Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #12 🍻

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 233
On page 256

The Dead Zone: I’m 43% of the way through; the story is starting to formulate. Things are really slowly coming together, I’m curious how the two stories that just started are going to come together.

I’m lastly reading George Lucas: A Life by: Brian Jay Jones. This has been a really interesting read so far. I don’t know anything about George Lucas, aside from Star Wars, so it’s been fascinating.

What I’ve Read:

I finished Hero by: Michael Grant and I didn’t hate it as much as the previous novel. The way this ended was alright, I don’t know, I didn’t care for the open ended conclusion. Like after everything that has happened and what the characters have gone through, it just felt like welp. If there is ever some other spin off, I won’t be reading them.

I also finished The Ice Beneath Her by: Camilla Grebe and I found this such a gripping and chilling thriller mystery. The ending felt a little rushed and I wanted a little more from it, but it was still a good story.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #11 🎩

Review: The Chronicles of Nick (re-post with Intensity review added)

Let’s Talk About… ER Season Two

Review: Conclave

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

CW @The Quiet Pond recommended books told in verse and I love books written that way because they always feel so raw and open

Kal @Reader Voracious wrote a great resources post filled with book recs and and ways to stop Asian hate

Marie @Drizzle and Hurricane Books reflected on her first year of bookstagram and I love how open and honest she is, this was definitely a good read

Sofii @A Book. A Thought. created a list of book bloggers for everyone to reference and WOW she’s amazing! So many friends!

Happy Spring friends! I hope your first week of Spring has been good. Do you guys like my new Spring headers? This week has felt long, yet short at the same time… anyone else feel this way? Nothing too exciting this week, another week working at home, the usual now. The weather has started to warm up and I just hope it stays that way because it feels good and brings hope.

A few positives from this week:
– the weather has really warmed up!

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 5. The whole Lorelai/Luke/Christopher plot is strange. Like, the way Rory is angry at her father for trying to butt into her mother’s life now that she’s with Luke, like I get it, but at the same time she can’t keep Chris out of her mother’s life. I’ve always liked Chris and Lorelai’s relationship, they just get each other, but I think they’re really great friends.

One Tree Hill; season 4. So apparently in 2007 we weren’t classifying depression as a disease, and the way Nathan goes off on his mom and didn’t want anything to do with helping her get better was sad. I get that he’s given up on her after everything, but he doesn’t know the half of how Dan treated her; Dan gaslit her from the moment they met and only perpetuated the problem. Then I want to bring up Rachel again because I forgot how smart she actually is, and yet they made her all about her looks; she deserves SO much more! I also want to touch on Clean Teens; I think the group in theory is great, a safe space for teens who aren’t ready for sex, BUT the way they shame or make people in the group feel guilty for wanting/or having sex is horrible. Lastly (for this week 😅) just the way they romanticized psycho Derek, and the way they gave him this backstory for why he did what he did… I don’t care, what he did is inexcusable.

Riverdale; season 5. I’m going to keep this here this week since I still have 2 eps to watch, but I wasn’t prepared for the show to jump 7 years into the future and for them to come together to save Riverdale… at this point I’m like, let it die.

Orange is the New Black; season 2. I just started the second season and woah the way we just jump in was unsettling, but I liked it. I’m curious to see where this season goes – clearly it’s every man for themselves!

The Good Doctor; season 4. This came back this past week and it was interesting to see Shaun not only diagnose a patient with autism, but he’s also dealing with the fact that he may become a father.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. I thought it was interesting that they chose to start exploring Janet’s love life. I like that for her, but at the same time knowing that the show only has so many episodes left I’m sad they couldn’t have done that earlier. I also don’t really care how her father can’t handle her kissing a girl and they can’t talk to each other about it – I thought that was really sad and again, I feel like we’re not going to get into it.

This Is Us; season 5. This week they decided to deep dive on their Uncle Nicky. Sometimes, when you think you’ve dived into a character, this show goes, nope there’s more backstory you need to know. I like that we got to see more from him and the love he’s been missing in his life; he now is in abundance of love and it was actually really beautiful to watch.

Station 19; season 4. Well, we now know why Travis knows the new guy. I feel really bad for Vic now because she’s torn between Travis, her person pretty much and this guy who seems very sweet who made a very bad call. I’m curious to see where this story goes. The way it ended left me wanting more!

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17. So this week we spent the whole episode on Teddy; damn that girl has a lot of trauma that she needs to work out. I don’t like how Owen just doesn’t want to forgive her. I understand that she’s done shitty things, but so has he. I like That Amelia points that out because he really needed that. Trauma works differently on everyone.

What I’ve watched:

Schitts Creek; season 3. I finally finished this season and you can really see the Rose family become closer than they’ve ever been. The whole second half of the season where the sexual tension between David and Patrick, hooooly – they are so cute! I can’t wait to see where they’ll go in the next season. I also just want Alexis and Ted to just get together already, he’s clearly in love with her. Oh, and I love how John has gone into business with Stevie at the motel; watching him get excited about the hotel is heartwarming.

The Social Dilemma. Look at me, watching something other than a TV show. I watched this documentary and this wasn’t anything I didn’t already know, but it was just scary to see everything laid out like that. Oh social media.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

7 thoughts on “Weekly Update #12 🍻

  1. Wonderful post Meghan!! That George Lucas book seems so interetsing 👀 I have two questions: HOW do you manage to keep up with all of these tv shows? And how do you also manage to read so much? I really admire your time management skills! 😱

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Karla! 💞
      It’s been really interesting, there are SO many movies I didn’t know he was a part of. Highly recommend if you’re a fan of movies or Star Wars.
      Hahaha! It’s funny when I was writing this up, I went gee I have a lot of TV on the go. I don’t know I’m constantly watching or reading something 😂


  2. Ahh thank you so much for sharing my post, so happy you enjoyed it ❤ I love how we're watching the same season of OTH at the same time 😂 It's so fun to watch it back now and just realize… how wrong some things are ahah. Still, it feels comforting to re-watch it a little bit, too, in a way? BUT YES Derek god this was terrible 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome! 😊
      We are?! That’s amazing! It really is; I agree it’s still a nice comfort to watch every day, and live in the nostalgia but at the same time I always have all these thoughts were I’m like uhhh this could have been done so much better, and I cringe at the things they got so wrong. I hated everything about Derek. I loved that she had a brother, even though that plot felt redundant, and I loved her real brother and I wish we got more of him. I like that he came off as a bit of an ass in the beginning but he really did change as he got to know Peyton. I have so many thoughts haha! 😂


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