TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… True Blood Season Seven

Hi! Welcome to TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking all about the final season of True Blood, season seven.

From left to right: Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse, Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton, Alexander Skarsgård as Eric Northman, Joe Manganiello as Alcide Herveaux, Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse, Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte, Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton, Deborah Ann Woll as Jessica Hamby, Kristin Bauer van Straten as Pam Swynford De Beaufort and Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette Reynolds.

We start the final season with the zombie vampire attack. Okay so these are the vampires who have hepatitis V. Who knows where they came from, but they attack and take until someone calls them off and poof they’re gone. That’s when we hear Tara’s mom cry out… Tara is dead. 😦

Holy shit, so everyone is blaming Sookie for this attack… even Alcide, shit. Why do I feel like I’m missing something.

They blame her since she has been an advocate for vampires ever since they showed up in town and now that shit has hit the fan they only blame her. But all Sookie wants to do is use her vampire knowledge to help everyone.

Ah shit, someone saw Sam turn from a dog into a human and that could start something bad. Apparently Sam is also the town mayor.

And to reiterate from last season, every human needs a vampire for protection against these infected vampires and in return the humans give the vampires their blood for food. I guess it works out, if the two races get along.

Why is Pam in Morocco and she’s in this gun war where there’s one bullet in the gun and she and a man are passing it back and forth until one of them gets shot. Well the poor sucker she was playing with dies… and she did that all for information on Eric.

Jessica is trying to protect Adilyn, Andy doesn’t want her to, but he has no choice when he has to go out and do his job. Well while he’s away a zombie vampire comes over and can smell Adilyn, Jessica makes her drink her blood to protect her. I really want them to reconcile because Adilyn has her worried about Jessica since she killed her sisters.

In the end Adilyn trusts Jessica enough to not let her die so she invites Jessica in. Jessica almost loses her cool and bites her, but she recovers and has to hide as dawn approaches. The zombie vampire outside has to go hide too, thank goodness.

Andy goes out with Bill to find Arleen, Holly and a very pregnant Nicole since the zombie vampires took them. I love how Andy stands up for Bill against some vampire hating humans, even though in the end Andy is still not happy with Bill, and they are by no means good.

We find out that Holly, Arleen and Nicole are being held with other humans under Fangtasia, the vampire club.

At first I was like why did Jason go looking for Eric, then it dawned on me that he was having a vampire dream… does this mean Eric is still alive?

Tara’s mother thinks Tara’s spirit needs her help going to heaven, and she goes to Lafayette to help summon Tara, but Lafayette is not having any of it. That’s when she flips her shit and Lafayette doesn’t care. He even tells her that she’s probably hooked on V, and she bloody well is. She is hurting herself just so that she can drink more of Willa’s blood.

Oh no one of the vampire haters are out and they are fierce. One of them, the leader, tells everyone Sam is a dog and that he’s a bad mayor for it. They think he’s possibly in cahoots with the vampires so they are now going to kill all the vampires.

Adilyn is trying to stop them, by holding the guns, but that backfires and they end up with all the guns and she ends up in jail. Jessica can feel that Adilyn is in danger but she can’t leave as it’s 1 in the afternoon.

Sookie and her gang head to the next town over, Saint Alice, when they find a dead girl in their woods from there. The place is a ghost town with a lot of spray painted messages everywhere. What they do find is this giant grave full of bodies. No one is left in the town.

Wow so Sookie is going behind Alcide’s back and going to Bill for help. She wants to know if he can still feel her, but since he was drained last season to save everyone he no longer has her blood. He tells her she must drink his blood in order for her plan to work, although I don’t know what her plan is and they keep dancing around what it is.

She’s out in the middle of the cemetery waiting for the zombie vampires to come… what is she trying to accomplish?

Well they attract vampires alright… the ones that have Holly and Arleen. They take Sookie but Sam, Alcide and Andy and his gang show up to save her and Bill, but Alcide gets shot 3 or more times… is he dead?

Pam finally found Eric! He’s in Paris but he’s infected… shit! He has no will to live anymore and Pam is mad as hell. It isn’t until she tells him that Sarah is still alive and that Jason let her live that he’s ready to go fight.

Ew Sarah is now going by the name newme and she’s all about yoga and her new guru boyfriend, blah. But then these guys are looking for Sarah kill her guru boyfriend, damn!

I like how Lafayette and James are getting along. James is confiding in Lafayette and it’s nice to see this friendship blossom.

Everyone is trying to call Sookie, but she threw her phone in the woods so she’s never going to get any of those calls.

