Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Smoke

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Catherine McKenzie’s novel Smoke.


Smoke by: Catherine McKenzie: Elizabeth has spent her career chasing wildfires. Trading her crazy lifestyle to become the local arson investigator things have slowed down, that is until a huge fire happens that affects not only her life, but the life of friends she once knew. Trying to uncover the mystery of who started the fire and why really hits Elizabeth and starts to bring her closer to the people who were slipping away. The storytelling was well done; McKenzie has a way with words that makes her story flow. Her plots were good, the whole fire subplot was really fascinating and really well done; the way it weaved around the character’s lives was excellent. The conflicts that all the characters seemed to be going through all felt really real and raw and extremely relatable. The whole whodunit plots kinda got stale and the big reveal just kinda fell flat. She tried to weave all these curveballs and for what purpose, just to jerk the reader around. Aside from the ending, this was a very put together novel.

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