Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #49 ⛸

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 753
On page 287

The Bachman Books; 81% of the way; I’m continuing to read The Running Man this week and I now know what the Running Man is, but again I’m not liking this main character, but I’m hoping that will change – there’s still time.

Lastly, I’m reading Hench by: Natalie Zina Walschots and wow this has been so much fun to read so far. It’s so invested in this story; the villains are the main characters and it’s so interesting to follow them!

What I’ve Read:

Last week I read Radio Silence by: Alice Oseman and I loved it. It was so good, so fast paced, so emotional, so much to take away.

I also finished A Psalm for Lost Girls by: Katie Bayerl. I wanted to like this, but I just didn’t. The premise was good, but the second half of the novel was kinda meh and the mental health rep was awful.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #48 🖊

Review: Act Your Age, Eve Brown

Review: We Are Okay

Liebster Award XI

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Mackenzie @Colour Me Read talked about her favourite sub-genres within sci-fi – this got me really interested in reading more sci-fi, since I barely read from that genre

Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books took us on a walkthrough of her Christmas tree ornaments – I am in love with them all!

Karla @Another Bookworm posted a great discussion on holding our favourite authors accountable – this was such a great, important read.

I started this week seeing family I haven’t seen in years. We had a little get together for my dad’s birthday and it was just a nice, fun evening!

I got the news that my contract at work was extended and that’s good! Aside from that it’s been a very quiet week. Our Christmas decorations went up this week too and it’s starting to feel like Christmas in my house!

What I’m watching:

Star Trek: Enterprise; season 2. I’m so close to finishing this season, I have one episode left, and some have been better than others. I like we get a bit of an origin story to Archer and Tripp (even if I was kinda bored throughout that episode, flashback eps are kind of a snooze for me) and we’re seeing more worlds again, I can’t wait to see where season 3 will take us.

Sex Education; season 3. I’m not ready to finish this (for now, as I know there will be a season 4 at some point). But this season has started off so good, I’m only a few epiosdes in but I’m loving it, obviously. I can’t believe Isaac told Maeve what he did, that shocked me since I thought he was out to get her. And Eric and Adam AH! ❤️ ALSO, that head mistress?!?! Wow, she’s evil!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine; season 7. I’m back to re-watching this so I can finally watch season 8. So far it’s been a joy to be back. Amy thought she might be pregnant and so now they’re trying for a kid, I love this!

Station 19; season 5. I’m surprised this and Grey’s came back this week, but alas, this episode was EMOTIONAL! We have so many people grieving in different ways, uh it was just so heartbreaking all of it; from Vic to Jack, to Travis and Warren.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 18. This was less emotional; Joe finds out Link used to have a crush on her and that is now changing the way she sees him, yikes! Miranda is trying to recruit new students to the hospital and you know Meredith and Amelia are trying to cure Parkinsons. It was a mixed bag of an episode.

What I’ve watched:

The Movies That Made Us; season 1 &2. I managed to watch both seasons (they’re 4 episodes long, each). I’ve seen most of the movies they’ve talked about. There were a total of 2 that I haven’t seen, but the movies are so popular that even if you haven’t seen them, you’ve heard about them and know the storyline and quotes from it. I also have to say between season 1 and 2 they changed the narrator and I don’t know, hearing the witty writing from a British voice, was weird (this is just my opinion).

The Princess Switch: Romancing the Star. I watched the third instalment to this series, and it was alright. It was cheesy and pretty predictable; I lost interest throughout because it got a little boring in the middle but if you’ve seen the other two, it makes sense to watch this one, although you aren’t really missing much.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

7 thoughts on “Weekly Update #49 ⛸

  1. Great post! I am behind on so many TV shows at the moment. I still haven’t watched most of the previous season of Grey’s Anatomy. I definitely hope to catch up on that show at some point because Scott Speedman is on the current season, and I am such a fan of the TV show Felicity.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like you are doing a lot with your time 😊 Wish I could watch more and read more but somehow time always escape from me 😂 Are you reading Stephen King in order of publishing date? What number of his books are you on? My goal was to read at least one of his book this year but I didn’t make it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha, thank you! I feel you, time just slips by so fast! I am reading King’s work in order of publication date. I’ve read 5 of his novels 1 short story collection and I’ve read 3 of his books he wrote under Richard Bachman. That’s okay, you can always try next year. My favourite that I’ve read so far has to be the Dead Zone! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha! Yes, he has a lot of books! From the ones I’ve read (I’ve also read some of his newest ones before I started in publication order) are:
        Mr. Mercedes (the trilogy)
        The Dead Zone
        The Shining

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