Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: So You Want to Talk About Race

Hi friends, happy Monday I hope you’re all well and continuing to keep safe this holiday season. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Ijeoma Oluo’s book So You Want to Talk About Race.

So You Want to Talk About Race

So You Want to Talk About Race by: Ijeoma Oluo: Race is still a very tough subject to talk about and Oluo’s book is a good starting point to guide readers through different subjects relating to race such as affirmative action, mircoaggressions and intersectionality just to name a few. This book was very thought provoking and it gave the reader a lot to think about in terms of either taking steps to becoming a better ally, or to just give voice to people of colour and to let them know they aren’t alone. This really broke it down for the reader and it couldn’t be made any clearer how race is looked upon and treated in the United States. The way that Oluo started every chapter as a question was clever because it felt like a discussion and it let the reader understand what was being talked about better. It narrowed the focus, one subject at a time. Oluo also opened up with her personal experiences which drove a lot of her points home; even when she used studies and statistics it didn’t bog her writing down like a textbook. She was able to weave numbers into her stories effortlessly and effectively to, once again, bring her points home. This is a book everyone should read, whether it’s to start having those tough conversations or to feel seen in an unjust world; it’s well written, researched and structured, with lots to take away from.

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