
The Blogger Recognition Award III

Hi guys! Happy Thursday! I’m back with another tag. So I had no idea I’ve done this tag twice now! Thank you to the lovely Jenna @Bookmark Your Thoughts who tagged me to do this for a third time. I’m honoured, so thanks girlie! 💞😊If you don’t follow Jenna, well you better get on that, you won’t meet a nicer human!
Now onto the tag!

The Rules

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  2. Write a post to show your award.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.
  6. Comment (or pingback) on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How Whimsically Meghan came to be:

I’m going to try and keep this brief because I feel like I’ve said this story before multiple times. I’ve always loved documenting things and so starting this blog was a no-brainer. I’d used WordPress for a school blog so I thought, why not make one for my reviews. At this point in my life I had been blogging before, but the site that housed my blog decided to go in a Buzzfeed type of route getting rid of original content creators, so I was out, with nowhere to go, so I turned to WordPress. Who knew there was such a community here? I didn’t, but I’m so glad I found it!

The name I came up with after I’d already been here a year and a bit, because Bony’s blog was kinda boring. I liked the W in whimsical because it can be transposed to an M (in which I have yet to still make a logo… 3 years later 😅) but I think it suits both me personally and the blog with the content I create so I don’t see that changing anytime soon!

Advice for new bloggers and my readers:

Now, I’ve done this tag twice (say hello to Bony’s Feb. 2017 advice and Bony’s April 2018 advice) and I feel like I’ve given the same kinda advice so I’m going to try and switch it up by saying:

  1. Don’t be afraid to try new things. I’ve seen bloggers worry about posting non bookish content, and I, for the life of me, don’t understand this. We are human; we are allowed to like different things, so show people that! I love hearing about people’s hobbies outside books, it makes them rounded humans and gives you more to talk about and bond over!
  2. Appreciate what you do and what you create. I know bloggers can get stressed out over having to do everything all the time, I know I’m one of those bloggers. Hi, my name’s Meghan and I’m a blogging addict!
    Honestly, let it be and things will come together organically. Don’t have time for commenting on others blogs? That’s OK. Don’t have time to publish/or write up a post? That’s OK. Don’t have time to read? That’s OK. We all feel this need to be constantly going so as to feel relevant in the mass of blogs that crop up every day, but it’s okay to take a step back, look at the hard work you’ve already created and actually appreciate it… yes I realize that I should just be talking to myself… 

Those are my pieces of advice, take what you will from them. I hope it resonates with someone.


I think by now I’ve tagged close to 15 people so here are 5 more:

Melanie | Emer | Elsie | Lauren | Rachel |

Here’s some more friendly advice, don’t feel pressured to do anything you don’t want to do, like this tag. This is meant to be fun, and if you see this tag and want to join in, please go ahead and consider yourself tagged!

13 thoughts on “The Blogger Recognition Award III

  1. I LOVE that we both made the same post exactly the same day: TWINS ❤️
    I adored your advice, honestly the second one, about appreciating what you create and taking things easy is as written for me. Even though I’ve learned a lot over the years, I think it’s always nice to remember that you can be relaxed and stop for a second to admire what you’ve created and just be proud of it. 💪🏻
    Amazing post, honey.👏🏻🌻
    I admire you a lot as a blogger, your blog is SO AMAZING 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. TWINS! 😀 It’s amazing, I love it too! 😀
      Thank you!
      Right, it’s like if we don’t take time to appreciate, is it worth it?
      Aw, Sofii you are too kind! ❤️ I admire you as well, keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing a great job!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. AWEEEEEE YEAY! You’ve been tagged / nominated lots because you’re such an amazing blogger he-he!

    I actually didn’t know about the “M” and “W” thing!! I feel like I should’ve ha-ha. I think that’s the cutest idea ever!

    I really like how you posted about not being afraid to try new things. I always wondered if people would like to read my non-bookish thoughts, like when I did the 52 weeks of gratitude challenge. But whether they liked it or not, I still had fun with it 🙂

    The second piece of advice is gold too! I look back at some of my old book reviews and try NOT to judge them ha-ha! As much as I can’t believe how … different they are … there’s something kind of cute and lovely about them!

    Great post and advice, love! You are such a fantastic blogger and a truly wonderful human! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Geez thank you 😀 ❤️

      I like words and letters so it was second nature to pick those letters 😛

      Oh, I always wonder if people like my non-bookish posts, but then I think, it’s my blog I can do what I want, you know?

      Oh, dude I judge my old reviews too, some I’ve even re-written, but the others I just have to let it go and see how I’ve progressed.

      Again, thank you so much 😊💞

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. Totally agree. At the end of the day, our blogs belong to ourselves … so I do what I want! 😛

        I haven’t rewritten any but I’ve thought about it. I don’t think I ever will, especially since I never find the time and there’s something kind of cool seeing the transition of one’s own review writing 😊

        Of course! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Right?!

        I’ve only rewritten reviews if I’ve re-read the book and want to update it or or post it to my blog. Otherwise I don’t really touch them, but I agree with you, it’s fun to look back at them and (I) laugh 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah! Meghan! Thank you so, so much for nominating me!! It really means the absolute world to me ❤

    I absolutely love this post because it lets me learn a little bit more of how your blog came to be! I especially love the anecdote of how you settled on “whimsical” because of the M W scenario. Can I also talk about how much I love the advice you gave? I especially related to your second piece of advice. I’m still within my first year of blogging on WordPress, and I often get bogged down by how much I want to do/how much I feel I should be doing. I’ll for sure have to think of your words more often when I’m not meeting my sometimes unrealistic expectations.

    Wonderful post as always, Meghan!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very welcome! 🙂 💞

      Ah, thank you 😀 I’m glad you liked getting to know me and my blog better. 🙂

      I’m glad that my words resonated with you! I still need to take my own advice, even after 4 years of blogging I still feel like I need to be doing everything. This year I’ve been trying to appreciate things more!

      Liked by 1 person

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