Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Satellite Love

Hi friends, happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a good week! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Genki Ferguson’s novel Satellite Love.

This book was nominated for Canada Reads 2022.

Satellite Love

Satellite Love by: Genki Ferguson: As the new millennium approaches, Anna searches the stars for the answers to her loneliness, where she finds a Low-Earth Orbit (Leo) satellite hovering above her house. An outcast at school, a mother who’s barely around and a grandfather who has memory difficulty, Anna hopelessly yearns for attention and connectivity. Using her imagination, she calls Leo to Earth. From there, he learns about his own humanity as well as Anna’s as she spirals into mysterious plans. This testes Leo into seeing how far he’d go to protect her. This was a fast-paced and interesting story on love and the longing for companionship. The plot took some time to get into but once the story really picked up the reader wasn’t sure where it was going to go, but they were invested. The chapters that really stood out to the reader, were the ones in the grandfather’s perspectives. Ferguson did an amazing job of writing a character who has dementia; it was done with such grace and poise, it really showed a different side to dementia. It also really gave depth to the story and more meaning to Anna’s life; the novel could have left out those chapters and the story would have still remained, but the addition of them really helped to show how alone Anna felt. Anna as a character was really well developed; the reader could feel her desperation for any sort of connection. It was bittersweet to read as her character progressed because the reader didn’t see that ending coming. Leo’s character was also really fascinating to watch progress as he went from nothing to something dearly important to Anna. He went through so much; it was fun to watch him become human. This was a short, yet powerful read with beautiful writing.