Personal Ramblings

Bony’s 2020 Bookish & Personal Goals

Happy New Year friends! πŸŽ‰How are we all doing? I hope you all had a lovely New Years Eve, and are ready to start the new year off right, and a new decade! What better day than the first of January to sit back and make plans for the rest of the year!

I made goals last year, and as we saw on Monday I did very well with my bookish goals, not so much with my personal ones. That’s why this year I’m trying to be more detailed, that way they can be more achievable. I’m trying here.

Bookish Goals

Read More Canadian Authors. Every year I tell myself I should read more Canadian authors; I should really promote more Canadian content, being Canadian. So that’s something I’m going to challenge myself with. Whether I read one a month, or one every few months, it’s better than maybe one a year!

Participate in the Goodreads Reading Challenge.Β This isn’t really a goal, but has now become a lifestyle. I’m afraid to up my goal to 100 this year from 90 last year, but I felt sad that I didn’t read 100 for the first time in 5 years, so I’m actually going to challenge myself this year. I’m telling you, this is the first year I’m nervous going into this challenge.

Creating a Logo for the Blog.Β I’ve been telling myself for pretty much all of 2019 that I wanted to create some sort of design for my blog, that I want to create a new header, instead if the photo that I’ve had there since… 2016. My blog needs a bit of a facelift… it is going to be 5 this year!

More Bookish Content.Β The fact that my blog is going to be 5 means I want to be more bookish. I love reading people’s updates on what they’re reading, so on and so forth that I’ve decided to ditch Music Monday (sorry… there goes part of my Canadian content) and I’m going to start participating in WWW because they look like so much fun!
I also have a few other bookish things up my sleeve that I’ll be talking about a little later.

Use My Socials More.Β I know this was on my goals list last year, but it doesn’t hurt to add it again. I really want to engage more on Twitter. I always think of things to tweet… after the fact. Or sometimes I just think what I tweet is boring. Everyone tells me I’m funny, but I feel it just doesn’t come across… maybeΒ thatΒ is the goal… learn to be funny on Twitter.
I’m also going to try and be more present on Instagram. I always have the best intentions, but my photography skills are just not what they used to be.

Reach 1000 Followers on the Blog.Β I’m not about the numbers, but if I reach this in 2020, that would be quite an achievement. I’m sitting at 913 right now… in which I can hardly believe that, but I’d love to grow more. In this same goal, I should say I’d love to follow more blogs too, get to know more people. I’m really thankful to the new bloggers I met last year, so I’m always happy to make new friends! πŸ˜€

Personal Goals

Try New Things.Β Last year I tried some new things and it wasn’t half bad. This year I’d like to keep that tradition alive. I have no idea what those things are yet, but I can’t wait to find out!

Ride My Bike More.Β I’m writing this here, but like I said in my wrap up of 2019’s goals, writing it down isn’t making me accountable anymore. I’m hoping that I can come up with a solution before the Spring arrives to get me on that bike.

Be More Active.Β In the same thread as the goal above, aside from getting on my bike, I’ve become slightlyΒ obsessed with tracking my step count… like everyone else it feels. There are very few days where it counts over 10,000 steps (but to be fair, I don’t have a Fitbit, just my phone, and I don’t always carry my phone with me, so I probably do close to 8,000 a day) but I want to start getting close to 10,000 a day.

Be Less Harsh on Myself. I think we all know this is a hard one. I’m constantly my worst critic, and I’m the first to put myself down. The people who are closest to me don’t understand why I do/say what I do/say, and I honestly can’t give them an answer. I think it’s just a defence mechanism to say something so harsh that nothing else can hurt me. Again, I don’t know why I’m this way, I just am. This wasn’t meant to getΒ thatΒ personal, but yeah, the goal is to be kinder to myself.

Let Go.Β This goes hand in hand with the above goal. I need to learn to let go of things that aren’t working for me, or people who aren’t working out. I don’t have time to go chasing things, let that toxicity go…

Do more of my favourite hobbies. Last year I made a little list of my hobbies and well I did some of them, not all of them. So I want to really pick things up again.

