
Bookish Christmas Book Tag

Hello friends! Happy Thursday! I’m starting off the new year by doing a Christmas tag! I’m still not over Christmas yet, clearly! Lauren (a.k.a. the Queen of Tags) @Narrative Paradise tagged me in this, and I’m very happy to participate! Thank you for the tag, and if you’re not following her, make sure you start this year off by doing just that!

Father Christmas: Name a book you received as a child that you treasure to this day.

Honestly, I don’t think I have many books from my childhood… which is sad. I didn’t get books for Christmas, that I can remember… but I do remember getting a book from my second grade teacher, but for the life of me I can’t remember what it was. I felt special getting a book from her. This is all irrelevant because I don’t even have the book anymore… Maybe I’ll just go with a Series of Unfortunate Events because I loved getting a new book in that series, and I still own all of them!

The Ghost of Christmas Past: Is there a book or series you like to revisit each year at Christmas time?

Nope. I don’t read anything specific at Christmastime. It sounds like a lovely idea to read comforting favourites around Christmas… I just haven’t started this tradition… maybe one day!

Christmas Tree: Name a series that reaches new heights with every entry.

Does it have to be a series? Because I’d like to say Dorian Gray because I love reading it every year, and every year I never get tired of it.

Friends and Family: Name a book with fantastic characters.

I’m going to go with You Know Me Well because I loved those characters!

Decorations: Name a book with a gorgeous cover you would proudly display on your shelves.

I used these covers in another tag… but I just can’t not show them off… they are just SO beautiful! This version of the Dark Towers series is just, stunning!

You can bet your bottom dollar I have these on my shelves! ๐Ÿ˜€

Christmas Cards: Name a book that carries a great message.

I recently re-read The Outsiders and it’s got a lot of great messages and is overall such a beautiful story.

Ice and Snow: Name a book that you were hoping to love but which ultimately left you feeling cold.

My Lady Jane and My Plain Jane. I’ve heard so many people adore them that when I just didn’t, I felt sad.

Christmas Lunch: Name a book that was big and intimidating but oh so worth it in the end.

I wouldn’t say Nevernight is big… but it is intimidating, but I did love it so it’s all worth it. I’m very glad I read it, Godsgrave has been a journey!

Mince Pies: Name a book you found sweet and satisfying.

The first thing I thought of was The Unexpected Everything. It was cute, fluffy and sweet, I enjoyed it so much… more so than I thought I was going to!

Presents: What book do you wish you could give everyone to read?

I’m going to use my go-to answer for this year and say the Chalk Man by: C.J. Tudor. It was just so good!

Spreading the Festive Cheer: Tag some friends to help spread the festive bookish love.

I’m not going to tag anyone since it’s after Christmas. But if you’re still feeling the Christmas love like I am… feel free to consider yourself tagged! ๐Ÿ™‚

15 thoughts on “Bookish Christmas Book Tag

    1. See, that’s why I read it too?! Because everyone was loving it! Don’t get me wrong though, there are some really beautiful moments where the writing is so good!
      I do hope you pick this up and enjoy it!!

      Liked by 1 person

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