TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… True Blood Season Three

Hi! Welcome to TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking all about season three of True Blood.

From left to right: Kristin Bauer van Straten as Pam Swynford De Beaufort, Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton, Ann Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse, Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman, Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte, Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton, Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hambly, Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse and Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds

Season three starts right where two left off. Everyone in the town is under investigation for the murder of Eggs. Tara is incredibly pissed, so pissed that she is mad at everyone, she’s mad at Sookie for telling Eggs all the things he did while he was under the curse. Then there’s Jason who is going insane for killing Eggs.

Andy tells Jason that there are too many holes in their story so they have to act like everything is totally normal. So Andy tells him to go get laid, but Jason says he wants to be the new Jason, when he said that ugh, he sounded so hurt and so vulnerable and sad.

Bill has been kidnaped but it wasn’t by Eric (thank god) but it’s these I want to say vampire haters. Oh god, they aren’t vampire haters, they’re werewolves that kidnaped Bill good lord.

Sookie is on the hunt looking for Bill, and no one believes he’s been kidnaped. She goes to Jessica, who lord we’ll unpack that in a second, but she know nothing. So she goes to Eric and Sookie thinks the same as I do, that Eric is behind it. We find out he’s not, and he has a conversation with her while naked, damn good lord.

Now Eric is on the hunt for Bill and lord is he passionate about finding him, man does he have it bad for Sookie. Uh the way he wants to protect Sookie and wants her is incredibly adorable and it’s melting my heart. He wants her to stop underestimating herself against these werewolves that are after Bill. But there is definitely more to the story than Eric is letting on. He finally tells Sookie about these Nazi werewolves he was fighting years ago since the werewolves are now after her and have been stalking her for some time. Eric wants to protect her, God this guy can just undress you with his eyes looooord! (Can you tell I love this guy?!) He wants her to invite her in, but she’s relentless it isn’t until he feels a presence that she does and there’s a werewolf. Sookie shoots, but who does she hit!?!

Lord, she hits Eric because he jumps in the way. He doesn’t want Sookie to kill him because he wants information. Instead Eric kills him when he sees the marking on his neck. Sookie is so desperate to find Bill that she hates they got no information. They do find out where he’s from, Jackson, so Sookie wants to go there to look for Bill.

That’s when a werewolf shows up to look after Sookie, sent by Eric to go with her on her journey to find Bill. Here enters Alcide.

Okay lets unpack Jessica. So last season she cheated on Hoyt with this trailer trash guy. Well she drank too much of his blood and she doesn’t know how to wake him up. So she’s going to turn him into a vampire? How does she even know how to do that? The answer, she doesn’t. She kills him and now she’s going to Pam for answers. So are we making Pam a regular character?

What the fuck is going on? So Sam is on the hunt to find his birth parents but he has a dream that he runs into Bill and it becomes this real creepy sex dream, all because he took quite a bit of Bill’s blood. Okay now I’m not sure how much I like this weird side affect.

Sam does find his birth parents and he has a younger brother.

So Bill does escape and I guess he tries to call Jessica, but she doesn’t realize what is it since she hasn’t been a vampire that long. It’s Sookie who figures it out when Eric calls his vampire Pam.

We learn that Bill has been kidnaped for Sookie yet again. Then his past lover returns, Lorianna.

One of the vampires who has taken Bill asks him if he really loves his human, and if he does why doesn’t he just make her a vampire. Which is an idea, but Bill has his reasons I believe. We get a flashback from his past when he returns to his wife as a vampire and when she finds out, she freaks out and doesn’t like that he’s not human. I think he was going to turn her, but it was Lorannia who stopped him and instead makes her forget that he ever existed. He probably doesn’t want that to happen to Sookie.

I don’t think we’ve ever seen him so broken up before, it’s a little heartbreaking, but I’m still not a fan of him. And it’s all this to say Bill chooses to have his  loyalties lie with the vampires, and to let Sookie go. OoOooOoOoo.

He then goes to Lorianna and tells her he doesn’t love her, but they sleep together and he tries to kill her at the same time, like what he is trying to do; I don’t think he even knows.

There’s another issue within the vampire clan. There are issues with how much vampire blood is being sold and it’s not enough. Money is tight and they are now being threatened by a higher being vampire, so now it’s on Lafayette to sell all the blood.

What is Tara doing? She swallows a bunch of pills, because she doesn’t want to be alive anymore? Ugh. I don’t like where they are taking her plot. I used to love her character but now uhhhhh. Ever since she got the demon “removed” from her.

It’s Lafayette who saves Tara he tells her mother to get the hell out because she’s not doing Tara any good, she never really has.