So they bring race into the equation this season. They talk about whites against the blacks, since the sherif, Andy is white, (as well as most of the vampires) and the one cop, Kendra is black, the vampire haters tell her she should stand up for herself. Now Kendra has joined the vampire hating group… but they have started hating everything that is different including Sam, Alcide, and Sookie.

So Alcide is dead, damn! Sookie now has to call his father to let him know. Then in the other room Jason has to call Hoyt to tell him his mother has been killed by a vampire. I like that we get to see Hoyt again, but man is Jason ever tortured by having to make this phone call. I can only imagine what it would be like to call your best friend who doesn’t remember you at all.

Eric and Pam are going down memory lane as Eric wants to go see Willa before he dies… and Pam just never wants to go back to Louisiana and that small town.

Down this memory lane we learn that Eric and Pam got Fangtasia in 1986, and it used to be a movie rental store. Interesting. Now I’m curious how they changed it into a club.

We get to meet Ginger, and how she started to work for Eric and Pam all those years ago. Turns out she loves vampires and wanted movies on them, and when she finds out that they need help she offers herself. Ginger looked so different back in the day.

We also learn that it’s Ginger who comes up with the idea to change the video store to a club, and she comes up with the name Fangtasia. Pam likes it so much she glamours Ginger and gives the idea to Eric as her own.

So when Jessica got shot 10 weeks ago, she has healed since then, damn. She doesn’t want to eat, James is worried so he gets Bill who tries to talk sense into her, turns out it’s Sookie who talks some sense into her, but not enough. They go and get Lafayette and that does the trick.

Jessica hates who she is, she says she’s not immortal if she has to feed on innocent people to survive, and Lafayette talks her down telling her about how he killed the man he loved, this finally gets her to eat.

When Eric and Pam stop by Bill’s place, everyone is there and when Sookie and Eric meet just awwwww. They are just as adorable as they were in like season 3. Can I say true love right there, he loves her so much he lets her go. Their little catch up is also extremely adorable.

He wants to help Sookie and Bill to save Arleen and Nicole. Just when they get there, Arleen get taken by the zombie vampires. Bill is about to go in and save Arleen, but Eric goes and brings Sookie in. Bill and the vampires almost go in for the kill, but the zombie vampires are prepared and the human haters come with their guns and fire.

Because Eric is dying he’s slower than molasses. Damn. Arleen is dying more rapidly and she’s seeing Terry. She feeds on a healthy vampire and that saves her.

So Eric really wanted to see Willa because she was close with Sarah (well her father was dating her) and he wants inside on Sarah to take her down. We find out that Sarah has a sister… who’s a vampire, what the fuuuuuuck?!

Lafayette wants to throw a party because he’s so tired of all the death and Sookie is not having any of it. She just wants to crawl under a hole and mourn.

The party goes on anyways and Sookie actually has a good time. Tara’s mom shows up to give a speech about her baby which was really sweet.

Then Andy forgives Jessica and tells her he needs a ring. She finds Sookie and Sookie gives him her grandma’s ring. Then Andy goes to propose to Holly; a huge giant awwwwwwwwwww they are so cute!

That ring was actually given to Jason to give to the girl he loves and as much as he loves Andy and Holly he tells Jessica that he wishes he could still have the ring. He tells her that he doesn’t like how Violet his vampire (can we call her his girlfriend) reacted and that she may not be the one for him.

There is something more than just friendship going on between Lafayette and James, and well at the party they kiss… oh damn they actually have sex oh shit. I kinda dig them as a couple, but shit.

Then guess who finds them… Jessica. She can’t believe she’s gay.

Then Lafayette goes and gives this giant speech to Jessica about how much he knows James and how both Lafayette and James deserves happiness too. Jessica can’t disagree. I have to say Lafayette’s speech was mighty fierce and I loved it.

So while talking everything over with Jason, well the two sleep together and guess who hears… Violet. Talk about one crazy party!

Pam and Eric go to Sarah’s sister and find out where she’s hiding. She’s run back to mom and dad so the two of them have to pretend to be these white racist southerners, and that’s when all hell breaks loose. The guy who’s been after Eric for years (the same guy after Sarah) shows up. Eric finds Sarah but he kills the other guy first.

Why do we keep getting Bill flashbacks? Like is he going to die too? Oooooohhhh that’s a big possibility!!! He finds he’s infected, daaaaaaamn!

Bill wants to set his affairs in order and Jessica over hears him. Oof. Now he’s gone to get his wills in order. He just has to wait in this waiting room for a very long time. As he waits in this room he’s getting worse and worse, it’s rapidly spreading which is rare.

