Monthly Wrap-Ups

December Wrap-Up

Hi guys! I can’t believe it’s the last day of December already! I hope you all have a save and Happy New Year! 🎉😊 Me? I’m just completely ready for bed, so I may celebrate early and call it a year! 😋
Today I’m going to wrapping up my December. Let’s get into it!

If you missed November’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
‘Salem’s Lot
The Demigod Diaries
The Dark Days Deceit








Still reading ‘Salem’s Lot. I’m enjoying it so far, I’m about 280 pages in. Only 20 more weeks to go!
I’m very much into the world Rick Riordan has created and so I just finished his Heroes of Olympus and of course I had to read the side books too. The Demigod Diaries takes readers through behind the scenes (if you will) look into the characters and their backstories.
I just started The Dark Days Deceit this past weekend and not only is the cover gorgeous, the story is really well told. I’m sad this trilogy is ending, but excited at the same time.

What I read this month:

All in all, 8 books isn’t bad at all seeing as I had a major slump near the end, and Christmas and work being a factor!

The Glittering Court (The Glittering Court #1) by: Richelle Mead
Lab Girl by: Hope Jahren
The House of Hades (The Heroes of Olympus #4) by: Rick Riordan
Hero at the Fall (Rebel of the Sands #3) by: Alwyn Hamilton
Midnight Jewel (The Glittering Court #3) by: Richelle Mead
Lilac Girls by: Martha Hall Kelly
The Blood of Olypmus (The Heroes of Olympus #5) by: Rick Riordan
The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by: Phaedra Patrick

Book Reviews this month:

welcome to ghost town by: Gretchen Gomez
When We Collide by: Emery Lord
Harry Potter: Film Wizardry by: Brian Sibley
The Steep and Thorny Way by: Cat Winters

Currently Watching:
Season 5
Season 2
Season 35














Since it’s been the month of Christmas, all shows on TV have gone on Winter break I haven’t really been keeping up with much.

Yes, I’m still watching Bob’s Burgers.

I got season 2 of ER from the library… this is going to be a very slow go, but I think I’m in for the long hull.

I still try to catch my Jeopardy every day… there is something about this show that makes me feel really smart when I get answers right! 😝

I’m also still religiously watching my hockey! Go Leafs Go! 💙🍁💙

What I Watched this month:
Season 5ish
Mockingjay Part 2
Season 3
The Holiday Calendar
A Christmas Prince
A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding
Christmas With the Kranks
Home Alone
Home Alone 2
Miracle on 34th Street (1994)
Nailed It! Holiday
The Christmas Chronicles
Mary Poppins Returns










































I am still on my journey through Bob’s Burgers. Don’t judge me. Netflix doesn’t give me the option to download this show so I can’t watch it on the go… which is making this really hard to watch!

I finally finished my re-watching of the Hunger Games with Mockingjay Part 2. It was just as good as the first part; I think they really did a great job with these movies!

I’ve finally gotten caught up wth season 3 of Riverdale. Damn, I seriously don’t know why I watch this show anymore 🙄🙄😝

I started getting my Christmas movie-watching on and I started with some Netflix originals. The first one I watched was The Holiday Calendar in which the first time I watched it, I fell asleep and all I’d seen was the first and last 20 minutes of the movie. I wasn’t going to re-watch it, but then I did and man, did I not know there was this whole weird subplot! 😝

I then got sucked into Christmas Prince. The first one was decent, the second one, A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding was horrible. I’m glad I fell asleep during that one!

I then got around to watching some of the Christmas movies I have on DVD like Elf, Christmas With the Kranks, Home Alone 1 & 2. 

I also finally got around to watching Dumplin’. It was everything I wanted it to be. I cried the whole time, happy, sad tears you name it.

It’s tradition in my house to watch the 1994 version of Miracle on 34th Street on Christmas Eve, so of course that happened.

When I found out that Nailed It! had a holiday edition, I had to watch it! Although I had to wait for my brother to return home… we devoured this in about two days.

On Boxing Day my aunt (who has already seen the movie) wanted us all to watch The Christmas Chronicles and continue to tell us all her favourite parts 😂

Rounding off this month and this year, I went to the movies with my family. We say Mary Poppins Returns. This kinda reminded me why I don’t like musicals… I’m hoping to write my thoughts out and have a review-ish post Friday!

TV Tuesday Posts:

The Crown Season One
The Crown Season Two

Posts from the Month

Music Monday: Why Don’t You & I by: Santana ft. Chad Kreoger
Music Monday: Calling To Say by: Serena Ryder
Music Monday: This Christmas by: The Summer Set

Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR 2018

Bookish Naughty or Nice Book Tag
The Holiday Drinks Book Tag

I started off my December on the right foot by hitting the Toronto Christmas Market! I got a lot of my Christmas shopping done! I don’t usually buy things when I go, but this year I felt like I needed to just finish my shopping; I don’t know, I can’t describe it. All that’s left is my mum… and she’s always with me so shopping for her can be so hard! I have to say I’m really proud of the Toronto Maple Leaf sweater I found for my dad, it was definitely not on the cheap side so I really hope he loves it! 💙(He did!)

Our Christmas tree was put up November 30 (which is a first in our household… we always seem to wait until at least December) but I got home from a very stressful day at work and there she was… now I’ve slowly been helping to decorate it, but as I say short people shouldn’t decorate tall trees… I think our tree is 7.5 feet tall… I’m 5 feet tall… yeeeeah, I almost went down with it, but it’s all in good fun!

Since last month I barely got any baking done, I got my mixer out and made chocolate shortbread cookies, shaped as stars… where some don’t really look like stars, but they’re just dancing stars! They were a hit at work, so I’ll probably be making them again!

Mid-December all my friends were back home so we decided to get together, dress up in Christmas sweaters and socks and have a lovely get together. There was wonderful food, and fun games, and the company was the best! 💞

For our get-together I was going to make gingerbread cupcakes, but because work has been s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l, I just looked up a really quick vanilla cupcake recipe and it was a hit! I did use the frosting recipe from the gingerbread cupcakes (vanilla cinnamon frosting) and it went over very well! I may still make the gingerbread recipe if I find time!

I did end up doing it! I made the gingerbread cupcakes… and they were consumed by a lot of my family because they seemed to be the traveling cupcakes! Aside from baking a third weekend in a row (I know, who am I?) I went out with friends who I see pretty much once a year for dinner to a place called Spring Rolls (their kung pao chicken was good!) then we did some karaoke… that was a lot of fun!

Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye. My schedule has been so off between working, not working, celebrating, getting ready for work. Every day confuses me, but I’ve made it through another Christmas, turkey was consumed (twice!) and gifts were to be had. I got a few books, some new pans for baking, candy, beer, tea, it was really a mixed bag this year! 😂

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and that you’re New Years is bright and shiny! 🌟

7 thoughts on “December Wrap-Up

  1. I love how many Christmas films you watched last month Meghan. 🙂 I guess there’s really only one time of the year to watch them though so you’ve got to get them in while you can. 😀 i really love Home Alone 1 and 2, I didn’t watch them myself in December but I wish I had, they just bring back so many memories of my childhood and I just love them.
    Also I think 8 books is a solid amount for one month, especially if you had a reading slump at the end of the month. Hopefully you’re over your slump now right?!
    Great post, and I hope you have a brilliant January and a brilliant 2019 as well. 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Beth! Yeah, watching a Christmas movie at any other time feels silly! Home Alone are my favourites, mostly the second one though!
      There’s always next year right?!
      Yeah, I don’t know how I managed it but I did get 8 read!
      Thank you Beth! I hope you’ve had a great start to the new year! 🙂 ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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