  1. I want to pick up baking. I was actually trying to count how many times I baked last year… I think it was 12, so not bad, but I really love doing it… as much as it is time consuming. I’m going to try and beat 12 this year!
  2. Knitting. My poor knitting fell by the wayside last year. I’m really, really hoping I can at least make one scarf! If I can make a bunch I hope to donate them for kids by Christmas.
  3. Traveling. I haveΒ 0Β plans to travel this year, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to, or that I won’t. I don’t know what this year will bring, but I hope I get to fly somewhere at least once!
  4. Duolingo. I’ll call learning a language a hobby. I’m still gunning for that 365 day streak, only time will tell!
  5. TV watching. Well, yeah that is a hobby. So I made a list last year of the shows I wanted to watch… this could probably be a separate post… maybe it will be, but for now the only show I want to finish in 2020 is ER. I literally finished season 10 yesterday. I have 5 more seasons to go, and I’ll be damned if I don’t finish it this year!

I’m going to end it here. I may add some more when I check in mid-year, we’ll see how the year goes. So far I think these are some lofty goals I’ve set for myself, but I’m also very excited to work on them, to have a great 2020!

Happy 2020 friends! What goals have you set for yourself?

24 thoughts on “Bony’s 2020 Bookish & Personal Goals

  1. Good luck with your goals Meghan!!! I feel you with the Twitter thing. I’m utterly hopeless on there πŸ™ˆ I swear I’m a lot funnier than my tweets πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year!! ❀ Great book goals! I can't wait to see what you end up doing for your banner! If you end up wanting someone to create it for you, let me know! A really nice mom in Quebec created mine and it's so amazing! She did a wonderful job! AND 100 BOOKS??!!! Man … I'm aiming for 40 ha-ha! I already know I'm going to have a busy year, so I lowered it. I also want to read more books by Canadian authors … gotta start looking!

    I really want to get more into fitness this year as well … and actually stick with it. I'm usually good for the first 8 months … and then fall back. Luckily, the new guy I'm seeing likes activities and weights, so I think it'll be easier ha-ha! The not being hard on yourself is a really good one! Really good! I also need to do that … and learn to let things go ha-ha!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Jenna! πŸ˜€
      Oh, that’s very kind of you! I still need to think of a theme, but I’ll let you know! πŸ™‚
      Yeah, I want to get back into reading this year, I feel like last year I focused on things I didn’t need to focus on so this year I’m prioritizing!
      Good luck to you with reading 40 books! I believe in you, and you’ll surpass it!
      Yes! I need to look into Canadian authors. I have a Margaret Atwood book on my list so I’m excited about that! πŸ˜€

      I feel like you’re better at sticking with fitness than I am! Haha! Dude, 8 months is better than 0! πŸ˜›
      Aw cute! Then you’ll really have a partner to help keep you on track!
      Yeah, so far (mind you we are 2 days in!) I’ve been pretty good!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I plan to read a fantasy book called Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames, who’s a Canadian author in Kingston! And I want to find a book by Kelley Armstrong to read.

        I guess so … But I would like to for once just not stop πŸ˜‚ and yes … It’s nice because we do our own thing but we still make one another go, which is exactly what I need haha!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Good to know, good to know!
        Ooooh Kelley Armstrong is a great author!

        Maybe this will be your year! 2020 has all that magical promise!
        Aw, I’m glad to hear it! πŸ™‚

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Goodreads challenge has definitely become a lifestyle, you’re right πŸ˜€ I can’t imagine going though the year without tracking books on Goodreads or starting the year without setting my GR goal. And! Didn’t you say that 2020 is going to be turqoise?! OMG, how did you know??? πŸ˜€

    See! This is the sign that your GR challenge will go smoothly in 2020.

    I’ve been planning to revamp my blog for years! I just know that it will take too much time and keep putting it off. I hope you finally get to it this year.
    And 1000 followes would be amazing πŸ™‚ I’m actually at the same follower count as you, lol.

    2020 will be a great year! I hope you’ll achieve all of these goals and habits. ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha right?! It’s like every year I know I’m going to participate it in, no question.
      Did I? I can’t even remember haha… I have magical powers and apparently can predict the future?! πŸ˜›
      Ah! I hope you’re right, I’m honestly SO nervous about it… and I went into this year reading a book that is taking some time to read!

      That’s ME! I keep saying it… but mine looks the same as it did in 2016! I need to see if my brother will help me, he’s good at designing logos!
      Ha! That’s awesome! We can make it to 1000 this year, I believe in us!

      Thank you Alex, the same to you! ❀️

      Liked by 1 person

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