Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Nightblood

Hello friends and happy Friday! Yay we’ve made it to the end of another week! I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of the final book in the Frost Blood trilogy, Nightblood by: Elly Blake.

You can read my review of book one: Frostblood
You can read my review of book two: Fireblood

Night Blood

Nightblood by: Elly Blake: The fate of Frostbloods and Firebloods is in Ruby’s hands since it’s up to her to somehow bring these two people together to fight off a common enemy. Tasked with holding the shadow within her she must set peace or risk being consumed by the shadow beast and creating a whole new brand of people, Nightbloods. For the most part, this was a fun adventure novel that really concluded the trilogy well. The plot took the characters to new highs and new lows and it was definitely captivating to read. The reader became truly invested in the previous novel and needed to know how it was all going to end. The plots were slightly unexpected; the reader didn’t really care for how perfect everything ended up being. We’re lead to believe one thing, only for the author to, in the end, be like no really that wasn’t going to actually end up happening and it’s going to end happily ever after instead. It just made everything that the characters went through not feel worth it. The reader also didn’t care for the love triangle that has been trying to form since book two; this book it was even more evident and it just played out as cheesy. It was added for this dramatic effect, even though we knew who was going to end up with whom from the beginning. The main character, Ruby did go through quite a bit which really strengthened her character for the better and prepared her for what was to come, which was great, her growth was really strong and well written. The addition of new characters and the truth of who characters we already thought we knew really shaped the story and had characters doing things they didn’t foresee themselves doing. In the end though, this world was such an intriguing place that the reader enjoyed being a part of it, exploring the depths of it and watching as it changed and formed for the better with each passing novel.