Monthly Wrap-Ups

August 2020 Wrap-Up

Hi friends, here we are at the end of August, that doesn’t even feel real. Honestly, August has felt both long and short; August 1st feels like it was ages ago, but at the same time it feels like summer just started. Now it’s time to wrap up August, which is what I’ll be doing today. 

If you missed July’s wrap up, catch it here!

Currently Reading:
The Stand

I’m 95% of the way through The Stand. Am I enjoying it? For the most part, yes. Sure I get a lot of chapters that are filled with so much prose and they don’t need to be, but I’m getting to the point where I want to know how it ends. I thought last month that I’d have this finished in August… but I counted that wrong, September is going to be the month!

I’m also reading P.S. I Still Love You by: Jenny Han. Just like the first book in this trilogy, I adore this series and I look forward to continuing it.

I’m also reading Kopp Sisters on the March by: Amy Stewart. I love these books because the characters are such badass female characters who I love to read about, plus knowing that these books are based on real events is so intriguing!

What I read this month:

I read a total of 8 books this month, which isn’t bad… I think I’m still on track with my Goodreads challenge of 100 books this year. My Instagram game was better this month, I posted a few times… but I dropped off again. I make no promises for September.

A Sorrow Fierce and Falling (Kingdom on Fire #3) by: Jessica Cluess
How to be an Antiracist by: Ibram X. Kendi
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (To All The boys I’ve Loved Before #1) by: Jenny Han
When You Were Everything by: Ashley Woodfolk
With Fire on High by: Elizabeth Acevedo
The Golden Tower (Magisterium #5) by: Cassandra Clare & Holly Black
The Girl Who Lived Twice (Millennium #6) by: David Lagercrantz
Replica (Replica #1) by: Lauren Oliver

Book Reviews this month:

The Song Rising (The Bone Season #3) by: Samantha Shannon
The Girl from the Well (The Girl from the Well #1) by: Rin Chupeco
The Suffering (The Girl from the Well #2) by: Rin Chupeco
The Umbrella Academy Vol. 1 by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba
A Map of Days (Miss Peregrine #4) + Tales of the Peculiar (Miss Peregrine #0.5) by: Ransom Riggs
The Umbrella Academy Vol. 2 by: Gerard Way & Gabriel Ba

Currently Watching:
Season 1

I was hoping to have season 1 of Gilmore Girls done by the end of the month, but I’ve been watching it on and off. Although I’m not in a big rush as I’ve already seen the show. It’s such a feel good show.

I’m not going to lie, I had hoped to finish season four of Heroes by the end of the month and well, that didn’t happen (I’m 2 episodes away). That’s okay. I’m enjoying the weird rabbit holes we’re going down. I love the whole concept of everything has a consequence and you can’t change one thing in the past without altering everything, it’s really well done.

What I Watched this month:
Season 5

I did it, I watched the last season of Fuller House. Did I enjoy it, for the most part yes. Was it full of weird crazy plots, yes, but it was also filled with cute heartwarming scenes too. I’ll have my wrap up review of the season posted next month.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Christopher Robin 

This is a re-watch… I’ve been meaning to re-watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and when my friend said she hasn’t seen it… it was the perfect opportunity to watch it. This was still just as good as it was the first time I watched it… plus I love how Canadian it is 😅
Speaking of re-watching, I also re-watched Christopher Robin. Out of all the movies I have sitting in my Netflix list to watch, I went with this movie. Saying I love this movie is an understatement at this point… this movie fills my heart with so much joy and I can’t get enough of Pooh ❤️

I saw that Amazon Prime added Bad Boys for Life and so I had to watch it after seeing the first two films. This had silly plots and throwbacks to the past two movies which was a lot of fun, plus all the humour of these two wanting to/not wanting to retire 😂
Last night I squeezed in one last movie, Last Holiday and it was so good. When she’s told she has 3 weeks to live she decides to do all the things she’s wanted to do, and doesn’t hold back. This was so fun, so entertaining and heartwarming too.

TV Tuesday Posts:

Let’s Talk About… When They See Us
Let’s Talk About… Self Made

Posts from the Month

WWW Wednesday #31 🍑
WWW Wednesday #32 🍍
WWW Wednesday #33 🍊
WWW Wednesday #34 🍐

The HOWL Book Tag
The Mystery Blogger Award IX
Liebster Award VI

Sports are back!! August brought the feeling of rooting for sports again; the excitement and anticipation it makes me very happy. Both the NBA and NHL both came back August 1st. Back in February I found this love for basketball… (and a certain player 😉) and then COVID hit, so when the NBA came back I was excited to watch, I feel a little like a fraud because I never used to watch basketball until this year, but it’s actually really exciting and the announcers are hilarious!
I’ve been a diehard Toronto Maple Leafs fan since birth and when the 2019/20 season started a lot of fans were saying this was our year to win the Stanley Cup… well uhm we couldn’t even make it to round 1 of the playoffs soooo, yeah. So then we concentrating on rooting for the Montreal Canadiens as my brother is a fan… and they gave us entertainment for another week as they were eliminated after the first round… now all that’s left is basketball 😅

And with everything going on in the world regarding the Black Lives Matter movement, I stood by the NBA (and the other sports afflictions that followed afterwards) in giving the players the decision not to play. To me, it makes sense, there are way bigger issues than playing sports, better more meaningful conversations that still need to happen. I think it was the right choice to start holding people with power and authority accountable to start creating change.

Aside from sports, August was alright… it had it’s ups and downs.

The second weekend of August my two best friends and I rented a cottage and it was really nice to just relax and do nothing pretty much; it was sad that the beach that was walking distance to the cottage was closed due to COVID so we took a drive instead. We also bought more ice cream cake, sat, drank and played games at the cottage. All in all, solid weekend.

Then a few weeks later one of those friends got engaged! That’s super exciting and something fun to look forward to!

But then, that same weekend, I lost my nonna (grandmother). She has been in and out of the hospital since June and they couldn’t quite figure out what was wrong until it was too late pretty much. She lived a long life and she’s now at peace ❤️

And again, another month with me working at home. I’ve obviously gotten into a routine, but I do miss going into the office.

August has been a bit of a beast, I’m looking forward to September.

I hope you all had a good August! 🙂

7 thoughts on “August 2020 Wrap-Up

  1. First, I want to say sorry for your loss and I will keep you and my family in my prayers. Second, I’m so happy you had such a great reading month! I’m now definitely adding With The Fire On High on my TBR! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karla ☺️💞
      Omg you have to add With the Fire on High to your TBR, SO GOOD! You won’t regret it!! I hope you love it! 😀


  2. Sounds like August was a rollercoaster of emotions for you, both positive and negative. I’m so sorry for your loss ❤ I hope you and your family are doing well (considering the circumstances). And also big congratulations on your friends' engagement!

    Do you know when you'll be returning to the office? Here everything opened the end of May / beginning of June and considering the number of tourists that we had here this summer (and they are still coming!) it kinda feels like there is no COVID… which is a very wrong impression.
    I still try to avoid going places, especially during August when malls and restaurants were packed with people.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really was! At times I didn’t know what to feel, happy, sad 😅
      Thank you, Alex ☺️

      We don’t have a confirmed date. Right now we’re moving in stages, we’re in stage 1 right now with only 10% of people back in the office. I don’t know when stage 2 will begin or how many people it will involve.
      Oh my! Really? That’s crazy! I don’t think we have any tourists at the moment. A lot of our borders are still closed and it’s mandatory to wear a mask everywhere, and only so many people are allowed in public places so nothing is completely back to normal here. That’s fascinating to hear about where you live!

      Liked by 1 person

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