He ends up taking her to see his mother who lives in rehab. This is an eye opening experience for Tara. We find out that Lafayette is putting all his money to keep her there since he doesn’t want to take care of her. He wants Tara to never do what she did the night before so they make a pact.

Ohhhh nooooo. Tara meets this guy while sitting at the bar, it’s one of the werewolves I can feel it. Okay nope, vampire. Why does Tara get herself into these situations? Like hasn’t she been through enough? She sleeps with him, and when he mentions if she has a boyfriend or husband she freaks out.

I like what Sookie does for her, she has a funeral for Eggs, so now they’re back to being friends.

So this weird vampire that Tara met is now after Jessica and he wants to know about Bill, I have no idea what he wants because he goes back to Tara. Well he goes to Tara to get more information about Bill. Tara is now a held prisoner by this vampire.

I feel so sad every time Jessica and Hoyt are on screen. They are so cute yet they fight against each other.

Gah Terry is so adorable!! He tells Sookie that he likes her and it would suck if she died. I love how Terry is so in love with Arleen and wants to prove how good he is, and how much she can trust him.

But Arleen finds out she’s pregnant, we’re led to believe it’s Terry’s but when she finds out the baby is 9 weeks old, now who is the baby daddy? Well she’s trying to break the news to Terry, and Terry takes it as it’s his kid and he is so happy, it’s actually kinda cute!

So now after everything that Jason has been through he thinks he can be a cop. Oh brother. I like that he has passion for it, but he thinks he can be a cop without the actual knowledge, oh Jason.

So the werewolf takes Sookie to Jackson and they head to a a werewolf club, and all hell breaks loose. Sookie finds the werewolf that took Bill, but a fight breaks out because he wants to defile her.

Damnnnnnn. So Bill breaks up with Sookie over the phone. It’s sad. We know Bill doesn’t want to do it, and Sookie knows that something is up. So she wants to still go and find him so he can say it to her face.

So when Sookie and her werewolf friend go to the werewolf club so does the vampire who has Bill. He shows up and supplies the werewolves blood. Interesting.

And hahaha, I know I’ve said it before but Eric has it bad for Sookie, so freakin bad, and I’m loving every minute of it.

And Sam’s situation is crazy. So his family has come to visit him and he doesn’t know why they’re back so soon. Well when his brother tries to steal money he finds his parents sleeping in their van in his parking lot. Turns out they don’t have much money, which happens quite a bit so they plan on freeloading on Sam. That’s tough. Now they’re not leaving.

On top of this, Sam has hired Jessica since Arleen needs help, and someone recognizes her and is surprised she’s alive, welllll this isn’t going to end well. She’s trying to glamour him, and while doing this Hoyt sees and gets jealous, noooo! Well I guess they’re truly broken up, since he brings a new girl to the restaurant. But I see that Sam’s brother Tommy seems to like Jessica.

The vampire blood issue is back… because Bill was the one who mentioned it to the king, wow. We learn that Lorianna is the one who’s making Eric make Lafayette sell the vampire blood because the IRS are on their case. And Bill wants Lorianna off his case, so that’s why the magister goes to raid Eric’s club and finds the V. That’s when Eric puts it on Bill and now he has two days to find Bill.

And guess where the vampire, Franklin, who kidnaped Tara takes her, to where Bill is, and when she sees Bill, she’s quite terrified. But no one knows why anyone is there, it’s kinda comical. Tara wants help, but Bill’s not going to help. But the king know that Bill is lying.

I have no idea how Tara manages to bite out of her restraints but she does and she escapes for a little bit, until a werewolf brings her back. Lord is Franklin ever mad and upset, he puts on quite the performance. Now she has to pretend she’s really into him. We learn that Franklin wants to turn her into a vampire, lord how is she going to get out of this!

Gahhhhh this show! Eric shows up to speak to the king about Bill, when the king knows where Bill is, and knows Eric is the one dealing V.

But now we know why the werewolf was stalking Sookie, he was looking for information as to why Bill was with her, because apparently Bill is looking into her family and why she’s telepathic.

It’s the werewolf who finds Bill and brings him to Sookie. But they get all of two seconds together before the king comes and takes over. Sookie is able to use her power again and the king is super amazed by that.

I forgot about Jason and his crazy mission to be a cop. He pushes Andy for the job, and when he gets a desk job, he’s not thrilled, but he has to start somewhere. Andy is really pulling for him and I don’t know why.

He’s also met this girl named Crystal and I have such bad feelings about her, she’s so weird. When he goes to her house she pretends to not know him since she’s got a fiancé who answers the door. Why doesn’t Jason just take the hint?!

Eric’s past is really weird. I’m trying to figure out the timeline. So he’s known about werewolves longer than he’s been a vampire?

