Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: The Undoing Project

Hi friends, happy Monday, I hope everyone is doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Michael Lewis’ book The Undoing Project.

The Undoing Project

The Undoing Project by: Michael Lewis: This is a true story of two Israeli psychologists, Danny Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who wrote papers together on their findings on the decision-making process. This book not only talked about these papers and their findings, but on how the two came to know one another, where it all started and where it ended. This was such a fascinating book; all of the theories and concepts that came together and the two people that brought it there. The way this book started left the reader interested and ready to invest more time into it, but come the next few chapters, they didn’t seem to relate and this left the reader somewhat confused. It wasn’t until about a third way into the book that there was this eureka moment and everything started to come together. Lewis has a way with words; he can captivate an audience and he did it very well in this book. The way he not only weaved a tale of theories and statistics, while at the same time gave a narrative of two best friends who came together to do research together was masterful. The reader was pulled into the story because of these two unlikely pair and yet fascinated by the work they created and the way it touched on so many lives across the globe, changing the way we think about human nature and how we formulate decisions, judgement and biases. This definitely felt like an introduction on these topics, and at times there was a real textbook feel to this, but for the most part it was really well written and the reader found it to be engaging and a story well worth it to be told.

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