
Liebster Award VI

Hi friends, happy Thursday! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’ll be doing the Liebster Award for the sixth time! Thank you to Chocoviv’s Lifestyle Blog for tagging me! ☺️


  • Thank the Blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  • Nominate 11 other Bloggers.
  • Ask nominees 11 questions.


1) Which country did you last visit?

I actually had to think about that because it’s been so long. But I did cross the boarder in January to the US to eat at Olive Garden 😂

2) If you could eat dinner with any celebrity, who would you choose?

My favourite band… The Maine 😊

3) Which movie did you last watch?

This could change as I’m writing this 6 days before it’s supposed to go up, at this time the last movie I watched was Bad Boy for Life.

4) How do you like to relax?

Sometimes I knit, sometimes I read, sometimes I just lay on my bed.

5) Shopping online or in-store?

These days it’s all been online, but I do like to go into the store to see things in person.

6) Where would you want to go travel to?

Oh so many places! I still want to go Norway and Finland, ooo and Switzerland too!

7) If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose…and why?

I feel like I had this conversation with someone recently and I said I’d totally be Lara Jean from To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. She’s cute, yet fierce in her own way, plus I love her whole fake dating plot!

8) Soup or salad?

Aw man, I love both… but since I have to choose, salad.

9) Did you pick up any new skill during this quarantine?

Honestly, no. I’ve been too busy still working at home to start any new hobbies. Quarantine has given me a chance to pick up knitting again though and I’ve gotten to knit new patterns!

10) Which blog did you recently subscribed to?

I follow Joel on Twitter & Instagram and I’ve seen a few of his videos but I only just followed his blog Fictional Fates the other day.

11) Leave a link to your favourite blog post in your blog!

Oh gosh, I have over 1000 posts that I don’t know what would be my favourite. Recently I think either my write up on Self Made or When They See Us I’m proud of.


I’m not going to tag anyone this time around, if you see this tag and want to participate feel free to!

11 thoughts on “Liebster Award VI

  1. I recently watched To All the boys I loved before 1 and 2 and OMG, it’s so adorable. And I loved Lara Jean 😀 I never read the books actually, so had nothing to compare to.

    I choose soup!!! Especially on those chilly days. Nhom! ❤

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