Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #19 πŸ‘’

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 497
On page 192

The Dead Zone: I’m 93% of the way through; I will be finishing this next week and I hope the last chapter will be great because this week, wasn’t it. It was going good until the very end of the chapter and the character just chickens out of what he set himself out to do, so I’m hoping the last chapter will wrap everything up.

Lastly I’m reading The Burning Page by: Genevieve Cogman. This is the third book in the Invisible Library series and wow these books keep getting better. This one has been so fast-paced compared to the previous two and I’m loving it.

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished Alone in the Wild by: Kelley Armstrong. With every passing novel in this series they keep getting better and better and this one was no exception. I loved it and I can’t wait to read the next one.

I also finished Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas. WHY did I wait so long to read this?!?! Oh my, this was not only super cute but it was full of love and acceptance and I loved the characters and the plots; I loved it all… I have no idea how I’m going to write a review that isn’t me just saying I love it πŸ˜…

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #18 πŸŒ‚

Review: The Undoing Project

Review: Yiddish for Pirates

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Nyx @Drizzle & Hurricane Books wrote a great post giving her reasons why YA books are always set in summer – I never really thought about it until she pointed it out, but it’s really true, great post

Γ‰imhear @A Little Haze posted a great piece on why she won’t be reading her ARC of Lycanthropy and Other Chronic Illnesses – this was so well written and I completely get her decision

Marie @Drizzle & Hurricane Books posted a great discussion post on why book blogs are an asset today with some great guests – this was a lovely read to get different perspectives on why people love their book blogs!

Karla @Another Bookworm wrote about her experience being in a Zoom call with the Shadow and Bone cast – this was so fun to read and I am so happy for her, sounds like she had a great time!

I started this week feeling a little rough after my vaccine shot, but I’m doing better now. I’m a little jealous that my brother felt completely fine after his! πŸ˜… This was another quiet week for me, now my whole family has had their first dose, woot woot! This past Sunday was Mother’s Day and to celebrate we had a family breakfast, which was yummy! This week was a little book heavy for me, not only did I get new library books, but I received some books in the mail too!πŸ“š

A few positives from this week:
– a trip to Starbucks
– new library books + got books in the mail

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 6. I’ve watched a few more episodes this week and the Gilmores are finally realizing what Lorelai told them was true about Logan and his family. I just feel like Rory is very lost – which she’s allowed to be, but man she keeps making these choices that make her a very unlikeable character.

One Tree Hill; season 7. I forgot how much I like the intro of Clay – he’s my favourite of the new characters. His relation as Nathan’s agent and friend is so sweet and the banter is great. The whole scandal with Nathan and the woman with the baby is… what it is. Didn’t we get enough with Nathan and the Nanny a few seasons ago so now we have to have another cheating scandal, I’m over it. The addition of Alex is interesting, she’s smart but plays dumb and I hate how she plays right into Julian’s hand… and the sad thing is Julian falls right for it. I do like how Victoria has softened up. OH and Quinn, Haley’s sister shows up; I’ve never liked how inconsistent they’ve been with Haley’s siblings. In the beginning she was the youngest of alll these siblings and her parents leave in season 2 because she’s the last one to leave home… but here comes Quinn… her younger sister… alright. Lastly, can’t forget about Dan and surprise welcome back Rachel, who we all know is just using him.

Orange is the New Black; season 4. I started the next season and it’s been alright. I’m not very far, but it’s not been as gripping as past seasons have been. There are new characters but we haven’t really got to know them just yet – instead it’s becoming a war of Piper versus everyone else and I’m kinda over it. Can Piper leave the show now?

The Good Doctor; season 4. This week’s episode was sad; Shaun and his girlfriend, lose their baby and it’s just so sad. This episode dealt with the loss of a baby as well as choosing the way you want to die, even if not everyone agrees with it.

This Is Us; season 5. This was a sweet episode that showcased how far each of the siblings have come in their life and their careers and it was so lovely to watch. I really think that Kate has come the farthest and it was so great to see her so happy in what she does and to finally find what she loves and it was so rewarding to watch.

What I’ve watched:

One Tree Hill; season 6. I have finished, what I call, the second stage of OTH. The first being their high school years, then these two seasons because seasons 7-9 have a different feel. Anyways, this really wrapped up all their storylines really well. Lucas and Peyton get married, have their baby and live happily ever after; Brooke finally gets the love she’s been craving from her mother (I won’t lie every time Victoria says she’s proud of her I tear up), she has to say goodbye to Sam, which was sad but she does go after the boy she loves; Nathan finally makes it to the NBA; Dan, well he tries to end his life but we all know Dan won’t die. It was good to see Whitey one last time. I forgot Nick Lachey guest starred for a few eps, I always scream his name πŸ˜‚ and I love how they gave James Van der Beek a character that was close to his character in Dawson’s Creek – I’ve always thought that was clever.

Shadow and Bone; season 1. I finished this up and daaamn, the last episode, I want more! I can’t wait for season 2! I decided I’m not going to be doing a write up for this show, but I enjoyed it. I like how we got an introduction to all the characters, we got to see how the Darkling became the Darkling; we got to see them all before they headed off on the ship and like I said, I can’t wait for more.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

8 thoughts on “Weekly Update #19 πŸ‘’

    1. Right?! I now can’t wait for season 2! I have a feeling I’m going to like that season a little bit more! 😁


  1. How am I only seeing this? 😭 I’m finally starting Cemetery Boys and I cannot wait to finish this but I know I’m going to love it!! and THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring my post, it means a lot πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•

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