Books · Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: welcome to ghost town

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Gretchen’s (@chicnerdreads) second poetry collection.

welcome to ghost town

welcome to ghost town by: Gretchen Gomez: In this poetry collection, the author, Gomez takes her readers on a journey through the people who were once in her life. Through everything this intense and fierce book showcases Gomez’s bold writing. As the reader reads the poems it’s almost like they are absorbing Gomez’s pain and hurt and letting her release all that she’s been holding onto. Her words are sharp and they are powerful and it’s very clear how much of a fighter and a survivor the she is. The sequence of these poems didn’t matter because no matter which order you read them they still leave their mark on the reader, and resonate with them. It was beautifully put together and was a read that let’s readers know that they are not alone in their feelings. This collection feels like a step up from her first piece, as she opens up to her readers, and there is nothing braver.

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