Monthly Wrap-Ups

August 2019 Wrap-Up

Hello! Can you believe that summer is slipping us by? September is here and fall is creeping by, soon it will be Halloween. Okay, I’m jumping ahead of myself here, but I still can’t believe another month has gone by! Now that I got that out of the way 😅 it’s that time of the month to recap what went down, let’s get into it!

If you missed July’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Shining
Ghosts of the Shadow Market









I’m continuing my re-reading of The Shining for my Stephen King project; I’m exactly halfway through and I’m loving it. I just got to Part 4 where winter has hit and they are stuck in the Overlook, so good!

Again, I’m continuing with my re-read of the Twilight Saga, I’ve started reading Eclipse. I honestly don’t know how much longer I can read these books, but I’m already this committed, I don’t see myself not continuing. I think this has been the most boring of them all.

I’m also currently reading a Cassandra Clare book. I’m starting to wonder when I’ll stop collecting her books. Not that Ghosts of the Shadow Market isn’t good, it’s just that I feel like I’m outgrowing the world. I’m nearing the end and it’s just full of things that have happened to the characters that we wouldn’t have known otherwise. To me, I feel like we don’t need it, but here I am still reading it.

What I read this month:

I read a total of 9 books this month, and I’ve been really up in my Instagram game. I think every book I read this month got a photo, which is a first, so yay me! 🙂

Island of Legends (Unwanteds #4) by: Lisa McMann
Infamous (Beautiful Idols #3) by: Alyson Noël
The Museum of Heartbreak by: Meg Leder
New Moon (Twilight #2) by: Stephanie Meyer
Island of Shipwrecks (Unwanteds #5) by: Lisa McMann
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Screen Play by: J.K. Rowling
Learning to Swear in America by: Katie Kennedy
Island of Graves (Unwanteds #6) by: Lisa McMann
The Memory Book by: Lara Avery

Book Reviews this month:

Enter Title Here by: Rahul Kanakia
Behold the Dreamer by: Imbolo Mbue
Beautiful Idols Trilogy (#1-3) by: Alyson Noël
The Museum of Heartbreak by: Meg Leder
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Screen Play by: J.K. Rowling

Currently Watching:
Season 2
Season 1









I’ve started my re-watch of Fresh Prince of Bel Air and holy, I forgot how funny that show is! I don’t know how I’m going to get anything done now that I’ve started it!

I’ve finally started watching The Umbrella Academy. After being excited about it for months before it came out, I only got to it… 6 months later. Better late than never right? This show has been pretty good, and the soundtrack is amazing!

What I Watched this month:
Seasons 9
The Lion King
Something Borrowed
Season 7
Secret Obsession
A Dog’s Purpose
Then Came You
Only You
Season 7
Season 1
My Girl
Lost in Translation
Dazed and Confused
The Hollers














































I have finished my run of The Office and I miss it dearly already! The last season was bittersweet, I enjoyed it for the most part. I cried with all the Jim and Pam stuff, I cried when Michael appeared in the series finale, I cried with all the Dwight and Angela stuff, yeah I just cried through it all; I’m a sap. I’m glad I got to watch the show before it left Netflix!

I made it out to the theatre to see The Lion King and well, it was not my favourite. I don’t think I’ll be watching it again, if you want to know more of my thoughts, I actually wrote a review!

Since my days of the Office are over I saw that John Krasinski was in Something Borrowed and I just had to watch it. Nothing like a cheesy rom-com! I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this movie before, but it was still fun to watch again… mostly because I don’t remember who ends up with who.

Elementary ended in the middle of August. I truly did love the relationship between Holmes and Watson. I thought it was sweet, and the way they ended the whole series was really well done. I’m going to miss the show, but it had a really good run.

I stayed up, on a Sunday night mind you, to watch Secret Obsession. Probably not the best idea, but it was definitely thrilling and even though it was cheesy, and I knew how it would all play out, I was jumping and gasping like I didn’t. It was still really good, I’d recommend if you’re into thrillers.

I didn’t have any plans one Saturday so I spent the night watching Netflix, because of this I watched A Dog’s Purpose which I thought was cute, it wasn’t the best movie ever, but it was cute. Then I watched Then Came You which wasn’t anything special, but it was sweet and cute and funny, and made me cry like a baby. Maisie Williams is pretty hilarious. I continued my movie watching on Sunday night and watched Only You, it wasn’t my favourite movie, but it was still entertaining.

I did it, I finished season 7 of ER, and I actually enjoyed it, now I need to watch season 8 soon because I need to know what happens next!

I finished the first season of Fresh Prince of Belair I’m telling you, I forgot how good this show is! I’m so happy it’s back on Netflix!

I had another weekend where I didn’t have any Saturday plans and so I watched My Girl, in which I didn’t see that plot twist coming at all! Then I watched Lost in Translation, which was an interesting movie.

It’s becoming a trend for me to have what I call “Double Features” on Saturday nights with Netflix. For the last Saturday of August I started the night with Dazed and Confused in which I didn’t really enjoy. I ended up working on the blog with it on in the background. The second movie I watched was called The Hollers which has John Krasinski in it, and he directed it, so I had to watch it. It was actually really good, and just had this feel good feeling to it.

TV Tuesday Posts:

TV Tuesdays are on hold until September!

