small dent in the TBR shelf). I didn’t like Beautiful Creatures either, I never understood a hype of those books. Oh, I loved the Ramona series! That series is one of the reasons I love reading.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! I hope you have fun with it; I truly did!
      Haha oh I know what you mean, I’m not a big re-reader either, but the Raven Cycle was such a good series.
      You too! Ramona was one of the series that got me into reading too! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. you are right about certain books that need to be burn, reread, and rewrite. my choice of books i will choose to burn, reread, and rewrite is; Match series (burn), harry potter series (reread), and hush, hush series (rewrite).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks so much for the tag Meghan, and great answers for this one as well. I definitely agree with some of your choices.
    Revealed for example would definitely be on my burn list as well because that series did go on for too long. I stopped reading halfway through just because I couldn’t bring myself to pick another book up. The Raven Boys will always be a re-read for me too, there’s just so much I love about that series. 🙂
    Thanks again for the tag.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for doing the tag!
    I literally started laughing right away when you said you’d burn Revealed because I completely agree! I didn’t make it that far into the series but after book 8 I was just done, it definitely did not need to be that long of a series!
    I’m also glad to see The Raven Boys was safe! Loved reading your answers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you’re welcome, it was a lot of fun! 😀
      I unfortunately made it all the way through the series and I’m not really sure why. I completely agree it should have ended at book 8 or sooner.
      The Raven Boys is one of my favourites!
      Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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