Ew that fake smile Eric uses with the king is disgusting. Bleh. I also don’t like the gay vibes he’s giving off to the king, it’s creepy.

It’s the king who tells Sookie about the file Bill had kept on her family. They play twenty questions trying to figure 1) what Sookie is and 2) why they want Sookie.

The king wants Lorianna to kill Bill so she tortures him, is she really going to let him die though?

Somehow Tara escapes and smashes Franklin’s head in, I don’t think he’s dead but she is able to get to Sookie and from there the two of them take down a werewolf and escape even though Sookie doesn’t want to since she doesn’t want to leave Bill. Well she finds him, doesn’t want him to be dead… anymore dead than he already is, and that’s when he says ‘Sookie’ and Lorianna comes and bites her, yikes. But Bill gets this last wind and helps Sookie stake Lorianna. Now they must get out but Sookie isn’t leaving without Bill and they run into some werewolves. Things just don’t look good. They escape and Bill takes waaaayy to much blood from Sookie and so they leave Bill by the side of the road in the middle of the day. They think he’s ash, but I doubt it.

Tara takes her to a hospital where she falls into a comma and they find out Sookie doesn’t have a blood type. What the actual fuck?! So her body is rejecting all the blood they try to give her.

Tara calls Jason and he’s the one who has to make some sort of decision. Man is he ever torn up, I love Jason in moments like this because he’s so real and raw.

Then bam, Bill shows up- told you he wasn’t ash and he wants to save Sookie by giving him his blood. Everyone says no, but it’s up to Jason and Jason can’t loose his sister so he says yes. Well she wakes up, but she wakes up screaming, and all I want to know is why.

Well apparently it’s because of Bill. She has now come to the realization that they can’t be together. She keeps waiting for them to be happy, but she now knows that that will never happen; after he lost control on her and couldn’t stop feeding she sees things in a different light.

So Sam is so curious about his family. He’s worried about Tommy because his father hits him. When he learns about dog fighting he knows something up with them. He turns into a dog to find out that his parents use Tommy as a dog to fight for money. Sam puts a stop to it right away, saying they are crap parents and he lets Tommy stay with him.

Daaamnnnnnnnn. So the king shows up in Eric’s basement were Pam is held with the magister. That’s when he threatens the magister about the rules and who is the authority. It ends with the king lopping the magister’s head off, shit! Because he’s done this he now claims Louisiana as well as Mississippi.

Now Bill wants to get rid of Jessica but she is so not ready to get rid of Bill, she needs him, and she doesn’t want to be alone anymore. Bill tries so hard to push her away but Jessica is strong and fierce and that makes Bill stay.

So now that Sookie and Bill are broken up, although she still has a lot of faith in him, she’s all flirty with her werewolf friend, Alcide. Not going to lie they are preeeety cute!

Eric uses Sookie’s cousin (who the queen has used as a servant for years) to tell Sookie that Russell (the king) is after her and he’s coming. Also she shouldn’t trust Bill. Interesting Eric, very interesting. I also have to say they changed his bleh blue shirt for an even uglier striped shirt, oh man, poor Eric.

Well the wolves come and of course it’s Russell leading the charge, he tries to kill Jessica, but then moves to Bill. But meanwhile back the house, Eric gets real close and personal with one of Russell’s vampires, it looks like good sexy time until he kills him. Ooooohhh the betrayal.

And the werewolves go to Sookie and she has to deck it out with Alcide’s ex who is a werewolf lover. Well once the vampire dies Russell flees and Bill goes to Sookie and well of course they make up because they’re “so sorry”.

So the nurse who takes care of Lafayette’s mom, Jesus really digs Lafayette, that is until he finds out that he deals drugs, lord he’s out of there so fast. It’s when his mother runs away to his house, that Lafayette and Jesus get to talk and reconnect.

Oh Jason. So Crystal comes to him scared because she’s run away from her pack, she’s a werewolf, and so when Jason goes to her place he tells her father off, but Jason doesn’t know the half of it. Lord.

So now that Eric has killed a vampire he’s freaking out, and when the face of vampires comes to his club he’s even more paranoid. But she doesn’t know he’s killed someone. What we do learn is the Russell was the one behind the wolves who killed his family and he’s been waiting a thousand years to kill him. He didn’t think he’d get his revenge, but he does

Wow! So Sookie’s cousin has a son who is telepathic just like Sookie. And we finally find out what Sookie is! She’s a fairy. That just seems so out of place in this show.

But now we know why Russell is after her is because of her blood. It gives vampires this protection in the sun. Instead of burning right away it takes the edge off. I can see why the vampires would want it.

Ew Russell puts his dead vampire in a clear urn. Instead of ashes it’s goo! But now that his vampire is dead he goes rouge and kills on live tv.