Once he finally gets in to put things in order, but he can’t just give over everything to his progeny, but they don’t do that and there’s complications with when the will was first created when he was a human, so they give him an option to adopt Jessica, but they say it’ll take 5 months to a year for the process to be done. Well Bill doesn’t have that much time and he’s pissed so he kills them.

Jess wants Jason to bring Sookie and she tells them, then Sookie remembers that she just gave him her blood a few days ago, so now she wants to get tested again. Well she’s positive, she doesn’t have to say it, her face says it all. Now she believes she did it to Bill.

So Eric and Pam get caught by the guy, Mr. Gus’s son and they both want to kill Sarah, but Eric and Gus Jr. are having a pissing match. They agree to go to her vampire sister’s house during the night.

Buuuuut her sister dies? No she just passes out in front of Sarah as she’s infected. Sarah goes to her sister’s house because she needs a safe place, but her sister has no sympathy for her. Sarah tries to tell her she’s a new person, her new name is Newme.

Then Newme, drops this bombshell, that she has the antidote to hep V. They had an antidote made up and she drank it, so now she wants her sister to drink from her to heal her. Could this be a trap or the truth?

It’s the truth because when Eric and Pam show up at night she’s healed.

Damn, we knew Violet has a temper but when she overhears Jason on the phone with Jessica and she throws everything in his room. I’m not surprised that she leaves. She leaves a note that she’s gone and Jason is happy.

So then Violet goes to find Adilyn to ‘protect’ her, I bet she’s going to eat her.

So James believes Tara’s mother when she believes that maybe Tara is stuck, so he gives both Tara’s mom and Lafayette some of his blood to see if they can help her.

Okay, wow. So now Sarah or Newme’s sister, Amber is defending her because she saved her. Eric is not happy about that, he’s so mad that Amber won’t say anything he kills her. Shit.

Well now Gus wants to work with Eric having Eric as his spokesperson to capture Sarah so they can harvest her blood and call it New Blood. Gus wants Eric to tell all the other vampires it’s the cure to the virus.

Well Hoyt is back in town. He goes to the restaurant and Arleen is there and happy to see him, he brings his girlfriend Bridget and he’s come to town to meet Stackhouse. Arleen thinks it’s weird he’s not calling him Jason, and that’s because he doesn’t remember him. So Jason still wants to play along.

Sookie refuses to believe that there isn’t a cure for the virus and so she calls the vampire doctor. Well she’s a feisty little thing who isn’t afraid of anything but says that Bill’s virus grosses her out. When she finds out that Sookie is fae and that she’s the one who infected her well things take a turn because once she finds out who her grandfather is, she straight out leaves… sounds like she’s afraid of something.

So her grandfather appears to her when she asks, and we find out that she’s afraid because they are royalty and they killed a lot of dwarfs in the past. He also tells her that he doesn’t like Bill and knew Sookie was infecting him when he fed from her, oof.

So she waits until nighttime to go and sleep with Bill, telling him she’s not leaving him.

Wow leave it to the Japanese to find Newme, using satellites and everything, goddamn that’s extensive. Well Sarah/Newme has gone batshit crazy and she’s seeing all the men she’s slept with and they’re all telling her she’s going to die.

Well she’s finally realized that she’s going to die and that she is the messiah. She goes out and Eric grabs her, they’re all afraid he may going to kill her, what does he do, he bites her and all of a sudden he’s cured… really one bite?

So Tara’s mom and Lafayette have reason to believe that Tara is leading them to their old house, and her husband, the reverend doesn’t want to believe it, until they beg him to try the V so he can see for himself. I’m surprised he goes along with it.

We are taken back to a flashback, one of Tara’s birthdays where her father is extremely angry and Tara almost shoots him, but doesn’t, but it is the day her father walked out and the day things changed as her mother hit the bottle.

Tara regrets that day, and her mother tells her it was never her fault, and now Tara can Rest In Peace knowing thins weren’t her fault.

So Violet kidnaps Adilyn and Wade to this sex dungeon because Jason slept with Jessica. So when Jessica goes to save Adilyn, Violet captures her. Then Jason goes and she captures him to. Guess who comes to the recuse, Hoyt! He was with Jason before he left and he left with his girlfriend so of course Hoyt followed. When he saw them in trouble he shoots Violet and she dies, thank god.

Why do I have a feeling Hoyt and Jessica will be a thing again?

Hoyt shows up at Bill’s house with blood for him since he found out that he’s sick, and Jess is there. They have a little conversation about death and loosing a parent and it is too sweet!

