Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #13 🐰

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 272
On page 160

The Dead Zone: I’m 51% of the way through; I have hit the halfway point, yay! This is still really, really slow. Nothing exciting happened in the two chapters I read this week, but I feel something big is about to happen real soon.

I’m lastly reading Dirty Birds by: Morgan Murray. This is my third Canada Reads long listed book and it’s fast-paced but I’m kinda lost at what the point of the book is. I’m still not very far in, as there are 513 pages, but it’s been interesting and it’s very Canadian in the references and where it takes place.

What I’ve Read:

This week I finished George Lucas: A Life by: Brian Jay Jones. I really enjoyed reading this; I’ve been a fan (I say that loosely because I enjoy the films but I’m not a diehard fan) of Star Wars and learning of all the other things Lucas worked on made me want to go and just watch movies. This was long, but I liked learning about his life and career.

I also finished Once a King by: Erin Summerill. I finally finished the trilogy. Ebooks aren’t my favourite method of reading but I had no choice as it was only available as such at the library. Needless to say, I enjoyed this, I didn’t get the point in the beginning but it all made sense by the end.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #12 🍻

Review: Born a Crime

Review: An Ember in the Ashes Series (re-post with A Sky Beyond the Storm review added)

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Kal @Reader Voracious posted a really interesting blog post on Evergreen Content and SEO Basics that I thought was valuable

Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books posts books based around baseball for opening day and I love that concept. I almost want to do something similar when it comes to hockey

Things are slowly starting to open up… really slowly… Oh how naive I was when I wrote that last Sunday. It was announced Wednesday night that the province I live in is going back into grey lockdown – don’t even ask me what that means because I don’t think anyone knows. This back and forth open, close we’re going through is bullsh*t.

In happier news, I got to see my bubble friends for the first time this year! We celebrated one of my best friend’s birthday. I made her a cake and it was just a good time all around.
A co-worker, his wife is having a baby so the team pulled together to put on a virtual shower… sorry sprinkle… I learned something new a Bay Sprinkle is a toned down shower for second, third and so on born children. Who knew?

Happy Easter to everyone!

A few positives from this week:
– saw my bubble friends 😊
– went to the library for more books! 📚

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls; season 5. Wow, there’s a lot I don’t remember; Emily and Richard’s wedding and everything that went down. I hate that Emily wants to dictate who Lorelai dates by telling Chris he should be with her, but she’s with Luke… and then they break up… my heart. But the Logan and Rory storyline is heating up, and omg I’m not hating Logan… I’m actually agreeing with things he says… who am I?

One Tree Hill; season 5. So, I’m liking the characters as adults or “adults” as they’re only 21 but they act like they’re 27. That has always bothered me, how at 21 they could all be where they are. At 21 I was still in school and had no idea what I was going to do, let alone have a job in my field. It just makes it seem like they aren’t completely lost and don’t know what they want to do; they all have what they want figured out and are working where they studied. But anyways, there is a lot going on with different tropes, not all I care for, but Jackson Brundace is the cutest!

Orange is the New Black; season 2. I’m enjoying this season, the new characters are definitely giving the show a new dynamic and I’m hooked by the time every episode ends.

The Good Doctor; season 4. This week’s episode was ok; the main plot with Shaun figuring out his role in his girlfriend’s life while she’s pregnant is just starting to feel really old. Then the whole Morgan and Park relationship is so odd, Morgan needs some help with letting people in because she’s so mean and pushes anyone who cares away.

Kim’s Convenience; season 5. Again! We get SO close with Jung and his father getting closer to reconciling but of course it didn’t last. It was so cute for a bit, the matching shirts, I almost cried!

Station 19; season 4. I just want to hug Travis because he’s holding in so much pain. I love Vic for thinking about him over her own feelings and I really think that Travis needed that wake up call because he’s so caught up in his grief, especially when we find out that he used to be best friends with the guy he hates. I hope he can finally move on.

Grey’s Anatomy; season 17. I gotta say I loved the guest stars this week, just UH! But it was just a really covid heavy episode and it just felt so numbing to watch, especially when where I live we’re going into another lockdown because of these variants. I like that this show shows how serious it is, but it’s still just so numbing.

What I’ve watched:

One Tree Hill; season 4. I’m going to try and not dunk on the season too much here, as I think I did that multiple times already (😅). I’ve always really liked the way the season ends. It’s really final; we get closure to all the storylines and it just feels like the perfect way to end the series. I’m sad to be leaving the teen years behind, but I’m curious to see what my thoughts will be to the adult years.

Yes Day. Again, I watched a movie! This was just a cute, feel good movie where the parents decide to have a ‘yes’ day where they say yes to everything for a day. It was just so nice to see a family come together. It was very basic and predictable, and yet I still shed a tear 😅

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

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