Posts from the Month

Music Monday: Summer Paradise by: Simple Plan
Music Monday: You and Me by: You + Me

Sunshine Blogger Award VIII
The Blogger Recognition Award III
My Twitter Party Review: New Moon

I have to say August started off well. My goal is to be as positive as I can, but we all know that can be hard. I think I did ok with that. Of course I’ll be trying hard in September too.

My first big thing was my family and I took a cruise around the Toronto Islands the first weekend in August (the long weekend for those in Ontario). We took the Kajama Tall Ship Cruises Tour, which was alright; it wasn’t anything super spectacular, but it was a good way to spend the day in the sun. We went out to the Firkin Pub for dinner, it seems to be my go-to place since it’s off the beaten path by the ScotiaBank Arena.

The next day, my brother, mum and I went to Vaughan Mills to get some shopping done. I have to say I came out successful with some soaps from the Body Shop (love that place❤️), a new blue cardigan, a bathing suit top for 5$!, a new umbrella (I’m so excited about because it’s big and I hope will keep me dry better than my old one), and lastly a new pair of shorts and top.

On the holiday Monday I got together with one of my best friends’ since I haven’t seen her for a bit and we headed out to Kariya Park. It’s not a very big park, but it’s quite pretty and there are a lot of ducks. After staying for a few hours we went to Demetres Cafe for dinner where I had a chocolate sundae, yum!

My mum and I went to get our toes done. I haven’t gone yet this year so I’m happy to have them done for the end of summer. You can see them in my bookish photo above 😂 We also went to our city’s Farmer’s Market where we got fresh fruit, (cherries, apricots, peaches) and some tarts (pecan and blueberry).

The fab 5, which is what I like to call my group of friends, got together to go out for dinner before my one friends’ went back to work. We went to Moxie’s and it was definitely a good night. ❤️

Like I mentioned above, I managed to get out to the theatre to see the Lion King. I’m happy that I saw it (because I seem to keep missing all the movies) but it wasn’t my favourite movie.

On the 19th of August my dad and I went to go see Pink. She’s incredible to see live and I 100% recommend it. You can read all about it, in my wrap up post, and you can see all the photos in my photo blog!

For the second time my mum and I went to the Farmer’s Market to pick up lots of fruit; peaches, apricots, blueberries, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and I bought a cherry pie. I also bought a sunflower, it’s very pretty!

My brother and I went to Chapters, nothing beats going book shopping 😀 I only bought one book, You Know Me Well by Nina LaCour and David Leviathan… has anyone read it? Is it good?

I baked for the first time in MONTHS. I made brownies for a work potluck and they were an instant hit, yay!

I ended the month by riding my bike to the library for the first time this year, yay! Usually I’ve already done it but between the weather and my trip I just haven’t gotten out there. I’m hoping now that the weather is cooling down I’ll be able to do it every weekend in September. Big goals, I know.

I also baked cookies (cherry chocolate chunks)! I don’t have a photo… yet… Hopefully in next month;s wrap up, which seems silly, but I’ve got nothing. I’m hoping to bake more!

I’m going to end this wrap up with all the links from my trip (including the ones from July) so that they’re all in one place incase you missed out on any:

Tuesday, July 9: Glasgow Write-Up
Friday, July 12: Glasgow Photo Blog
Tuesday, July 16: Edinburgh Write-Up
Friday, July 19: Edinburgh Photo Blog
Tuesday, July 23: Wales Write-Up
Friday, July 26: Wales Photo Blog
Tuesday, July 30: Spice Girls Write-Up
Friday, August 2: Spice Girls Photo Blog
Tuesday, August 6: Oxford + Brighton Write-Up
Friday, August 9: Oxford + Brighton Photo Blog
Tuesday, August 13: Liverpool + Manchester Write-Up
Friday, August 16: Liverpool + Manchester Photo Blog

7 thoughts on “August 2019 Wrap-Up

    1. Thanks! I didn’t think I’d done so much until I started to write it all down!
      Right?! Staying positive can be a full-time job sometimes. But I’m trying, here’s hoping September is good! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m so happy that it’s finally autumn! I love colder weather and the summer has tired me out with its heat. These first few days of September have already been cooler and I’m very pleased about that! 😀
    It seems like you had a busy but fun month. 🙂 I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying The Umbrella Academy! And I agree, the soundtrack for it is amazing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I’m happy the weather is going to start changing too.
      Thanks, it didn’t feel busy… until I started to write it all down.
      It was such a good first season. I can’t wait until the next season! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s amazing!!! that you managed to take a shot of every single book you’ve read last month.
    I still need to learn how to take photoes of the books I’m ACTUALLY reading and not some random books from my shelves 😀
    It hasn’t been easy to keep up with both blog and instagram, so I think I’ll take a small break from Insta, maybe re-think my theme, get some authumnal prompts and get back to it when I’m feeling more inspired.

    P.S. That pink top with cats is too cute ❤ I need one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I don’t know how I did it, but I did! 😀 I hope to continue this throughout September! 🙂
      Haha, I find it easier to take a photo of the book I’m reading.
      Taking a break can sometimes be the best thing, especially if things are starting to feel overwhelming.

      Haha, it’s actually a pj top! 😛

      Liked by 1 person

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