Eric shows up at Bill’s to tell Sookie he’ll be okay, but now she’s pissed at him because he won’t tell her about how he was healed. I wonder if Eric is going to help cure Bill. Well she takes things into her own hands and goes to Fangtasia to see Eric, but the Japanese are all there and he can’t talk, so he pretends to glamour her to go away, that got her so far. Only she goes back because she heard one of them think about Sarah in the basement. Now Sookie wants to know how she plays into it all. She uses her magic to see her memories and she figures it all out. I feel like there is too much high hopes here, something is not going to go right.

They end up all meeting in the basement, where Eric tells them to tell no one about it, but uhm they’ll notice Bill is healed. But then plot twist: Bill doesn’t want the blood.

So Sam actually leaves. After all these seasons of being in and out of trying to leave and then not. Nicole hates the town and she tells him she’s leaving to raise their kid in Chicago where she’s from. He has a hard time trying to figure out what to do, but in the end he decides to go with Nicole to be there for her and the baby, which I think is the right thing.

Bridget, Hoyt’s girlfriend, is super jealous of Jessica and he keeps telling her he’s never met her before, and then guess who shows up after that fight, Jessica. She tries to tell him about how they had a past, and so Bridget tells Hoyt if he goes out to talk to her they are through, and Hoyt walks out to talk to Jess. Oof.

The guess who Bridget calls… Jason. What a fucking love square. I guess Jessica has told Hoyt everything and so when Jason shows up, Hoyt knocks him out. That’s when Bridget drives him back to his place.

That’s where we think they’re going to have sex, but they don’t because she wants to teach him how to be in a bed without actually having sex with someone and they talk. They talk about his past with Hoyt and then it ventures to more personal things like having kids and how if he had a daughter he wouldn’t want her to meet someone like him. How sweet.

I love how Eric goes over to Bill to talk sense into him. Bill thinks he’s doing this for Sookie, and Eric thinks he isn’t. Ah those two!

Ah shit, so Gus ties Pam up because he’s found out that Sookie knows about Sarah and now he’s pissed at Eric. Gus wants to know where Sookie lives, ugh not good.

In the series finale (boo!) Nill goes to see Sookie to ask her to use her fairy powers to give him the true death; he wants her to set him free, to set her free.

Eric, Eric, Eric. So he wants to let Sarah go, so that they can have her to themselves, and now they’re going to kill Gus. Well they kill him in the most dramatic way, a fireball through a tunnel.

So now Sarah wants to be turned into a vampire, she thinks she’ll make a great vampire. That would be a bad idea since once she’s a vampire, the vampires wouldn’t be able to drink it, it would no longer be New Blood.

I don’t know if it’s sweet or not the fact that Bill wants Jessica to be taken care of when he leaves. He asks Hoyt if he’d be willing to marry her in the future. Like really? She needs a man for him to feel okay to die?!? Ugh Bill. I don’t like it in that sense, but I think it’s super sweet that Hoyt wants to marry her, and that Bill wants to be there for her wedding.

So they are going to get married! Jason is going to be Hoyt’s best man. I like that they’re starting over again, and I love how happy that makes Jason.

Sookie is going to be Jessica’s maid of honor. Andy is performing the ceremony, and Bill asks Andy (since Andy’s bloodline is related to Bill, and he is the next in that line, that means Andy will own the house when he dies) if he’s rent the house out to Jessica and Hoyt, and Andy says yes. Beautiful. It’s a very beautiful ceremony and it’s where Sookie can finally hear bill’s thoughts; you know that’s another sign he’s dying really fast.

Sookie ends up changing her mind and decides she’s going to kill him. But what she doesn’t realize until she’s about to kill him, is that if she uses her powers she won’t be a fairy anymore, so she tells him she can’t do it. But he still wants to die so in the end she stakes him… or well he helps to stake himself. I can’t believe Bill actually dies.

Then the show takes this weird ass turn where Pam and Eric are promoting New Blood, and it’s the fakest thing I’ve ever seen, it’s awful. We always knew they kept Sarah for themselves and they use her for business, they sell her blood from her body for money. It’s a whatever ending for those two characters, I would have wished for a better ending for Eric instead of that weird false ending.

But they redeem themselves because the show goes about five years into the future and everyone has grown up, Jason married Bridgett and they have 3 kids, Sam comes back with Nicole and their daughter, all the characters come back for a thanksgiving dinner and it’s beautiful. Sookie is pregnant, but they don’t really show who she’s married to, I guess it’s not supposed to matter, but still! I’d love to know.

It was still really sweet to see. I went through all the emotions with this show, but in the end it will always have a piece of my heart.

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