Children's Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory & Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Roald Dahl’s novels Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator.

First off, what was that second book? I hated every moment of Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator; I don’t know how I pushed through it, but it was just so bad. How does he go from amazing story to horrible follow up?

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by: Roald Dahl: There are five golden tickets to be won to enter Mr. Wonka’s chocolate factory. When Charlie Bucket hears this, he tries with all his might to win, not realizing what it entails if he wins. This was a marvellous story that was told very well. Dahl’s knack for storytelling really shines through in Charlie’s story. The plot was excellent and the pacing was just right; the reader always wanted to know what was going to happen to Charlie next. It was this great big adventure that the reader was going on, just like the characters. All Dahl’s characters were a bit over dramatic, but it fit really well with the story. The way it all came to end felt very abrupt. It’s good to know there is more to this story because the ending was not satisfying at all, it felt like a lazy way to leave things. Hopefully in the next book the story will get the proper ending it deserves.

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator

Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator by: Roald Dahl: Charlie Bucket is on yet another set of adventures. After getting his family to move to the Chocolate Factory, they all take a ride in the great glass elevator which takes them to outer space and back again. Not only do they get caught by the president, but they learn about a pill that can make you young, and one that makes you old. This novel was a complete let down after reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The plot jumped from one thing to the other without any real clear idea of where it was going; sure that could have been seen as the fun in this novel, but it just left the reader really confused and wondering why. The characters were kind of dull, and Mr. Wonka sounded like a complete airhead. In the previous novel he had some great wit to him, this novel he just said things that really made no sense, or it came off as rude. A lot of the dialogue felt like it was poking fun of, or trying to poke fun of different cultures and their leaders, which really didn’t sit well. The story didn’t really continue, and it felt like this novel was not really necessary. It’s too bad really because it sounded so promising.

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