Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Dumplin’ & Puddin’

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! 😀 Today I’m going to be reviewing Julie Murphy’s novel Puddin.

I know that her new book Puddin’ comes out later this year (May) but I’ll update that when the time comes!- March 14, 2018


Dumplin’ by: Julie Murphy: Willowdean has been subjected to her larger body her whole life, but things start to change when she meets a boy named Bo. Extremely self-conscious about herself she tries to gain her self-confidence back, by doing so she enters the beauty pageant, one of the most daring things she can do. What a rollercoaster of a novel. It takes some time to get into this novel; Murphy really sets up her scenes and her characters before she jumps right into the plot. This made for a good read because the reader got to become almost friends with the main character, Willowdean. Willowdean is bold and spunky; nothing about her says boring or generic and it was good to read about 1) female empowerment and 2) body image. This novel really took fat shaming, put it on a pedestal and squashed it. This novel really showed and taught girls to be okay in their own bodies no matter what size, which is a very important message. Sure it was a slow start, but once in, buckle up because it’s a helluva ride.


Puddin’ by: Julie Murphy: Millie is tired of going to fat camp every year, and now that she’s found her true calling, broadcast journalism, it’s all she wants. Callie was the popular girl on the dance team with the perfect boyfriend. When their two worlds collide, it surprises everyone, but especially themselves. This novel was so good. The plot was so moving and empowering; the message is strong and it needs to stand bold, especially in today’s day. The plot was heart-wrenching, yet it was so beautiful. This was a novel about truths, just as it was body image or friendship, it was all about the deeper meaning to it all and it was written so well. Murphy’s writing is so compelling; it’s fast-paced and so relatable. Her characters are fierce, they are bold and a force to be reckoned with. This novel takes the reader on a true depiction on what it’s like to be a teenage girl and it’s absolutely thrilling.

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