Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books to Pull You Out of a Reading Slump

Hi everyone! 😀 Happy Tuesday, I’m back at it again with another Top Ten Tuesday. Today’s topic is: Books to Pull You Out of a Reading Slump. Let’s get into it! 🙂

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic is Books to Pull You Out of a Reading Slump. Now I don’t usually get into a lot of reading slumps. Sure there are days when I don’t feel like reading (😱 I know shocking!), but for the most part I solider on. Here are 10 books that I love, and going back to them is always a good time!

  1. Harry Potter by: J.K. Rowling. I’m just going to get this one done right off the top. It’s very nostalgic for me, so it definitely makes me want to read.
  2. The Hunger Games by: Suzanne Collins. I’ve been recently re-reading this trilogy and I’m actually really surprised how much I loved reading it again! This definitely put me in a reading mood.
  3. Percy Jackson by: Rick Riordan. I’m still making my way through this guy’s catalogue of works, but his books never fail to make me want to pick up a book and start reading.
  4. The Shining by: Stephen King. Yes, this list just took a large jump, I realize this. To be honest I could name any of his pieces of work because I want to read them all. I get really invested in King’s plots that his stuff puts me in the mood to read.
  5. The Book of Awesome by: Neil Pasricha. These books are just a collection of short entries to the awesome things in life, or the small things that make life awesome. This definitely has me reading, and feeling good!
  6. Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde. I don’t know how I could almost forget about this bad guy. There is something about this story that wraps me up, and I read the whole thing in a day.
  7. The Last Song by: Nicholas Sparks. Like King, I could have picked any of his works in his repertoire. I don’t like romance novels, but his are the PG13 novels that I don’t mind reading; they are sappy, but make you feel good.
  8. A Series of Unfortunate Events by: Lemony Snicket. These novels were so good, and I’ve read them two or three times since reading them the first time and they still hold up. Even though these books are filled with despair, you continuously want to know where the children will end up.
  9. Paper Towns by: John Green. Again, I could have picked any book, this just happens to be my favourite. His books are so easy to read that it puts me in a reading mood.
  10. Fangirl by: Rainbow Rowell. This book spoke to the writer in me, not so much the reader in me and if I’m being honest this made me want to write more than read, but it still put me in a reading mood!

What books get you out of reading slump?

9 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books to Pull You Out of a Reading Slump

  1. Great picks for this week Meghan. 🙂 Both Harry Potter and A Series of Unfortunate Events are childhood favourites of mine so I imagine they’d work great for pulling me out of a slump. Also there’s never a bad time to pick up any of Rick Riordan’s books. He’s an incredible author.
    Great post, and again great picks. 🙂 ❤️

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