Ohh my god! Sam goes insane. He’s so tired of everyone fighting and disagreeing his his restaurant that he takes it out on Crystal’s father.

Then two seconds later Franklin shows up, I KNEW HE WASN’T DEAD!! He didn’t explode like all vampires do when they die. But then Jason comes to the her rescue by shooting him… with wooden bullets! Damn! Finally Jason did a good thing. Okay I know he’s trying to do a good thing for Crystal but he just keeps messing it up because he underestimates her and her pack.

Now Jason is holding down the fort looking after Tara and Sookie but he breaks down and tells Sookie that he killed Eggs, and of course Sookie thinks he needs to tell Tara. This could get very interesting. Well he tells her and she runs out. But ugh the anguish I feel for Jason in that moment is just unbearable. I have really grown to love Jason.

SHIT!! Crystal is not a werewolf she’s a shifter and she shifts into a panther. Holy crap! The way she shows up to Jason, right after he yells at Bill. Damn.

Omg Terry for the win! So Arleen finally tells terry that the baby she’s carrying isn’t his, and he is the best. He tells her he wants to marry her and raise the baby as if it was his own and smother it with love. He is amazing.

Everybody is professing their love first Terry then Hoyt to Jessica, holy was the ever cute! Then Eric in so many words to Sookie, but then in good old fashioned Eric style he does something bad, he locks her up in the basement. Ugh.

It’s one of Eric’s humans that he keeps around that frees Sookie and together with Bill they tie Pam up since Eric has gone to Russell.

Bill and Sookie are talking about the normal life they would have together when Eric and Russell show up.

Eric is also so suspicious and up to something sometimes I don’t know to trust him, but when he tells Russell of the fairy blood, obviously Russell doesn’t believe them. So Eric agrees to go first and test it out. Bill is on board, as in board as he can be, and Sookie is completely angry at all of them. I understand they couldn’t tell her because she could potentially ruin the whole thing. So Eric and Russell drink her blood and Eric goes outside. But as we know it only protects them from the sun for a little bit and soon he starts to burn. But before he does he motions for Russell to come out. My thought was that they’d get Russell outside so they can kill him, but then Eric handcuffs himself to Russell so they can die together… uhm what?!?!

How did I know Sookie was going to save him? Of course she would, but now she has this desire to save him?

What is up Sam’s butt? Lord he’s super angry/drunk and he treats everyone like shit, yells and wants everyone out. It’s Tara that talks him down.

Because Arleen is carrying Renee’s baby, she doesn’t want it to be born because she’s afraid it will be like him, but she also doesn’t believe in abortions so she doesn’t know what to do. One of the new waitresses at the restaurant knows this voodoo stuff which will get rid of her baby problem naturally. She has misscarriage, but does she really? When she gets to the hospital the doctor tells her the baby is still alive and that she has a strong critter in there. Oh boy. Terry is obviously happy, but Arleen not so much.

In the season finale we see Sam finally tell someone else he’s a shapeshifter. He tells Tara after their night together and she freaks out because she’s so tired of supernatural beings.

After Sookie saves Eric, he wants to save Russell because Godrick came to him to tell him to forgive Russell. So now Sookie is watching him while the other vampires sleep.

We find out that Russell believes that he can bring his vampire back to life with Sookie’s blood that’s why he’s caring him around. So what does Sookie do, she throws him down the drain.

Eric calls Alcide to bring his van and when he shows up Sookie has the googley eyes for him. When it’s time to move Russell Eric’s comment is hilarious “are you two done eye fucking each other” he says to Bill and Alcide.

They bring him to a construction site where they burry Russell in cement. Eric has his doubts because of Godrick but then Bill throws Eric into the cement and buries him in it. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

Bill does it to keep Sookie safe so that everyone who knows about her blood would be dead.

HOLY SHIT! ERIC RETURNS- THANK YOU GOD! And then we find out that the whole reason that Sookie and Bill ever met was because he was on an errand for the queen because they already knew about her blood and that he’s trying to protect himself, LORD HAVE MERCY! Eric for the win right now, although I can understand why Sookie is pissed at him too.

We also find out that Crystal’s family have been selling V and now Jason his helping her and her family from being found out by the DEA.

“Yous a witch, whose a nurse, who’s a dude” man Lafayette is hilarious. So it turns out that Jesus is a witch, who would have thought?! He’s been seeing things after they had a very crazy V experience.

Why does everyone always cut their hair when thins get tough. So Tara chops all her braids off; I’m going to miss those.

So Tommy runs off after Sam yells at him and steals his money. Sam goes after him, and shoots him, I can believe he did that!

When Sookie runs off to gran because she feels alone, she finds her fairy folk. Are we going to hit a new dimension next season?! I’m excited!

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