Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Fractured

Hello friends, I hope you are doing well. I’m changing it up a bit this week and posting a review today since I have quite a backlog of reviews to still post… 😅 so instead of posting a tag today I’m bring you Catherine McKenzie’s novel Fractured.


Fractured by: Catherine McKenzie: Julie is a well-established writer after her debut novel The Murder Game becomes a bestseller, but not everyone is a fan. Acquiring a stalker that drives her out of her state and into a quiet suburban neighbourhood, one that isn’t all that inviting. Now things are starting to happen again and Julie can’t tell if her stalker is back to get her or her new neighbours are playing pranks. What it leads to is a tragic death. This was a fast-paced novel where the reader couldn’t tell what was about to happen. This story is told in two points of view along two different timelines that eventually come together. The entire time, the reader is left thinking something has happened to the main character as all of her point of views take place in the past. The twists and turns that this novel go through are so well written and leave the reader craving more, needing to read the next chapter to find out more. It was definitely some really good storytelling. The ending however was a little lackluster. It just fell flat for the lead up that was built. It was still a very well written novel, but the ending could have been a bit better. McKenzie’s characters were well developed; even the secondary characters really balanced out the main characters and complimented them. They all worked so well because there were characters the reader could not stand mixed with ones the reader felt sorry for, which definitely left a mixed cast that really helped play out the plot. This novel was extremely engrossing and a roller coaster of emotions that the reader had a lot of fun going on.

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