Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Try Not to Breathe

Hello friends! I hope you’re all having a lovely Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Holly Seddon’s novel Try Not to Breathe.

Try Not to Breathe

Try Not to Breathe by: Holly Seddon: Alex Dale has hit rock bottom, losing her journalistic career and her husband to her drinking, Alex has nothing much to live for, that is until she meets Amy Stevenson. Amy opens up a new world for Alex, and a new drive she didn’t think she still had in her. Now not only is Alex fighting for her own life, but Amy’s as well. The title of this novel is just a glimpse into the harrowing tale beneath its cover. This story leaves the reader punch drunk; Seddon’s writing is like alcohol to an alcoholic, it sucks the reader in and there is no escaping it. This story was so captivating and so engrossing; at first the whole mystic of the novel is unsettling, the reader doesn’t know what they’ve signed themselves up for, but dig in a little deeper and you’re in for a ride. This was so well told; Seddon’s characters all have this spark to them that leaves the reader feeling so many emotions for each and every one of them. There are moments when you love and hate every character and that takes some skill to create.  For a debut novel, this was excellently written and thought out.

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